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Everything posted by TejasPedro

  1. The pooch is screwed. We keep finding a new bottom to hit. We are past hell. Only Urban can rise from these ashes. Or we need to face the facts we are now the new Tennessee.
  2. Under Urban Meyer can we get rid of the minstrel of culture and usher in Hank_Hill as the Sinister Minister
  3. If man is 5 If man is 5 If man is 5 Then the devil is 6 Then the devil is 6 Then the devil is 6 Then Meyer is Seven Then Meyer is Seven Then Meyer is Seven This Longhorn’s gone to heaven
  4. The page number of the beast will be epic!
  5. Is there an alternative certification, asking for a friend?
  6. I wish I had her on a desk top hologram, every time I was indecisiveness I would hit a button like a Joel Olsten cube and she would pop up and be all like.....
  7. 汤姆·赫尔曼不是个好教练. 亲爱的上帝,给我们城市迈耶。
  8. After the ravens game tonight the Ravens may be looking for a coach that has some fresh new ideas about hydration
  9. Wintrust. The old facility was cool I think the same thing of Gregory Gym
  10. DePaul has a great basketball arena around the corner from solider field
  11. We could build a training facility in Far East Austin and build an elevated tram with a barber shop and rap studio, Tattoo parlor and a business entrepreneurial program all on the tram so they can ride and take care of they paper and align all their funding streams at the same time
  12. Well, just hold on a minute, in their defense, the glove of the Offensive lineman looked like another one of those fashion straps
  13. Would start watching NFL again if he went to one of the following teams Titans Ravens Steelers (and I hate the Steelers) The Chiefs would be cool to see another longhorn play linebacker there
  14. Is there anymore BIL action coming out other than this
  15. Tom Herman to the Dallas Cowboys makes so much sense. The Jones’s don’t give two shits about winning a championship: Neither does Herman. Cowboys need a thin skinned knee jerk reactionary coach who blames everyone but the actual person that needs to be blamed: Tom is that guy Cowboys hydration game is weak sauce: Herman’s hydration plan is next level 3D wetness Tom Herman is smart: The Jones’s are more smarter
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