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Hank Kingsley

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Hank Kingsley

  1. One good thing about Twitter is we have receipts on all the stupid propaganda pumped out from analysts that support Trump. 

    Gregg Jarrett is a liar purposely trying to deceive the American public.  I look forward to his career ending and the lifelong shame he will inevitably feel after Trump is out of office. 




  2. 21 minutes ago, Chrispy said:

    I’m currently experiencing the same with my buddies on the left. It’s similar to talking to aggy about football in a way. Their eyes begin to twitch, then frothing at the mouth shortly ensues. 

    Lulz.  Supporting Trump is the fullest essence of being an aggy.  Try again. 



  3. Trump is a pathological liar, a narcissist, and as Brisket so eloquently put, a giant piece of shit.

    There is a significant portion of Americans that actually voted him into the highest office in the world.  Many people still support him, many people still viciously defend him.  We have politicians that have sold their souls and bent the knee to a cruel, petty imbecile. Then you have the people that turn the other cheek, sit on the sidelines, and wait for him to go away.  Nevermind the carnage he'll leave in his wake.  "Just chill, y'all."

    Where is the honesty and sincerity? How is being disingenuous an acceptable - or even celebrated - form of behavior?

    Trump isn't driving me crazy. He's always been a charlatan and absolutely nothing he says or does surprises me. The American people who aren't 100% against this fat fuck are who's driving me crazy. 

    • Like 6
  4. [Paul] That child would grow into a man...a man that would follow in his father's footsteps with his audacious rhetoric and flare for the flamboyant, a man that would seize an opportunity in the ultimate pursuit of fame. A man named Milo Hanrahan, or as you might know him, Milo Yiannopoulos

    And now you know the rest of the story. [/Harvey]

    • Haha 1
  5. Hugo,  don't you think Trump's base is the only thing that will keep these GOP politicians in office?  Trump being impeached doesn't magically bring back the pre-Cheeto Republican Party and put them in a positive light.  These fuckers CREATED this situation. 

    They are fucked, they know they're fucked, and they're gonna latch on to Donald's teat until it's over.  The spineless ones (like Paul Ryan) will "retire". 





    • Like 1
  6. 1 minute ago, Buzzrock said:

    And I respect your optimism, but I don’t know why impeaching Trump would heal the nation. His base will be livid.


    Fuck Trump's base.  This country will never be "healed" as long as Trumpism is considered a viable political (or moral) position.



    • Like 5
  7. Trump's entire presidency is a promotional event. 

    EDIT: Good to know I'm on the same wave length as a poster named "Fudge Nuggets". 



    • Like 4
    • Haha 3
  8. 16 hours ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    Time for McNair to hand over the reins to his kid, if not sell the team.  Outside of bringing the team to Houston and the second super bowl to Houston , he’s been a complete failure as an owner.   He’s not at the Browns level, but really not much better.   

    I attended most games for the 1st 10 years, now I refuse most free tickets offers.   

    Need a new owner that will buy back the rights to all things Houston Oilers from Bud Adams' daughter.  Scrap the Texans and bring back Luv Ya Blue.  Profit. 



    • Like 3
  9. Owen Benjamin is a "comedian" that just got his Twitter and YouTube accounts suspended.   No surprise he's linked with people that SmokeyBear follows. 


    • Fuck You 1
  10. 7 minutes ago, BabaYaga said:

    Gaskill (the officer) shot the assailant (Rollins).  It wasn't post-mortem.  Gaskill, when he confronted him he still had the rifle and was not stopped with a gun to his head like in the movies.  He was moving.  And we have no idea what he may have done had there been no person to stop him.  And further, this isn't the first time a shooter withered when confronted by a determined individual.



    LeAire Livingston was on her way to class on March 20 when she accidentally bumped into another student — 17-year-old Austin Rollins — as he pointed a handgun at himself.

    “When I looked up, I was getting ready to apologize, but I (saw) the gun to his head,” Livingston said at a school safety event Wednesday at the People’s Community Baptist Church in Silver Spring.

    “I didn’t know what to do, so I just stood there first for a little bit,” Livingston said. “But once I realized that this was actually happening, I turned around and I ran into a classroom.”

    Soon after, armed school resource officer Blaine Gaskill confronted Rollins and fired a round that hit the boy’s weapon at about the same time that Rollins shot himself. The teen was later pronounced dead at a hospital.

  11. 1 minute ago, BabaYaga said:

    OK, what - tell me specifically what would have prevented this atrocity?  Funny how you don't seemingly give a damn about breakdowns in existing gun laws....let's just add new ones so you feel better.  Breakdowns at the state and federal law enforcement levels for a crackpot that was reported dozens of times.  No.  Let's not look at that.  Let's also not look at an incident a matter of weeks later when yet another copy-cat killer tried to ply his craft in MD, and then when faced with armed resistance took his own life before he could even get started.  But yeah, I'm being disingenuous.   Instead, let's impact the rights of millions of law-abiding gun owners who haven't done a damn thing wrong because you are too myopic to look at options beyond bans and additional regulation that even the most die-hard leftist pundits agree would have done NOTHING to stop this.  

    Ok, I guess you are just clearly uninformed.  The shooting in Maryland was a kid that specifically wanted to kill his ex-girlfriend.  He shot her in the head and the bullet exited and hit another student.  Witnesses at the school said the shooter then put his gun to his head before encountering the resource officer.  All indications lead to it being a murder-suicide.  "Copy-cat killer?".  Nope.  "Good guy with a gun stopping a bad guy with a gun"? Nope. 


    Moving on, YES, let's look at breakdowns at the state and federal level.   WHO IS ARGUING AGAINST THAT?  That absolutely contributed to the MSD tragedy.  Amazingly, other factors (including the choice of weapon) led to 17 students dying that day Parkland. 




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