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tx ind

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Everything posted by tx ind

  1. So 2 weeks in a row the refs fuck the Texans
  2. I’m watching the game a bday w no volume, why was that not a fumble?
  3. Ah shit, Tank looks done, not good
  4. I got left home by accident once when I was pretty young. The family was headed to Paris for Christmas and in a rush they forgot me. I had to defend the house from a couple of low rent criminals but it all ended well.
  5. That suit button is doing more work than the front of a Selma Hayek bikini.
  6. They should have run a fucking poll (they are the champions of internet polls) on Texags and saved themselves a bunch of time.
  7. Is App State on the OOC slate?
  8. This past weekend and coaching hire are ~#350 on the list of things that school needs to be embarrassed about.
  9. My gawd that’s Bret Bielema’s music. Elko looks like when someone gets off a prison bus in a movie and they scan around thinking wtf have I done.
  10. that's where I'm at, CJ played his ass off again and put them in a spot to win
  11. why the hell did they call timeout?
  12. some major fucking chicanery from these officials
  13. CJ is the man. Why the fuck did it take Pierce getting hurt to feed Motor?
  14. They don't have a Shoney's?
  15. Willie Fritz has entered the chat https://texags.com/forums/5/topics/3426050
  16. If the Texans weren’t about to start I’d settle into this
  17. But at UTSA you don’t have to deal with Tillman
  18. If they were smart (narrator-they’re not) they would bring in sweaty Gary for a few years to stabilize things. He won’t sniff any conf championships but he’d make them respectable.
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