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Everything posted by TeeDubya

  1. Talk about being dealt a shitty hand by fate and genetics….
  2. Calling bullshit. Gonna need a fucking piano case to bury his fat ass.
  3. Sometimes the fire gets hot when one dances with the devil.
  4. I never, in a million years, expected to cheer on something Brian Kemp did.....
  5. Presuming they have balls might be a stretch.
  6. The protection offered by an infantry fighting vehicle is a bit more robust if the passengers are inside....
  7. As aggressive as they want to be. His "legal" staff is probably scurrying around, trying to see what is in his name vs in a held by a shadow corporation, but even that won't protect him in the end. Burn the broke fucker at the stake like a witch.
  8. There's enough fabric in his suit to make parachutes for the entire 82nd Airborne.
  9. Gonna need big bertha for that fat fucker....
  10. Judgment and collection are two vastly different worlds.
  11. That is exactly the way I looked at airplane paint jobs. Why pay for a two-foot paint job, when a 10 footer will do.
  12. In case you're wondering about stick vs. drone.... Drone wins....
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