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tx ind

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Everything posted by tx ind

  1. Zero INTs thru 5 games and 170+ passes, got a QB
  2. God damnit, just let them go right down the field
  3. Tom Bihn makes high quality backpacks if you’re into that. Had my car broken into a few years back and was more pissed about losing the bag than anything that was in it.
  4. Mrs: Is that Mr T? Me: Mrs: but he has all that jewelry on
  5. Hopefully Helo picks the Twins
  6. Still would like to see him and Trump on the same stage for a debate, meatball would be crying by the end.
  7. That one vote was a great vote, some would say the greatest vote of all time. People dream about getting a vote like that, it’s historic. I gotta tell you, without even trying to get a vote like that is remarkable. Imagine if we tried we could have gotten dozens of votes.
  8. Like she like doesn’t like seem like too upset.
  9. we're getting closer to OnlyFans once she loses her seat
  10. https://news.yahoo.com/giuliani-drinking-long-fraught-subject-131939884.html
  11. You can make fun of his hair, his small hands, or a million other things and it won't hurt nearly as bad as being proven he isn't as rich as he claims. That will eat him up.
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