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Francisco 2.0

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Francisco 2.0

  1. https://arstechnica.com/space/2024/02/test-flights-on-tap-for-space-perspectives-luxury-high-altitude-balloon/ Test flights on tap for Space Perspective’s luxury high-altitude balloon This Florida-based startup wants to fly thousands of customers up to 100,000 feet.
  2. I mean, I'm kinda slow on the uptake at times, but even the mouth is ready.
  3. Update of sorts. Just got a call from mom. She has an iPhone 8 she will not ever give up, because it has a button. She is on our ATT phone plan. I have an iPhone 15 Pro. I have wifi calling turned on, and my phone is connected to work wifi. She's blissfully unaware there is an ATT outage. Said she had talked to a couple of her friends today (no idea if they are on ATT or whatever). So, some credence to the 4G/LTE vs 5G phone possibility thing I mentioned earlier.
  4. Might be a LTE vs 5G thing. Few coworkers here have older iPhones that are LTE only. Those that have newer 5G capable phones are dead. Meanwhile, in the admin meeting I’m currently in I’m slogging through. I’m posting this from my iPad. Also, ATT internet is fine. Wife is working from home today; we have ATT fiber and she’s not having issues.
  5. Now we're talking. I had casually forgotten about this thread a few days back, but now I'm in, baby.
  6. https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2024/02/twitter-employees-stopped-musk-from-violating-privacy-settlement-ftc-says/
  7. From the outside looking in, you can’t understand it. And from the inside looking out, you can’t explain it.
  8. Oh, they don't need "money" in the traditional sense. But Trump "needs" money. Besides, there's legions of MAGA folk willing and ready to toss money that way and countless layers of grift below Trump that need their fix as well.
  9. https://www.thedailybeast.com/donald-trumps-cash-crunch-just-got-much-much-worse?ref=wrap
  10. As if this was a surprise. But big picture, since the GOP and RNC are now fully owned subsidiaries of the Trump Organization (or better yet, Trump Org is dead and gone and replaced by the GOP and RNC), what does that do for the future of Republicans? These two operations will be strip mined. In 8-10 years, will the GOP be forced to start completely over as a new party? https://www.thedailybeast.com/trumps-rnc-takeover-is-on-the-brink-of-becoming-a-purge?ref=scroll
  11. Yeah, I think that NY can overcome whatever business he was going to bring in as well:
  12. It's long. And a lot of it is rehashed. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/feb/17/trump-hubris-family-empire-new-york
  13. Well, er, sort of. Everyone gets the free 5GB (lulz) tier. But that's not close to being enough in 2024 for ample storage. So...she needs to pony up .99 per month for the 50GB tier, at minimum. Wife of a friend of mine lost her iPhone. She had the 5GB plan and iCloud backup turned on. But because the storage was long tapped out, her most recent backup was a year or so old, plus she lost countless photos.
  14. Can't wait for the inevitable "no one in the NBA will wear those shoes because they hate Trump!" or "Lebron (or some other player) wanted to wear these, but the NBA said no!" tweets and whatnot, because 2024.
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