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Everything posted by pearlandhorn

  1. Amazing what happens when you let your offensive coordinator call plays right Herman? Fucking meddling fraud.
  2. Yep. Tom is going to fuck around, not go for the jugular and Baylor will have a last minute drive and win the game. Tom will throw the defense under the bus in postgame and CDC will fire him as he leaves the stage.
  3. I’m here to watch herman squirm. Every Baylor score is one nail hammered in to his coffin as the Texas head coach.
  4. Intel has allowed AMD to gain so much market share by being lazy and lacking innovation. The consumer benefits. What resolution do you play games on? If 1440 or above, get a 3080. If at 1080, get a 3070. The performance gain for just upgrading your GPU will be very very noticeable.
  5. Haven't had a soda in 2.5 years. Powerade zero calorie is my jam though. Hopefully they don't cut the orange flavor.
  6. People are saying urban may want to keep ash on as DC? Count me as one who fails to see any improvement by the defense. Why the fuck would we want to keep him here?
  7. This country spends millions, if not billions of dollars every year on pointless shit. Fireworks are the greatest example of this. Are they cool? Sure. Do I want to buy them? Absolutely fuck no. That being said, flyovers are badass.
  8. A lot of people are playing CoD, Apex Legends. I play mainly GTA 5 and Destiny 2. Younger (high school) kids play Fortnite.
  9. What's going on with the vaccine trials? Haven't really seen any discussion in the media or anywhere in the past few weeks.
  10. Doing my first brisket some time this week on my Traeger. I'll probably smoke it at 185/190 overnight then wrap it in butcher paper around 7 am after 8 hours. Will bump up the temp to 250 to finish the cook. Plan is to have it rested by 4 and slicing by 5:30 or 6. Will post pics.
  11. Well in that case: Fuck you Herman. I hope Texas hires Urban and he unfucks what you’ve fucked up.
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