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Everything posted by pearlandhorn

  1. I don't have low t (not that I know of) but due to really taking a look at my diet, I've learned that a lot of what you eat and drink can have an effect on your testosterone levels. Also, you say you work out 3 times a week. Have you thought about going more frequently but less time? For instance, if you're going 3x a week for an hour and a half each trip, go 4 times a week for an hour each time. Physical exercise has proven to increase resting testosterone levels. If you are exercising and feeling like you're going through the motions, change it up. Seriously though, watch your diet. Diets high in fat (keto for example) can cause decreases in testosterone levels. Make sure you are eating clean, drinking plenty of water, lay off the booze.
  2. From now on, I'm planning on it. Sadly, no, I was unable to subdue the dog until animal control got there. It was able to run off as I checked over my dog. I've been driving around the area looking for it and am monitoring the intakes of the animal shelter and hopefully it turns up. Probably won't but who knows? I'm just glad my dog is ok. Currently laying on the couch dozing about to eat a bacon cheeseburger pattie.
  3. Went for a normal run this morning with Kora, my 3 year old border collie (picture over the last few pages). We were attacked by a loose dog about 1.5 miles in to the run. Large 80 pound chow mix is what I think it was. No owner in sight, no collar or tags. Called animal control. Wife came and picked us up. Kora is doing ok, took her to the vet and got her shaved a bit, antibiotics and pain meds. They also cleaned out the wounds really well and we will monitor for infection. She’s got two teeth punctures (one on each hip) and she’s walking around like a 90 year old woman. She’s up to date on her rabies vaccine which is good. Working on tracking down the owner of the dog. I’m heading to the pound at 5 to see if it’s been picked up. I’m being checked out by an urgent care as I have a pretty bad cut on my right calf that may require stitches. If it’s from a mouth, I may have to get the rabies shot. When that dog came at my dog, I did everything in my power to protect her. She’s my buddy. No running for her for a month. That will probably hurt her feelings more than the fight she got into.
  4. It’s easy to stay off the booze when you don’t keep it in the house. Never been too much of a drinker anyway.
  5. A little? Coming up with a conspiracy in which a player, recruited by Tom Herman, to commit a turnover in the hopes of getting the guy who recruited him and come 1,000 miles away from home, fired. That’s a little aggyish to you? Come on man.
  6. Imagine what the White House would look like. I’m in.
  7. Probably the most aggy thing I’ve ever seen on this board. Jesus Christ.
  8. It’s 2020. Everything and anything can happen.
  9. Great series. Finished it in two nights with the wife. I loved chess growing up.
  10. I still can’t bring myself to go the gym. Covid scares the shit out of me. Im still running 5 days a week with one long run on saturdays that’s around 5-6 miles or so. I get in around 18 miles per week. I’m still 185. Good for you on the weight loss!
  11. Bled for the program, lunch pale, coach on the field.
  12. Why do I feel like Texas players get hurt twice as often as other teams? Either the players are fucking pussies (very likely) or our strength and conditioning program is ass (very likely).
  13. The fact that Brewer is in the game over Wiley is a stat in its own.
  14. Yes we can. We just have to get a penalty to do it! Stopping people is very very hard.
  15. I’m probably 5 or 6 years older than you you young whippersnapper. So kindly, go fuck yourself and stick to Instagram and tik tok and leave the grown up discussion to the adults.
  16. Are two fan bases really arguing about why their team will lose this game in this thread? Fuck 2020. Fire Herman.
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