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Hank Kingsley

Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Hank Kingsley

  1. My best friend's dad is a great dude. We talk on the phone 2-3 times a week during football season.  All of his children are wonderful people.  His youngest son played safety/linebacker at a Group of 5 school, and he befriended a lot of the African-American players and their parents.  That same son just got engaged to an Iranian girl, and he's become close to their family and enjoyed his indoctrination into Persian culture. 

    Then there's his twitter account.  He tweets shit out like "No one in the media can claim Trump is morally unfit! Hypocrites!" and "Trump will eat up Mueller! Trump is too smart, experienced and successful! Mueller is an arrogant asshole!", then retweets all those silly "RT if you want to build a wall!" or "RT if you think Obama was the worst president ever" comments. You'd think he was a Russian bot until you noticed he only has 19 followers. 

    The threat is real. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

    Say what you will about typical politicians lying, dissembling, spinning, but never in modern memory has it been so bad, so bald-faced, so shameless, and so widespread among a major political party.   This is the kind of shit you see in tinpot dictatorships and wonder how they can say these things with a straight face.  But these are the people currently in charge of our country. 

    And this country's political discourse will never recover unless all of these shitheads are removed from office or formally charged for any criminal offenses. 


  3. 4 minutes ago, SmokeyBear1861 said:

    "this movement" has nothing to do with the lunatic fringe, but the left would love to paint them that way. The same as the "white ethnostate" nazi larpers aren't the average Trump voter.

    The movement is real people buying the bullshit from lunatic fringe commentators. 


  4. Mojo - Exactly. 

    Alex Jones hired Paul Joseph Watson, a total fucking weasel that has the hears of many people you'd consider "normal" if you had brief interactions with them.

    Mike Cernovich, Jack Posobiec, Mark Dice, Stefan Molyneux - all Trump or alt-right extremists - have been interviewed numerous times on Alex Jones' show.  

    And then the Cheeto King himself did an interview that absolutely validated Jones as well. 


    These people can't just be ignored because too many real voters are buying their bullshit. Their nonsense needs to be beaten down, heavily criticized and removed from this country's conscience as a viable opinion.  

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  5. 3 hours ago, SmokeyBear1861 said:

    He will be fine, he's an asset. He is just playing a character. These bums aren't going to be able to sue him for shit.

    Fake news "asset" for a group of people who complain about "fake news".  What a world. 


  6. Questions for lawyers:

    If we are to assume what Hannity says is true - that he only had "brief discussions" with Cohen "about legal questions about which I wanted his input and perspective" - then the assumption is Hannity is the ONLY person to legally interact with Cohen in this way?  That Cohen didn't have these kind of interactions with other friends/colleagues?   

    I guess Cohen had to consider Hannity a client because the FBI has emails or taped recordings of their conversations?

  7. 45 minutes ago, Amobie said:

    I don't think this was racial but it certainly was dumb.  

    It's always been my understanding that most restaurants have a policy where you can't take up a seat unless you order something.  If they were asked to leave by the manager, they should have told the manager they were meeting a friend and wanted to wait till he arrived before ordering.  Situation handled and conflict avoided. 

    That being said..  How long were these guys waiting before they called the cops on them?  How long were they sitting there before they were approached by the manager?  How did they respond when they were approached?

    No matter what, the manager is an idiot but I could be more sympathetic to him based on the details of the situation.

    - It was racial profiling

    - Starbucks should not be compared to most restaurants.  I never drank coffee until I had a kid, but now I go to the neighborhood Starbucks every morning before work.  There are constantly people loitering in there: I've seen people standing around talking loudly on their phone without ordering, I've seen the same homeless woman take shelter and sit in a chair while reading the newspaper, and plenty of other people waiting for someone or sitting inside without ordering anything.  On a few occasions I've had business meetings at a Starbucks, and I sit down at a table without ordering until my client arrives.  

    - All your questions have been answered by either video of the incident or tweets/articles posted in this thread.  The two gentlemen were calm and respectful throughout the ordeal

    - This isn't a Starbucks issue IMO.  It's a people issue. We have to start holding other people (and ourselves) accountable for their implicit biases. 

  8. 1 hour ago, NotActuallyALonghorn said:

    This is on the Starbucks. Police were doing their job. Maybe they could have done it better, but assuming they do it the same for every skin color I don't really find much fault with them. Once somebody is considered trespassing they have every right to make them leave or arrest them. The real issue is why the Starbucks decided to consider them tresspassing.

    The cops did a terrible fucking job.  I find most of the fault to be on their shoulders.  You have to be a special kind of dumbfuck to assess that situation in totality and decide to arrest those 2 men.  

    This could've been a situation where common sense prevailed, the cops just leave, and everyone in that store walks away with a higher opinion of their local police.  Instead, yet another stupid fucking decision and more reasons for everyone to distrust law enforcement.  

    Too many cops have terrible instincts. Fuck. 



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  9. 3 minutes ago, Amobie said:

    She's headlining fund raising efforts for the DNC right now...  https://www.buzzfeed.com/rubycramer/hillary-clinton-dnc-fundraiser?utm_term=.ftLDlBmq7#.fj46NYKZW

    So while most people in the party has put her in the rear view mirror, she keeps putting herself in the news as much as she can.  

    I was talking about the posters on Shaggy/Surly, not the Democrats in general. 

    But I have said that she needs be a private citizen and leave politics forever. Fuck Hillary. 



  10. It's incredible that the talking point is we are angry because "Hillary didn't win".  It's all about shitbag Trump. 

    Hillary's done. She's gone.  She's rarely been mentioned in the Cloak Room or Surly for almost a year and half, outside of the "Gary Johnson voters" who still obsess over her.  It'd be a fascinating phenomenon if it wasn't so stupid. 




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