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Poe It Up

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Everything posted by Poe It Up

  1. It’s tough to prove that, unless it’s blatantly obvious like the Sandmann case. But I will say that I knew of several people that had no idea the victims were white until I told them, which speaks to the poor coverage.
  2. Pay whatever the fuck they want, there’s always a number.
  3. This is dumb. Just loan OU some money with high interest, problem solved.
  4. Poe It Up


    Speaking of posters that aren’t here anymore, what happened to that jimmyjames guy? I kinda miss reading all of his hyper-paranoid posts.
  5. Poe It Up


    No, my point was that I live in an area with very few openly gay people. Yes, it happened. It happens all the time to parents, there’s all kinds of threats made to get their way, you can’t parent in fear. You’ll end making terrible decisions. This particular kid seems to be on the straight and narrow right now, which is awesome. It’s true that I find it very difficult to empathize with individuals facing this issue, it’s foreign to me and although it makes me uncomfortable, I do try. I’ll never be on board with transitioning children, but maybe there’s a middle ground to be found.
  6. Poe It Up


    No need for name calling. I was curious on whether they had children because it helps to understand where they’re coming from.
  7. Poe It Up


    My father committed suicide and I’ve dealt with the whole range of emotions associated with it, including guilt. He wielded it as a weapon for many years, so I’m very sensitive to that particular threat. It doesn’t mean you do nothing, it means you intervene in a more creative fashion.
  8. Poe It Up


    Definitely. My friend’s son threatened suicide after he took his PlayStation away. Does that mean he gave it back? Of course he didn’t. There are effective measures beyond your child parenting you.
  9. Poe It Up


    Ha, contagious. No, it’s just not my thing.
  10. Poe It Up


    Do you have children? Not to be rude, but it sounds like you have zero understanding of how they operate.
  11. Poe It Up


    One would have to steel themself against that likelihood regardless of parental decisions. The suicide rate in that community is very high. Still, if your decisions are solely based on the probability of suicide, you’re not a parent, you’re a hostage.
  12. Poe It Up


    That’s a question a child lacks the appropriate life experience to answer. They’d eat skittles for every meal if allowed.
  13. Poe It Up


    It’s important to listen and be empathetic. Trust? Well, let’s just say it depends on the situation. The question is how much physical health is one willing to sacrifice for their mental health? For many, the cost is too great.
  14. Poe It Up


    I don’t hate anyone, it’s too much energy. But I’m not going to destroy my child’s reproductive health at 10 either. Those hormones have medical risks that can cause serious health issues. It’s far too much risk and I hope they would understand my reasoning. If not, fine. I’ll love them anyway.
  15. Poe It Up


    Parents have to make decisions based on what’s best for their child, not how much their child will like them.
  16. Poe It Up


    This is all so very new and the rules we’re supposed to play by are constantly changing. We’ll get there, but there will always be parents that refuse to let their child make an irreversible decision like this one. I know I’m one.
  17. No, not really. I loved the game and I know expanding the storylines for minor characters can be challenging for writers, but it’s something I really enjoy.
  18. I think Bill found Frank all chewed up in the game, so they’ve taken some artistic license writing the show. I had no idea Bill was gay, actually. We skipped through the beard on beard action, but so far have been impressed with storyline.
  19. Look, Houston is disgusting, but any list that doesn’t have New Orleans at the top isn’t worth shit.
  20. That’s gotta suck to go to the playoffs and still get your recruits stolen.
  21. Poe It Up


    My favorite comment is “The university should be a shame of their selves.” Now that guy is going places.
  22. I find your screed against my ilk very offensive.
  23. The judge needs to be behind bars, he’s responsible.
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