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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by henrygandorf

  1. you do. the purge is in the constitution.
  2. yeah, to the fucking morgue.
  3. point of order, the defendant was too dumb to know the difference.
  4. i enjoyed the part about whether certain acts were done by "the president" vs "the candidate seeking re-election". did trump do one thing in 4 years that wasn't in aid of his re-election bid?
  5. to whomever hasn't paid, go ahead and pay. don't make me send in the brute squad.
  6. judge will get hurt if i have to go full gillooly myself.
  7. pretending to do shit in dc is just honoring a campaign promise.
  8. well i still have 2 years to get there, so i guess you weren’t a calendar major, were you?
  9. guessing you don’t spend much time on the platform.
  10. is this a serious post? i said it was bad timing to crack down on it. that’s not really something that anyone can be right or wrong about, let alone dead wrong. but sure, take your victory lap, you’ve probably earned it for all your obsession. as for my 3 year prediction, you know what the word “or” means, right? the second part of that sentence has already happened and it took less than a year. they’re a legacy streamer, which is an advantage, and other streamers are run by morons or shouldn’t have been started in the first place, which also helps them. in general, people are lazy. that’s why most will keep netflix despite the drop in quality or price increases, just like most olds keep cable, because that’s what they’ve always done. the good news for netflix is that they can afford to keep making multi-billion dollar mistakes. yay.
  11. go reread what i actually said and you’ll see that most of my prediction has already happened. their library is for shit and about half is foreign language. they have done a nice job of picking the bones of the other suffering platforms though. oh, and their stock is down 50+ points today. but sure, go netflix.
  12. i engineered the whole thing. it came from a joke and shadow op is still tied to my gmail from derka’s initial banning. 2.0 couldn’t load up anything original i guess.
  13. derka has alerted me that a deal was struck to chop the championship pot at 400/300 (instead of the pre-arranged 500/200) so it seems you're owed a hundo more than you initially thought. he wanted me to pass that along, as a continuation of his relentless efforts to poison this website.
  14. hello fantasy basketball players. you all did well and should be proud. you should be proud that you almost did as well as derka. but you did not. you have failed. you sicken me. his venmo is blake-ross-24 he can't post it himself because of reasons. good day to you.
  15. i go back and forth on this. i really don't see a decision made because a vp pick is a "good" fundraiser. and didn't some of haley's people leave and start raising money for biden? remember, trump still thinks campaigns are run like 50 years ago. i think he will choose someone to attack a perceived (obviously real) weakness. he's been doing publicity stunts to gain black support, but at the end of the day, the gender gap will fuck him. i think he's gotta get a noem type to try and bring in the suburban women. not saying it will work, i just think it's the move he will think is best. also, fwiw, the site that once had biden at +202 (when i first bet it), now has biden at +115, and has dem vs gop at pick'em. which i guess accounts for the chance something happens to biden's health in the next 6 months. predictit has biden up 52-45. that site leans right but has always been more accurate than polling.
  16. he died how he lived. sitting in judgment and shitting his pants.
  17. my people will call your people.
  18. i had a gaping hole in my outfield and y'all just let me pick up colton cowser? seems like a tactical error.
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