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Loch Ness Monster

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  1. Brat is just the name of the new album of pop star Charlie XCX. The pop star tweeted "Kamala IS brat" and then Kamala's team ran with it on social media.
  2. Don't think Usha really tweeted this but yeah
  3. In fairness to Meghan, its not unchristian in MAGA world to say that most immigrants are rapists and criminals. White women feeling personally attacked is unchristian though!
  4. Not only do undocumented immigrants commit less crimes than Americans on average, undocumented immigrants are supposed to reduce our federal deficit by like 800 billion over the next 10 years. Not even a drain on our economy like many claim.
  5. A random article where one undocumented immigrant did something horrific is like crack cocaine to MAGA world. Overall statistics just go over their head. Might be some more recent charts but I have heard encounters at the border are up? Even though overall undocumented immigrants are nothing out of the ordinary.
  6. My MAGA family talking points so far: 1. Nancy Pelosi and/or George Soros pulled off a coup! Nobody voted for Kamala. The evil Dems don't care about democracy. Also Kamala was involved in a cover up about Bidens health. When did she know?!? 2. Kamala invited all the illegal immigrants to come on over because they vote Dem. The MS-13 members are committing violent acts and also taking all the great jobs. 3. She will turn America into a San Francisco hellscape. They are aborting babies, heroin needles everywhere and becoming trans or homeless. 4. She was only picked because she's black. Wait is she really even black? I heard she was Indian and Jamaican. 5. Did you hear about Kamala's sexual past? Most frustrating part is their research or gotchas are Facebook posts or some random YouTube nut with 1000 views.
  7. Trump speaking at a rally right now. Said Kamala wants to abort babies at 8 and 9 months. She even wants to execute babies after they are born. Terrible! Who believes this stuff. Lol
  8. Yikes. Not sure spray painting statues in DC is going to help your cause.
  9. Lots of protestors outside the Netanyahu speech to Congress. Gonna go ahead and say, let Shapiro stay in PA. Don't piss off Muslims.
  10. Did George Clooney help save America from fascism? We'll see what the script writers have next.
  11. Trumpers already calling Kamala a hoe and lazy on social media. Hunter Bidens laptop no longer the focus!
  12. Trump is far too old to be President for four more years. Kamala has my vote.
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