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Everything posted by rickyspub

  1. You don't grasp SizzleChest satire much, eh?
  2. I believe we now know where Grandy's concussion went...
  3. So no Ron Paul bunker gifs??? Damn...this is going to be a long 30 days.
  4. Then why is aggy even bothering recruiting QBs? They have 4 great QBs!
  5. James Hale is putting his prison education to good use and sucking every dick available in the OKC School District offices.
  6. Candi certainly thought his testosterone levels made him more a MeeMaw than a HeMan.
  7. Well, apparently putting your ovaries on the table does come at a cost...
  8. I imagine if someone got Jimbo off the record he would tell them that he has assurances from aggy and The Station's police to look the other way as aggressively as possible when his players go wilding, just like the deal he had at FSU.
  9. That might have been great for any of us looking to cuck some aggy with MILFs, but finding aggy's with MILFs is unlikely...unless you are Vic.
  10. So long as your maturity level is aggy+1 you are OK. There is a maximum maturity level for posting, but that is self-selected.
  11. Well, FSU certainly wasn't dumb enough to match $75M, even by not making it all guaranteed, so we won't know just how far he overplayed his hand. Was FSU going to fire him? I doubt it. Would they have let him go without a fight had aggy offered $1 more than his current contract? Possibly.
  12. Good points. I know he was big on the 7 v 7 circuit. Was his HS coaching all that good though? I thought his teams were all pretty mediocre during his HS career.
  13. How much QB training did he really get from his father though? OU was running the wishbone and I don't think Charles was putting up spread offense numbers through the air in his one season as a starter. When he came back to play in college he was a RB at some D2 school.
  14. Actually, I believe they say that in fishcamp when they show them all the best glory holes.
  15. Fake teeth, fake army...what difference does it make?
  16. The problem for Giles is that the offense is killing him on the trail. If we had won 9 or 10 last year, we probably have a better pick of players this year. And so long as we don't crater this season, next year's class could be elite, all without Giles doing anything but selling wins.
  17. I don't have a soft spot for any of the Big 12. Fuck them all, but also fuck OU again.
  18. Here's hoping our deep-pocketed softball fans are as plugged in as you guys. I hope CDC trial balloons some names to see who would help open up the checkbooks.
  19. I thought it meant that Hamm was eating Karen's moldy snatch and that Daddy's saying, 'Don't knock it till you try it.'
  20. Should we be disappointed that Cine is pushing back his decision? We went from going last on his only 2 OVs before his decision, to now potentially getting stale while other schools get the last word. Probably worse for Pedo State than us, as we are close enough to get him in for several home games, but now he gets Haitian food on 3 more OVs.
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