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Everything posted by XForce

  1. When you hear different voices on 3-7 you really see that moving Bob was a mistake. 3-7 could be great with a reshuffle.
  2. Came back after this morning to see if there are any news. Gift to see you guys haven’t stopped on the CFS talk. Cotton Patch makes a decent CFS and CFC. Their chicken fried brisket is not that great. Keep up the good work.
  3. For those of you good at equivalency tests, I need these filled in: Urban->Sark Ewers->_____ A. B. C. D.
  4. I know this has been asked before but the chick in the bottom right is????
  5. 32. Does a uterus really look like the outline of a longhorn head and if so can you show me where the clitoris is
  6. Some of the shit I read on here JFC Overshown was a Butkus semi finalist. We win against KState and suddenly our LB room didn’t need him? Gtfo This is ideal if you want to be good.
  7. Do you understand that if Ewers balls out in 2022 that it validates Sark therefore making Texas attractive to Manning? You want Ewers to pick Texas, ball out and leave in two years.
  8. Gotta respect Ewers. Got his money, got his college career started. 2 years at Texas and he goes NFL. I approve.
  9. Texas has had a few top 10 classes in the past 12 years, correct? If you don’t think a guy like Banks, a guy that’s played this game before, hasn’t had some influence in what Texas needs to do idk what to tell you. You have to win a few of these recruiting battles. I’m ok missing on Stewart if it gets people off their asses to make moves and you get others. Can’t miss on this one though. Ewers can make a lot of dominos fall for or against Texas that’s why I don’t see them missing
  10. You left out hit some really easy throws that open up other things for your offense.
  11. The pussies in here. You don’t think there are some boosters pissed about the recent losses? Ewers, Dewberry, and others. Calculator.
  12. I’m lazy. Was aggy ever in his top 5? Can’t see that guy in Jimbos offense but couldn’t have seen Stewart in that offense either.
  13. Idk man. Maybe you know more than the evaluators that rated him the best QB ever. I’ll withhold judgement for another year or so.
  14. Would rather have Cook return and hope that happens but we need guys with experience.
  15. I wish we could go back in time 10 years and offer Saban 15 mil/year. He’s worth 3-4x that much for Alabama. You make it so high that they can’t say no. Texas has been shopping in the discount bin yet bragging about being the top earner. Pussy ass leadership.
  16. Because this board is everywhere and I’m too lazy to find a thread—wasn’t LSU broke or something? How the fuck they affording 15mil a year? JFC
  17. Short sighted decision. Hope this pushes Demas into the portal. Would not hate seeing that gazelle in this offense.
  18. I don’t think some people can fathom how long it takes to get through 26 pages. Here’s what I’ve learned: -there really are people that think living in Norman is better than SoCal. So glad they knocked that shit off after the first 10 pages. -if you combined the posts referencing bags of dicks they would take up 4 pages. -OU fans rejoice in Riley leaving because he wasn’t very good. They prefer a guy with no HC experience. L. O. L. -Joe C will make the right hire? The guy hit on Stoops and pushed him out for Lincoln. 1 football championship and the other championships are in softball, gymnastics, golf, and swimming. No Directors Cups? Advantage Del Conte. -Riley’s afraid of SECSEC. Beat Florida 55-20 in January. Should have beat Georgia and beat Tennessee. I’m not buying that, he would have been fine in the West pod. Great move by LR. If it works the 30 for 30 will be interesting. USC will have the top class in 23 and with what he takes from OU 22 class and the portal, USC will have a better record than Texas next year. It’s interesting seeing the butterfly effect of joining the SEC instead of the PAC or B10. Going to be interesting watching the PAC coaches go at each other. Whittingham, Christobal, Kelly, and a bag of dicks. Brian Kelly to LSU? I love college football.
  19. It was enjoyable watching him think he read something, call it out, blitz and LSU go right where he came from. I will give him this though—he’s a better player today than BJ Foster is. Kind of weird seeing a guy that looks like and has the speed of a MLB playing safety. Elko though.
  20. I take solace in knowing he’ll be attached to an underachieving university for the rest of his life. It’s going to make the head to head wins so enjoyable.
  21. Maybe you misinterpreted what I was saying. It’s completely his team now and he no longer has excuses. He could be what they expected for so long.
  22. And he’s 2-3 against Michigan State. One win and he suddenly fucks? Nah but he could be turning it around and every player on that roster he recruited.
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