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Francisco 2.0

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Francisco 2.0

  1. https://www.thedailybeast.com/inside-donald-trumps-incredible-cash-crunch?ref=home?ref=home
  2. To the fanbois and girls that Marge has, no one was ever convicted. They are just Biden hostages. That's all that really matters here. Marge isn't so stupid to believe that, but she knows the people she is speaking to have no reason to look any further than what she says.
  3. I can't wait for the inevitable bashing of the Border Patrol by the GOP. And Trump will be leading the cheers:
  4. Eh, it would be nifty if he were incapacitated with something; say a stroke. A stroke so bad that the GOP would somehow have to shift over to someone unelectable nationwide like Cruz to be on the ticket because Trump would be in such bad shape that they would have no choice to have a Plan B, but at the same time still coherent enough that a huge chunk of the MAGA verse would still hinge on every incredibly slurred word he someone uttered, and would refuse to even consider voting for Cruz. Who am I kidding; the GOP would go full Weekend at Bernies and just prop Trump up here and there every few days between now and the election and the press wouldn't even bother to ask basic questions like "Why isn't Trump speaking in public?" and people like Steven Miller would be ghostwriting the Trump social media posts and there would actually be pundits using that social media presence as proof that Trump "has grown up!"
  5. There's a guy here in town; has a lifted Ram diesel brodozer. Trump stickers on the back glass with his A&M decals; has flown a trump flag off of his bumper hitch from time to time. Pretty much what you picture. Except this week, he has a Chiefs flag flying off the bumper hitch. Either he's super conflicted or he is clueless about the whole Swift/Kelce/NFL story. I found the dichotomy hilarious.
  6. That's almost as bad as Oklahoma's state department of ed appointing the Libs of TikTok creator to the library advisory council. https://www.advocate.com/news/chaya-raichik-oklahoma
  7. From the outside looking in, you can’t understand it. And from the inside looking out, you can’t explain it.
  8. https://www.tpr.org/environment/2024-01-30/texas-just-broke-a-record-for-how-much-power-it-got-from-the-sun
  9. Sirius/Stern has his catalog back to 1986, so they probably could run repeats ad infinitum and it would still draw an audience. Honestly now wondering why they haven't done that.
  10. Well, where I came from, no. But in the year of our Lord 2024, it's written in the MAGA carta.
  11. Can't wait to see the inevitable parents banning their kids from listening to Taylor Swift; or the attempted de-platforming of her music from Spotify (lulz, a foreign company). If this were 30 years ago, you would see MAGA attempting to picket Wal-Mart or Target in an attempt to get her music pulled from shelves.
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