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Everything posted by JPETERMAN

  1. And expecting Yurcich and Ash to stay on and work for Traylor when he has a lot less experience is a big F you to them. So again, I just think that would lead to a nightmare even if those guys did take more money and stayed on. I'd think there would have to be some underlying resentment.
  2. But it'd also be a huge F you to Traylor as well. I can't imagine any head coaching candidate would come in under those conditions. Hey, we don't really trust you to do much of anything except to come in and babysit the staff and stay out of their way. Just make sure not to use the freaking binder Herman left behind with flow charts that always point to bad decisions. Although I do think there are several coaches that could/should be retained, the new coach should have the ability to make those decisions for himself. And the one thing I don't want that decision to be based on is how much money are we going to save if we keep this assistant coach instead of replacing him.
  3. Ok, let's assume I concede your point, which I don't. That still presents a problem. Which big name, proven coordinators does Traylor have a relationship with exactly? He hasn't been around long enough to build those relationships. Here are the Off/Def coordinators on the staffs that Traylor has been on that he would have a personal working relationship with: Texas: Shawn Watson, Joe Wickline (allegedly), Sterling Gilbert on Offense and Vance Bedford on Defense SMU: Joe Craddock on Offense and Van Malone on Defense Arkansas: Joe Craddock on Offense and John Chavis on Defense UTSA: Barry Lunney on Offense and Tyrone Nix on Defense Granted I don't know all of those names, but I'm guessing none of those move the needle for you as far as a someone that we should go hard after and money whip to come have full authority for their side of the ball at Texas.
  4. I'm not saying he can't coach. It was a colossal mistake for Herman not to retain him in order to be "aligned". I think both he and Joey McGuire are both very good coaches, and in time could be great college head coaches. But I just don't think he is seasoned enough yet.
  5. RIley, Swinney & Day were all promoted from in house to Head coach at their current school. So that would give me a little less pause. I don't think their situations and hiring Traylor is a fair comparison. I'd be open to hire either of the Clemson coordinators. I don't necessarily think you need prior head coaching experience. The other problem is that I just don't see Boom or some other big time Defensive coordinator signing up to work for Traylor. Everyone is just assuming that we can pay Traylor under slot (but still well above his current salary) and then just money whip two outstanding coordinators that independently run their side of the ball. But egos are abundant in college football. The best coordinators are not going to want to come work for a guy that has a total of 1 year of experience as a head coach in college at UTSA no matter how much money we offer them. I can't envision Muschamp is gonna be like, well I got nothing else going on, might as well go work for Traylor at UT, he seems like a swell guy.
  6. Exactly. I like Traylor. But his proven strength is recruiting. Being a full time recruiter while trying to be a head coach is much more difficult. He's not going to (nor should he) have enough time to be on the phone and DM-ing recruits 24/7 like he did in his first stint in Austin. So wanting him back because he's a rainmaker on the recruiting trail is stupid because that's not the role of a head coach. But that's the main argument for him, it appears. And everyone saying he has a great offensive mind, well maybe. He hasn't run an offense since Gilmer. He's been a position coach. So his offensive game planning and ability to make adjustments at a smaller high school may not exactly translate against big time college defensive coordinators. I think he could be a great coach for a big school down the road, but it's too early and there just aren't enough data points yet for me. Nobody is a slam dunk, other than Urban. But you have to get someone that has a little more experience than he does at this point imho.
  7. To be fair, maybe it has always been Herman's policy to give the team Sunday practice off after a well played game. This is just the first time it has ever happened.
  8. I guess I'm finding my standards are just low given the fact that I am totally on board with a potential Campbell hire. All I know is if you sit around and wait for the one and only prom queen to ask you out, you're gonna be sitting at home with a bottle of lotion and box of tissues quite a bit.
