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Poe It Up

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Everything posted by Poe It Up

  1. Isn’t Mitchell on campus at the deadline to enroll? Wonder what it takes to get an 8 confidence from Roach.
  2. We no longer have speedy trials, as these convictions take years. In the meantime, we have smart judges like Josh that make sure these pieces of shit add to their victim count. He’s a genius compared to Josh.
  3. “Why would they let a violent habitual offender out for 1 dollar?” Totally normal people: “you hate the constitution!”
  4. I’m sure the woman that was kidnapped and beaten for days appreciates your stance on Harris County justice.
  5. That piece of shit judge is a Longhorn, unbelievable.
  6. It was a breeze up north before Exxon built their Woodlands campus.
  7. Sark must think Jackson will bolster his Mater Dei connection.
  8. That looks like the typical paranoia associated with excessive cocaine use. Pretty impressed by the cop.
  9. Jail is a really terrible place. Luckily, it’s pretty easy to avoid.
  10. With all due respect to the restaurant owner, it’s time to get rid of those fucking slot machines.
  11. No, the feelings crowd won and now we all get to enjoy the results.
  12. I personally know a few Republicans that held their nose and voted Dem because of Roe.
  13. It definitely wasn’t a red wave. At least we got the house, that’s what I’m telling myself.
  14. Agreed, Beto losing again was absolutely beautiful.
  15. I’m blaming both of them, this was entirely avoidable.
  16. He pled out of a murder charge in 2015, that’s their fault. My bigger issue is how this felon is still on the streets after violently attacking a family member since his release. It shouldn’t be up to random guys with guns to do their fucking job for them.
  17. Maybe from the assault charge, I’m not sure where he did his 6 years (out of 15), but not the family violence charge stemming from last month. The guy was a menace.
  18. In normal counties I know how it works. Your guess is as good as mine in that shitty county.
  19. This piece of shit was involved in a murder in 2015. So naturally, Harris County let’s him out early to terrorize his community. Morons.
  20. This is also a good time to remind people that if you put a gun in someone’s face, you better make damn sure not to turn your back to them.
  21. That shooter is not going to jail for killing a pice of shit thief in the middle of an armed robbery. That’s ridiculous.
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