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Everything posted by rickyspub

  1. No, it should say, "After you are done fucking my wife, come down here and say that...please...sniff."
  2. I still don't think that can be entirely ruled out...
  3. With a name like that he should be in aggy's calculator.
  4. During Mack's tenure, 'Offer made to OOS recruit' would have brought the house down. You'd barely get a 'Like' for it these days.
  5. You forgot, 'Frappuccinos half off, today only!'
  6. I've had a crew working to write new bits over in China for 6 months now, but fake $9.95 only goes so far I am told. I'll probably just fake retire if someone writes an app.
  7. Damn you and your computers. At least outsource my fake work overseas first.
  8. I bet Perroni was also blowing up his phone. Probably stopped answering after getting called 'boy' by Hamm.
  9. A lot of names to avoid this cycle, you get a pass from me.
  10. Trust the freakin' Hamm (when he puts in a pick for Texas).
  11. So another cycle where recruits feed Hamm bullshit.
  12. She's like the burner phone of bagmen. Either that or she saw the giant phallic symbol in the aggy lobby and couldn't say no.
  13. We're winning the title and Stanford's going 7-5 or 6-6. We'll be back in before it's all over. #ShowMeALoss
  14. Hey, jackweed, CTJ gets more action in a week than you've had in your entire life. He's got houses in L.A., Paris and Vail. In each one, a 70 inch plasma screen. So I suggest you wipe that stupid smile off your face before he comes over there and SMACKS it off! You feeling strong, my friend? Call him a 'recruiting expert' one more time.
  15. CDC: Chris, we're gonna need to go ahead and move you downstairs into Storage B. We have some new people coming in, and we need all the space we can get. So if you could just go ahead and pack up your stuff and move it down there, that would be terrific, OK?Chris Plonsky: Excuse me, I believe you have my scissors...
  16. Someone want to post the Pillsbury Doughboy Chris Hall's picture
  17. Pretty sure it is just a course in their Okie Applied Cultural Studies program along with "Shivs and Other Improvised Weapons" and "Prison English".
  18. I thought it was dueling rumors about Banks. One side said we had backed off or at least weren't aggressively pushing and the other side said Banks had backed off or was receptive to aggy showing the love. Washington visited his HS soon after these rumors came out and while Banks still seems to be leaning aggy, he hasn't committed yet. Those seem to be the more natural twists and turns of recruiting. Miss a week of communication and a recruit feels slighted. Miss two weeks and you could be completely out of the picture. Leal was in Austin one weekend and was all UT, then he has an OV the next weekend to aggy, which wasn't even on the aggy insiders' radar, and commits. If Banks is a 'live in the moment' guy, what does that make Leal?
  19. Maybe I misremember, but you are definitely more on top of it than I am. Thought Leal was on campus several times, trending to us, just prior to going to aggy for what was the first time in months and then suddenly commits to them. Banks seemed likely to commit to us after an early visit and then he trended publicly over the weeks from commit watch to afterthought. Things seemed to sit stale and then aggy starts increasing their effort and begins to trend in his recruitment.
  20. How the rest of the free world sees aggy.
  21. Leal is the only one. Nana and his family was all ND, then we made play and got him interested. There was a brief period where we were trending, but then he did his officials and picked ND. Bragg has been a Stanford/Texas battle from the beginning. You need to recalibrate your 'lead' meter a bit. I would say all three have had periods where they 'leaned' Texas and it certainly seemed like we were the leader for Leal, but Bragg and NaNa were always closer to toss ups. To me Leal and to a lesser degree Banks are the odd ones. I think we let Banks' line go a bit slack and he felt slighted. Leal is the weird one and doubt it's because he likes secretly likes glory holes and jizz jars.
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