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Everything posted by BevoSwag

  1. I have such mixed feelings about the sit out by B1G and Pac12. On the one hand I'm delighted Nebraska and tOSU and PSU are currently getting screwed. OTOH I will miss three or four B1G games this year if they do not play. The Pac12 I could absolutely care less about other than Oregon. None of that conference will be missed until USC rights itself. I cannot imagine the "old school" like Wisconsin, Michigan and Iowa like being dictated to by newcumbers Rutgers and Maryland or Nebraska or even PSU for that matter.
  2. Every time I see one of these great dog pics on here I want to hug him/her. How I love a dog.
  3. Reminds me of my all time favorite satirical guy, Tom Leher and "The Bomb". https://www.google.com/search?q=Tom+Leher+The+Bomb&oq=Tom+Leher+The+Bomb&aqs=chrome..69i57j0.3695j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 "Eqypt says it wants one too Just to use on you know who" Funny stuff back pre 1967 War.
  4. I'm posting this as an old guy who worked 40 plus years in the industry, albeit accounting, in USA and China. This lawsuit appeals to me. There is no man on earth worth $100 million even if he discovers the cure for Covid-19. She lost her lawsuit against Anadarko so I'm sure the facts are somewhat skewed but this old fart hopes the dude has to give up his jackpot. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-09-09/anadarko-s-100-million-ceo-ensnared-in-oilfield-fraud-lawsuit The merger with OXY was a horrible mistake. Paper money. Today's economy.
  5. My gosh. Did they have short lifespans? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  6. LOL. I was thinking just the opposite. Leave it to worthless Volunteers to cause cancellation of football season for the rest of us.
  7. Memphis misfits vs Arkie St should be great
  8. That banner is so annoying. I was hoping the banner got Covid-19 this season. Almost like the Jumbotron music. And I get all the youngins here pulling for Shane but I'm too old and remember the cheatin Pony Express.
  9. @AL_4_ISU...How old were they when you first introduced them to the boat? No issues or fear from the dogs? Great photo.
  10. I know we are suppose to be diversified but damned if I'm not in the same boat as you.
  11. It was too hot lol. "Serious fine" awaits. https://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/passenger-takes-walk-on-airplane-wing/index.html
  12. Pre markets are holding up relatively well this evening. This may have been a slight blip.
  13. Well that entertainment ended rather abruptly.
  14. Senior Execs not affected, of course https://www.cbssports.com/college-basketball/news/ncaa-to-furlough-entire-staff-in-indianapolis-for-up-to-two-months-per-report/
  15. Bows down! Thank you thank you thank you.
  16. It's a damn site better than mine. Fuck you Xfinity.
  17. Are you kidding? In an election year? They can't wait to parade in front of the cameras with another round of fuckery.
  18. Was really getting excited today to finally have football on my TV. Fuck you Comcast/Xfinity. I only pay you bastards $224 a month and I don't get ESPN3 or CBS Sports, the only two channels televising football, but it get 400 other worthless pieces of shit channels.
  19. I don't follow Buffett as closely as I use to but the wise old owl may have an idea the dollar is going to be very weak. Note his sales of JP Morgan Chase, Goldman Sacs among other financials and bought gold. His purchase a couple of days ago of nearly $6B in Japanese stocks tells me he has little faith in the US Dollar.
  20. Hoping this is the beginning of rotation to value stocks.
  21. I'm on the train, I'm just waiting for the derailment
  22. But I still have to try and get my head around Intel's PE of around 7 vs AMD's PE of 170 and change.
  23. Fair Warning To Surly Viewers: I've started dabbling in small buys in the market today. Beware of the impending crash.
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