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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by dcbc

  1. 20 hours ago, Neonmoon said:

    Nest Hello installed today. I really like it so far. Very easy to use. 

    I think outdoor cameras are next. 

    I'm getting one soon.  Need to figure out if our doorbell transformer is kaput though.  Not getting a spark at the button.

  2. I'm working my way through the catalogue.  Over the last couple of years, I've read the Shining, 11/22/63, IT, and Different Seasons.  I'm currently about a third of the way through 'Salem's Lot.  I am loving it, but have stalled out on reading for about a month.  Need to get back into it.  Only made it about 400 pages through The Stand, but was bored.

    Let's get this topic going again.

  3. 2 hours ago, TexArcher said:

    But "legend" is a strong word.  I don't think 1 natty and 2 conference titles in 16 years is enough to get that title.  Not at Texas.

    Only one coach at Texas that has reach "LEGEND" status.

    Had Mack left after the 2009 season, he would have been very well thought of.

    As far as coaching goes, the best decisions he ever made was to leave guys like Ricky and Vince alone and let them do what they did best.   Best as I can recall, he did not recruit either of them, even though he did recruit a lot of outstanding players for a number of years, especially early on (not so much toward the end).

  4. 2000--2009 was a better decade than 2010 to present.  Here's what I can recall as really good movies (IMO). 


    Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon

    The Departed

    No Country for Old Men


    The Aviator

    Almost Famous


    O Brother Where Art Thou

    The Royal Tennenbaums

    Kill Bill

    Black Hawk Down

    Finding Nemo

    Casino Royale

    Fantastic Mr. Fox

    And from 2010--Present (admittedly, I've seen fewer movies during this decade).

    Toy Story 3

    The Grand Budapest Hotel

    The Wolf of Wall Street


    Moonrise Kingdom

    The Social Network

    And several that are considered good, but I did not see.



    Django Unchained

    American Hustle


    Inside Out

    Dallas Buyers Club


    2000s is killing 2010s at the moment.  Of those listed, there are several that I love.  Of the 2010 movies, I probably liked Skyfall the best of any of them, and that's basically a serial action movie. 


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  5. Basic whistling, it helps if you lick your lips.  After that, you want to concentrate on feeling the air move over your lips.

    To whistle loudly, you put your ring and middle fingers on each and together.  You put them in your mouth, resting the first nuckle groove on the bottom of your middle fingers on your lower canine teeth.  With the tips of your fingers, you fold the tip of your tongue backwards over itself.  Then, you purse your lips together in the middle and blow.  It's louder 'n hell.

  6. I've got a Maverick wireless setup that has probes for ambient and meat.  It works fine, but the range is limited. 

    Anyone have experience with this.  Could I put one of the probes in the ambient probe clip to measure cooker temp (I know one review says "no," but I don't see why it wouldn't work.


  7. Used to be a park for these things off of I-10 between Brookshire and Sealy.  Always fun to watch them flying around back in the day.  If the Cessnas were the go-karts of the skies, these things were definitely the lawn mowers.

    My wife has a cousin who bought one.  He taxied it around, but never took flight.  Hope he sold it.

  8. 53 minutes ago, 686 said:

    What’s the water clarity like? do you have to watch for stumps?

    Clarity is "silty."

    Yes.  You have to watch for stumps if you don't know the channels.  The only thing I've ever hit is a broken off channel marker on the "big lake," but that was in someone else's boat.

    It's best to visit there with someone who is familiar first.  If not, and you are in the neighborhood, PM me, and I'll send you a google channel map of the Big Cypress Bayou I made.

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  9. After a year of procrastinating, I took my old Seamaster in for service and to figure out why it was running way fast.  I was planning to take it to a better known jeweler in town, but at the last minute, I read some reviews of and called a small shop near my office downtown.  The guy talked my ear off for about 10 minutes on the phone, and it was obvious he had forgotten more about watches than I would ever know.  He told me that with old watches, sometimes, depending on what they were worth, the were not worth servicing and he would look at it beforehand to make that determination.  I spent about 20 minutes going crosseyed listening to this guy tell me every little thing about this 60 year old watch, but in the end, he said it would need service, adjustment, and a new screw because the seal on the original screw was kaput and letting all sorts of dust in.  He showed me all of this on what appeared to be a telephoto lens hooked up to a monitor.  Depending what a comparably sized screw will go for (he will call me before ordering), I may only be looking at a bit over $200 for this, which seems super reasonable based on what I have read.

    If this works out well, I'm really excited to have found someone locally (smaller city population less than 100,000), who knows his shit, and who is not priced through the roof.   Also looking forward to getting the Seamaster back into rotation.

  10. I bought this partscaster several years ago.  It was cheap.  The ad said the neck was an old one from the 80s and some guy that played guitar for Zappa in the 80s had toured with it.  Body was a newer old Squier Strat.  Pickups were American Standard.  Everything else was ebay parts.  Whatever on the famous neck.  Price was low.  Got the guitar and the neck was like slipping into an old pair of shoes.  The back of the headstock makes me smile.  That's not relic.  That's just old and used.




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