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Posts posted by StassneyHorn

  1. 1 hour ago, F250 said:

    I think everyone has one of those Tios and they are best caricatured as wearing jorts, a Dallas Cowboys shirt and a Cowboys cap worn backwards. Usually they are standing next to the pit holding their 15th Budweiser and yelling at someone instructions on how to fix the problem with a truck's 02 sensor then end the advice with a "pinche joto" then proceed with talking about their latest fishing trip to Corpus.


    I have a Mexican friend from Corpus and we always says “Go Cowboys” if one of us gets a Bud Heavy at the bar. So this hits close to home.

  2. 1 hour ago, F250 said:

    I think everyone has one of those Tios and they are best caricatured as wearing jorts, a Dallas Cowboys shirt and a Cowboys cap worn backwards. Usually they are standing next to the pit holding their 15th Budweiser and yelling at someone instructions on how to fix the problem with a truck's 02 sensor then end the advice with a "pinche joto" then proceed with talking about their latest fishing trip to Corpus.


    I have a Hispanic friend and old roommate from Corpus who always sarcastically said “Go Cowboys” when I’d order a bud heavy at a bar. So I like this.

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  3. My dad grew up in the West Virginia panhandle right on the Ohio River and to this day still refers to people from there as “Ohio rats.”  The only thing you grew up doing there was drugs or working at Homer Laughlin. When he would take the bridge into Ohio he always flipped off the other lane of traffic and told me it’s to let them know where’s he from (giving the middle finger with your thumb out looks like WV). Trashy, but funny

    so yea, fuck Ohio.

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    • Haha 1
  4. Dan Patrick has been on this cenotaph tiff with George P for awhile now. Not smart to call attention to how crazy one’s self is but he has his reasons I guess. Going on Fox News as much as he can to be a memorable face while showing absolutely nothing of value. His general election in 2022 will be hard enough, but to think going all out in a primary to secure your spot in the state government in Texas is no longer an automatic ticket to a statewide victory. It has been for the longest time, but will not be the case moving forward.

  5. Finally Solo’d today in New Braunfels. Had issues with landings for the longest time and never fully understanding how to break it down into two parts. Kept thinking of the flare and touchdown as one continuous motion and would never ride out until the “sinking” part and had hard landings for the longest time. When it wasn’t that, I wasn’t bringing the yoke back far enough. When it wasn’t that I was bouncing. First lesson with a different CFI and he cleared it up literally after watching me go to land after the second attempt. Wish I would’ve done it sooner to save money but the mental wall feels like it’s been knocked over.

    No shirt cutting, wore our uniform shirt.

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  6. Red herring is a kind of fallacy that is an irrelevant topic introduced in an argument to divert the attention of listeners or readers from the original issue. In literature, this fallacy is often used in detective or suspense novels to mislead readers or characters, or to induce them to make false conclusions.

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  7. The Southern Strategy is taught to Texans in 7th grade and again at 16 years old and then they never hear about it again. People on this own board do not believe it was a real thing. 

    if you say Republicans are party of Lincoln, you cannot wave a Confederate flag at a Republican rally. Turn that into a shorter rally cry, and they’ll realize it. “Don’t Cry for the Confederacy” or any other stuff like that.

    MAGA flags are the new Confederate flags.


    EDIT: This is bungled. I’m 7 beers deep. Don’t quote me.

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