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Everything posted by TejasPedro

  1. If Urban is a no go this is my list in this order
  2. Is the JR Ewing of Seattle getting in on page 808?
  3. Oh My, that makes me want Urban more than ever. I would take that over a Tom Herman Mensa presser after a loss. Urban Meyer will never tell how good or bad practice is on Sunday his results on the field the following Saturday will tell you everything you need to know. Leave Herman on the Riverwalk.
  4. A pen and a paper, a stereo, a tape of Me and Eric be , and a nice big plate of Fish, which is my favorite dish But without no money it's still a wish
  5. if you see the angel number 800, it means that your angel is urging you to remain persistent. Your Guardian Angel is screaming get on the Urban Express and ride this thing to 1000 and beyond. Ain’t no party like Urban life party, cause an Urban Life party don’t stop
  6. You're tearing me apart! You, you say one thing, and he says another, and then everybody changes back again!
  7. We need a worst of 2020. Still having Tom Herman at the beginning and at the end. WW84 Losing EVH to the eternal transfer portal And seeing this abomination It looks like they were serving something they found in a Chinese wet market
  8. The number 7 symbolizes the universal consciousness, spirituality and spiritual evolvement, which leads to spiritual awakening and enlightenment. This number also symbolizes intuition, inner guidance, inner wisdom, a deeper understanding of things and people, empathic gifts, psychic abilities, natural healing abilities and healing, faith, religion, secrets, philosophy, mysticism, rituals, peace, perseverance, and endurance. It also symbolizes knowledge and knowing that Urban Meyer is coming to Texas. Merry Christmas Longhorn Nation
  9. Wow, those are real deal Fritos corn Chips those aren’t some Knock-off HEB Texas corn chips.you must be doing really well for yourself or you got a huge Christmas bonus. I’m guessing you are serving real tomato catsup with that spread.
  10. Well, for the record I just spoke with béchamel, velouté, espagnole, hollandaise, and tomato they are all in agreement, it will be Urban to Texas
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