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Francisco 2.0

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Francisco 2.0

  1. Well, where I came from, no. But in the year of our Lord 2024, it's written in the MAGA carta.
  2. Can't wait to see the inevitable parents banning their kids from listening to Taylor Swift; or the attempted de-platforming of her music from Spotify (lulz, a foreign company). If this were 30 years ago, you would see MAGA attempting to picket Wal-Mart or Target in an attempt to get her music pulled from shelves.
  3. I so want to read the 129 comments to see what those fine folks think on this issue. But not enough to actually go searching.
  4. Gonna be a looooooooong offseason in Detroit.
  5. Goddamn, if you are anything at all, you are a fucking beating. What started out with bitching about not getting a tax refund has led us to this. Christ, I know what is on your phone without looking at your phone.
  6. Oh my https://hackthemenu.com/arbys/secret-menu/meat-mountain/ And found a picture:
  7. I picked up a drone a year ago to start getting familiar with aerial photography. By the time I want to do this, I'll need to upgrade hardware, but I'll have practice in. I also received my FAA license for this as well.
  8. Driving cars for car dealers. My ex FIL used to do this; he would do it 2-3 days a week. Dealership would have some cars they bought at an auction or they traded it to a different dealer. They would haul 2-3 guys to the lot, toss them the keys and they would drive it back to the dealership. He used it as test drive opportunities when he was in the market for a new car or truck. Cash pay, which was mileage + meal reimbursement. Sometimes he would deliver multiple cars in a day. Larger dealers may have a group on staff that already do this, or hire one person with a trailer to haul multiple cars. Personally, I'm going to do real estate photography. Low pressure, photos of properties that are going to be listed, work on my own schedule. I have no interest in shooting subjects.
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