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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by henrygandorf

  1. he’s getting closer and closer to getting my vote.
  2. she was obviously trying to say something else, but what?
  3. it should take years of intense training to be able to obfuscate like that.
  4. i don't mind the team-up, but the flashbacks were a lot. reacher lives by a code. it's really simple. if he says stuff about people, we're inclined to believe it. we don't need 2 hours of flashbacks in an 8 hour season.
  5. i would've assumed he took tests. until he started telling everyone he took tests. now i know there were no tests.
  6. are you suggesting there is shoplifting at in n' out, or is this just your signature?
  7. polls never get settled until it's 1 on 1. i know for all practical purposes, it's trump, but it's not officially trump yet.
  8. right but all the maga crazies won’t turn out. shit, if haley beat trump (she won’t) they’d probably vote for biden to avenge him. they’re gonna have to square that issue at some point.
  9. if we want to head in a new direction, he’s not a republican either. anyone picking up a pattern here?
  10. y’all need to drink more. i don’t remember half that shit.
  11. actually enjoyed s1, not sure what changed.
  12. quoting from the snl cold open last night “he went to 99 counties but bitch couldn’t win one”.
  13. if supporting these policies (mostly anti-poor, but whatevs) makes one a racist, then sure, you can call him a racist. but he's not an according-to-hoyle racist like what we're used to seeing and dealing with in our lifetimes (and our parents and grandparents lifetimes, etc). he doesn't support racist policies because he's a racist. everything he supports or opposes is based on what he thinks will get him votes because all he cares about is power.
  14. people have been saying this for about a decade, and i really can't figure out why. but here's a little cheat sheet - if it hasn't happened by now, it isn't going to. and you know why it hasn't happened by now? because he's not a racist. i know that's hard for some of you to hear, but he's not. the flow chart in his brain doesn't work that way. in life, he likes rich people and hates poor people. i can pretty much guarantee you he hates poor white people as much as he hates poor black or brown people. he doesn't want to associate with any poor people and he doesn't want them in or around his buildings. in politics, he likes people who like him and hates anyone who doesn't. it doesn't get more complex than that. spur-of-the-moment racism is too complicated for his lizard brain. he doesn't have a bunch of n-words on the tip of his tongue and is somehow suppressing them. he doesn't have anywhere near that type of control. don't get me wrong - he likes racists and he likes white nationalists...because they vote for him.
  15. episode 8 recap - reacher is handcuffed but still beats up 5 armed guys. then the bad guy is like, ok, sit down, i'm gonna beat on you for a bit. so instead of taking him on, he sits down and lets him beat on him a bit. i also appreciated the senator calling, but reacher answering yet another phone call where the other side of the line simply says, "is it done?" most of reacher's phone communication starts this way. i'm gonna start asking "is it done?" when i'm just calling normal people, just to amp up the intrigue.
  16. episode 7 recap - hey so the bad guys have been trying to capture/kill the special investigators all season and have been unable to. but now they've captured two of them, but we're just going to tell you that it happened, and even though we love action scenes, we're not going to show you, lolol.
  17. that was for wayne and scotty. only lorraine knew. secrets make the relationship stronger. that was also the moment lorraine was forced to reevaluate her. side question - they mentioned more than once that hamm spent too much govt $ on shit he didn't need, and they specifically brought up a tank (i think). did they have the tank at the big end showdown? you probably don't need a tank, but if you already bought one, that would seem the time to roll her out.
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