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Posts posted by StassneyHorn

  1. 55 minutes ago, gmr548 said:

    Well it depends on how you define depression. There isn't really a concrete definition for the term. Some use X quarters of consecutive contraction, usually four or eight. By that measure, the US was at its economic nadir right around when FDR got elected, and the economy started growing again after that point. GDP had recovered to pre-crash levels by 1937-38, though there was a smaller recession after that point. While unemployment declined significantly from its peak by the late 30s,it didn't come all the way down to full employment until the US entered the war.

    I’ll put a sarcasm tag next time /s

  2. Abbott needs to have a presser where he tells everyone to keep a bandanna in their passenger seat. Half the bullshit about being a pussy lib or anger with forgetting it when going to HEB will disappear overnight cause it will travel with you. 

    • Like 1
  3. Just now, Anastasis said:

    At best he is selectively picking the time frame to make a misleading point.  Very aggy. I would argue that by necessity the three day total for each day during the current month includes data from the prior month for the two days at the beginning of the assessment period. Maybe that makes me stupid.  More likely imo, it is an indication of imprecision in the wording of the post, if not an attempt to outright mislead the reader.  

    May 1 was when Texas reopened, right? That’s probably the reason “this month” was used even though everyone knows you don’t attract, get sick, and hospitalized in one day.  Shitty use on their part, just as mind numbing to use it as a gotcha.

  4. 9 minutes ago, burntorangebongos said:

    I don't think he should take the black vote for granted. He needs to reward it by picking a strong black woman. Warren can work anywhere in the administration and shine. She is so fucking capable. And she is also passed 70. The Veep he picks is going to have first dibs at a presidential run once Biden is out of the picture.

    I am not a big fan of Harris but I can live with her.  My issue is her being cozy with cops and with how she treated the back page owners for political points.  But those are minor points in today's environment. I am more intrigued by Stacy Abrams but am admittedly not sure she has the name recognition and gravitas as Harris or even Val Demmings. The core of the party is black women. Make them energized with your pick and you will fucking own. 

    Stacey Abrams is having a joint interview w/Biden on MSNBC tonight around 9 with Lawrence O Donnell if interested. Pretty sure it’s a dry run to gauge sentiment and see how she responds to all the attention.

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  5. With Joe Biden’s age, I want the best option available to be president if he goes down. Biden already has the black vote and is 100x the candidate in the Midwest HRC could ever be IMO. Most people countrywide have already made up their mind I would venture and this shouldn’t be a difficult to understand post analysis.

    Warren probably got a ten point plan for that like some Leslie Knope freak.

  6. 45 minutes ago, notre dame joe said:

    Where were you during the impeachment coup?


    (The difference being Hunter Biden was on a foreign payroll)

    Burisma is a private company. They paid him a fairly normal wage for an oil and gas company I’d assume. I’ve worked at Dimensional here in Austin and board members were getting a fairly healthy amount in either cash or stock

    • Like 1
  7. Lady on MSNBC said that Burr executed the trades himself vs Loeffler and Feinstein’s husband using an advisor to execute the transactions which could be a distinction. The amount Burr went through with was much closer to his entire net worth vs Loeffler whose husband is valued around half a billion and whatever the Feinstein’s are worth. Didn’t double check, so take it for what it’s worth to you.

    Trump’s people aren’t mad about Burr being tangled in this, and along with him already saying this was his last term I think puts him on resignation watch.

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