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Everything posted by rickyspub

  1. aggy is used to pledging allegiance to bitches. I imagine Reveille's Twitter feed would resemble crazy Karen's.
  2. I would have gone with, 'Moral of the story, never post with a degree from Tech'.
  3. I feel like we need to offer more guys who will commit on the spot. If being a Longhorn isn't your first priority, do we really want or need you?
  4. Didn't see aggy. I imagine Steele's editor got confused when he said, 'Texum Bulldogs at #10.'
  5. Karen put her ovaries on the table dude... #TrustTheNads
  6. My mind just doesn't go naturally to teenage father, when on the recruiting thread it should be one of the early stops...
  7. Good stuff. I thought Cine's dad was moving to Texas.
  8. I would have gone with picking aggy as the pinnacle of shitbaggery...is that OK?
  9. He did have 'LSU commit' in there for Brooks, so that made things clear. For Carter he should have noted he has OU and aggy high on his list.
  10. Sheep are better at drying tears and not talking back.
  11. I am told Kenyon Green ran 80m in that same time and threw a powerball 86 feet.
  12. I find it hard to believe your floppy asshole didn't have enough volume.. He didn't say he was lacking in volume, just that he needed the help of a dolly to get it all in with one trip.
  13. Can't make $75M guaranteed without an 85-man roster. #advantageJimbo
  14. Damn...I can't wait to see how his few 'subscribers' take this. They have been getting restless lately. I don't think 6Figs is going to need a handler but a bodyguard.
  15. You're getting upvotes for this? If given the chance, we all know you would do this no matter where Bru commits to.
  16. Come on Princess, this is the Surl. You are expected to rule out 'turns and curves' and put your ovaries on the table with your pick. You can't say you would be 'shocked' if Bru doesn't choose USC and then trot back and act like SHOCK doesn't rhyme with LOCK.
  17. What's worse is when they all go AWOL and are later seen in the back ranks of the Nazi invaders.
  18. Holy shit, Sylvain, that ain't mayo they just put on your fries!
  19. Someone needs to get out their Pantone swatches...I don't see burnt orange on those uniforms.
  20. The first rule of glory holes is you do not talk about glory holes. #TrustTheFreakinHamm
  21. fify...you'll learn one day young Padawan.
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