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Francisco 2.0

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Francisco 2.0

  1. Imagine the staffer that has to sit down these chucklefucks and explain to them what a VPN is. I'm also picturing a wave of anti-VPN legislation in the near future.
  2. Windscribe is a VPN provider. I know nothing about them. But they have a thread from last summer on Twitter breaking all this down: a company (Envoc) behind the verification process is a contributor to GOP politics, so....take that how you wish. Not intending to cloak room this, but yeah, you get the idea. I pulled this from Reddit:
  3. Odds are they send a PDF of the evidence to usasupremecourt@gmail.com and tell him it was "electronically filed".
  4. https://www.thedailybeast.com/make-the-rnc-white-again-gop-ends-minority-outreach-program?ref=home?ref=home
  5. Stayed at Caesars in 2022, and honestly...stay elsewhere. The room (Palace Tower suite) was recently renovated and great....but the rest of Caesars is just....blah. What a bloated mess of a resort, and it's sad. Great name, location, history and theme, but just too many layers of mergers and deferred maintenance and expansion and whatnot.
  6. First, it was people tossing iPads into blenders to see if they could "blend". Now it's people firing .50 caliber into their Cybertruck to see if it really is bulletproof.
  7. Well, back in the day, Lisa Ann portrayed Sarah Palin in a flick. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1356820/
  8. That kitchen looks like a set. Also, the metaphorical choice of putting a woman back in the kitchen at a time when the GOP is doing everything in their power to give women a reason not to vote GOP was a nice touch. Just outstanding all around subliminal messaging there, folks. Somewhere, there's some GOP operatives high fiving each other (awkwardly, I presume) over the choices they made for this.
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