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Francisco 2.0

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Francisco 2.0

  1. Would you look at that: https://themessenger.com/politics/trumps-tax-representative-said-in-2020-he-agrees-with-26-6-million-appraisal-of-mar-a-lago-exclusive
  2. Or how the Japanese have gone back to the future with lithium-ion battery powered submarines: https://www.usni.org/magazines/proceedings/2022/december/japans-advanced-lithium-ion-submarines
  3. How much would your house be worth if the Trump Organization owned it? Shared as a gift link, so no paywall. A nifty tool so you can calculate what your own home would be worth with Trump values added: https://wapo.st/3t6limR
  4. When it rains, it pours. And this bastard needs to stay in the downpour.
  5. https://www.businessinsider.com/linda-yaccarino-blindsided-elon-musks-announcement-found-new-twitter-ceo-2023-9
  6. The word of the day is "ironclad":
  7. 12 and 10 here. The oldest wants to be a volcanologist or meteorologist; the girl has no clue, but wants to go to Washington, because Seattle is "cool". I'm sure either option will not be cheap.
  8. Some bigly successful, powerful lawyers have called it the most powerful disclaimer clause they have ever seen. No one could imagine a clause so powerful. Only the best lawyers could have made it so powerful. One big, strong, powerful lawyer came up to me with tears in his eyes, saying he had never read a clause as powerful as the one that had been created for me.
  9. Here we go. A measured, appropriate response to today's ruling:
  10. Those of you who don't do Twitter; introducing Sickos Committee. It celebrates football (especially bad football) and to honor Brian Ferentz and Iowa, they started the Climb to 325 graphic this season. Here's the Week 3 and Week 4 entries; click play and have the volume up:
  11. Now that you mention it, it appears he has the entire Hobby Lobby starter kit on his shelves.
  12. Hard times for Mike. Can't wait to see the MAGA outrage directed to Amex.
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