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Everything posted by rickyspub

  1. Hamm's twitter of this photo says, 'It's not gay if it's a three-way.'
  2. I am actually seeing all these images, but there is rarely a page that doesn't have at least one broken image for me.
  3. Outside of Leal, I can't really think of anyone else who just committed out of the blue to another school. We thought we were in good position with Williams and Richardson going into this cycle, but it wasn't like either was lock, especially considering our 2018 DB haul, when they committed to aggy. There are guys who have seemed to be leaning in our direction but now are seemingly leaning elsewhere, but that is par for the course in recruiting.
  4. Lulz...EJ has the only CB pick in there for him...to aggy!
  5. I am just sad that no one would even notice if I forgot to change my socks.
  6. Were there supposed to be any other OL on campus for their pic-a-nic?
  7. Dude, learning to color inside the lines, especially at the graduate level, ain't like riding a bike. Definite transition period coming...
  8. Drop Yahtzee then...requires computing beyond a snap count. I think Mack leads them in a game of Hungry Hippos instead.
  9. Preps his resume for a move to the NFL. Surely he couldn't be any more of a fuck up than Goodell, right?
  10. Some people like good football, others use football as an excuse to take a vacation. Pac is meh on sports, but great if you like the West Coast. If travel were my main bag, I'd push the ACC, but I don't want to make the rest of fan base suffer with meh football and ridiculous travel just so I can hit the places I like on the East Coast. I'll go to my favorite vacation spots when I can actually spend a most of the time actually enjoying the location.
  11. Lloyd is about the perceived quality of the name on the jersey rather than the play on the field. More "exciting" to beat an unranked UCLA than to beat a top 25 KSU or losing to Top 20 Oregon looks less embarrassing than losing to a Top 20 TCU. (Probably why the ACC doesn't make his cut of 'viable' conferences, too many "basketball" schools.)
  12. By taking tiny pieces of him each time a transaction was made.
  13. aggy did up until he turned down their weekend invite.
  14. Surprised there isn't a 0 at the end of that number. Maybe the plan is to start at the top and then let the new upper management do the bigger overhaul.
  15. I think this is an instance where OU and UT potentially got out-voted. The rest of the conference won't get into the playoff without a CCG win. I could also see both teams making a deal to agree to the CCG in exchange for not pushing expansion with the available dregs.
  16. Then he goes any way and they pay him again. Profit.
  17. Houston was the second back with Warren. I am not sure Strong was going to get to two highly-rated guys in the same class. Porter definitely received mixed reviews and was rated low-enough that we probably should have tried to package a second guy in the class or aimed higher. Of course it is also hard to recruit top-shelf RBs when the OL looks to be 4 years away from being even passable and your team sucks on the field. Strong may have been a decent recruiter, but the deficits on his coaching side surely hindered his efforts. It would have been nice if he had an RB coach who could have identified a less-heralded guy with real upside like Foreman (I'm not going to give any credit for evaluating him.) or hopefully Daniel Young.
  18. Is this the kind of thing we might expect a 6Figs report on? Nudge, nudge, wink, wink...
  19. I assume by 'aggressive' he meant 'aggre$$ive'. We pay and we have a shot again. I guess the question is whether we have to raise or can we just pay up and call.
  20. I would love to see Green drive his tit-topped, blonde Candi-Am over to Austin.
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