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Loch Ness Monster

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  1. Are the 'undecideds' or Jill Stein people out there bigger retards? Sorry for my french.
  2. Is it bad I couldn't pick this guy out of a lineup? And I try to keep up with politics. Think it would take a superstar type candidate to win a state wide race as a Dem at least this year in Texas.
  3. Have had some Republican voters tell me they hate Ted Cruz with a passion but they are too afraid Allred will just fall in line with the Dem leaders so they will stick with Cruz so you probably have a point. Abortion is the only topic Allred is winning on with voters from what I can tell.
  4. Why would Ted Cruz agree to a debate? Lots of out of state people have moved here since covid. Would definitely say they lean right but I may just be making that up. Did Beto gain more voters when he leaned left and started talking about banning assault weapons? Feel like that just rallied more of the MAGA base to actually show up. Maybe certain left leaning positions would be popular even in Texas idk.
  5. Undecided voters in this election are irrelevant. The turn out among the Dem and never Trump base is gonna be historic that's all that matters. I've talked with plenty of Trumpers on the phone. This isn't 2016.
  6. Think we need to send Tim Scott to an Uncle Tom rehabilitation camp. Yes sir master!!!
  7. Trump is finished. Been betting my Trump family and friends $100 at a time. It's gonna be great.
  8. Oh great! Undecided CNN voter saying gas prices were lower under Trump so I'm voting for him no matter what. Might want to gather her up and stab her for being a moron. Know that's drastic sorry. She said she was undecided so it's fair.
  9. Trump got absolutely destroyed. He's losing in November and may or may not go to prison.
  10. Holy hell Trump is stupid. I think my neighbor might be smarter.
  11. Netanyahu is a war criminal. Know Israeli propaganda has been pumped HARD over the last 50 years in the USA but they are true evil at this point under Netanyahu. Will throw in Ted Cruz being partly responsible as his AIPAC donor tells him how many weapons Israel needs.
  12. Consider myself more progressive but man, they truly are the most unorganized do-nothing complainer circle jerk purity test sobs around. See plenty of Pro-Palestine tiktokers getting thousands of American eyeballs. Definitely empathize with the cause unfortunately they often promote not voting or Jill Stein so yeah pretty much worthless and can be ignored. Why pander to them when the Never Trumpers are a much bigger pool of actual voters? No one wants to be held hostage by a small group of crybabies threatening to not even vote.
  13. I've called over 1000 Texans for a certain Dem campaign. Remarkable how there's almost two different realities today. Mostly tried to agree with hardcore Trumpers and tried to get them to go against Ted Cruz.
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