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Everything posted by shadow_operative2.0

  1. Little Josh ‘bout to be hero. Or a DP, either way.
  2. LSU wins, only dual to play all 5 to completion today. 15-12 at 3s won it, fun watch.
  3. That’s just until we need the two spot starters next week.
  4. TCU v. LSU now, all chalk so far.
  5. And we’re on 21 for the DFW kids.
  6. Nate to the IL, but we knew that was coming. Still doesn’t explain the lineup delay.
  7. Our lineup almost always comes out 4 hours before a night game, so I’d bet we have an injury/transaction popping up shortly.
  8. Has anyone watched this? Haven’t seen any mention elsewhere. Just watched episode 1, goddamn. We’ll see how the rest goes.
  9. The actress said she really liked ol’ boy’s risotto during the initial contest, then called it a great mac-&-cheese at judges’ table. Someone definitely got in her ear.
  10. Worst softball tourney of my life was in Azle, ‘bout all I got for that shithole.
  11. Tigress roars to the W. Fun deciding set.
  12. One of the replies had a good idea for the oven mitt.
  13. Holy fuck, that was a putrid AB. He has zero clue right now.
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