  9. If Urban is really trying to make nice with OSU, I don't necessarily think this has to drag out until after the playoffs. It just has to be delayed until after NSD1. It sounds like most of their recruits will sign Dec 16th, and I could see not wanting to not stir up crap with their recruits wondering if their position coaches would be headed to Texas next season right before signing day. But waiting until Feb doesn't make sense. He'd miss out on trying to rally for some last minute 2021 signings for NSD2, delay prep-work needed for the freebie one time transfer portal rule, and also miss time building relationships on the stacked 2022 class. If all this noise is really a smokescreen and Urban is really planning on coming (Fingers crossed, but not holding my breath), I think he is in place by end of year and we know shortly after Dec 16th that the narrative has changed and the wheels are in motion. Likewise, Big12 championship game is 19th. If Campbell is the target, then timing is roughly the same.
  10. If I had F You money like some of these guys do, yeah sign me up for a mil to get rid of herman and take a lottery shot on either Campbell or Fickell. I'd pay a million just to not watch Herman coach my team anymore. It's maddening. Like someone else said, he doesn't learn from his mistakes. Yes, he beat OU with someone else's players when they were the underdog and OU didn't respect them.(I'm not counting Ed Oliver as one of his because the only reason he got him was hiring his crappy high school coach) That's different in my opinion than what Campbell has been able to do against them. I might eat my words if OU beats them by 21 in the championship game, but it's more impressive in my opinion to beat a conference opponent when you know each other and play each other year in and year out. What Campbell has done is impressive. I don't know if it translates to success in Austin, but if I had big enough pocketbooks, yeah I would drop a million for the opportunity to tell my kids and grandkids that I was a big part of hiring the coach that turned UT Football around. Or I could sit on my ass for another year and watch my bank account grow and the team struggle with no hope of turning things around.
  11. Would the donors you know get excited about the potential for beating OU? Because Campbell has proven that he can do it with inferior talent. Herman proved he can't do it with a Senior QB, when OU has it's worst team in god knows how long. Again, I think this fact in and of itself allows CDC enough leverage to raise funds to kick Herman to the curb at this point. Keeping him around is the definition of insanity. I'm all for trying something new and different at this point. Is our next coach guaranteed to be a great hire. No, but at least I'm telling you there's a chance. And 22 is a big time recruiting year. You have to pull the trigger to get some momentum. Anyone other than Herman at this point has a better shot at getting some quality players in the door. And hell, maybe if Campbell is hired, he can bring some LB and TE from Iowa State with him in the one-time transfer window this year.
  12. Maybe we should just set up a speaking tour for Tom then with all the BMD's in each major city. A little close personal interaction ought to make their blood boil enough to want to write some checks to can his ass. Just seems to me, given everyone is in agreement that Herman has literally nobody on his side due to being a complete tool (other than Kendra), CDC would be able to scrounge up enough funds to get it done even with a less splashy hire.
  13. I guess I don't follow the rationale that we might have to retain Herman now because we won't be able to raise the funds to buy out the coaching staff's contracts because of lack of excitement for a new coach not named Meyer limiting some big donors check writing ability. I mean, if we retain Herman another year, I'd have to think the impact on finances would take an even worse hit, as merchandise sales would suck, ticket sales would slow, donations for the renovations would cease, etc. Plus it sets you back at least a year, probably more on the recruiting front which prolongs us sucking and bleeds more money yet. Yeah, the optics of firing this staff during a pandemic isn't great, but Freaking South Carolina just did it. It can be done. And monetarily speaking, I think it makes more sense to fire them than not to when you factor all costs into the equation. Hell, Nike deal and LHN deal both end in roughly 10 years, and if we don't right the ship sooner than later, suddenly those negotiations and pricing get much tougher as well. Bottom line, CDC shouldn't use the bottom line as an excuse to hang onto Herman in my opinion.
  14. Right..... Just curious, same or different source than the Brockermeyer source?
  15. Congrats, you got it right on a 50/50 guess. Good job. What was the last one that you were so annoyingly confident about? Oh, that's right. Brockermeyer twins would sign with Texas. Like I said. 50/50. You're bound to get some right if you just keep guessing. Instead of apologies, maybe you should start charging $9.95. Or better yet, just shut up.
  16. There's nothing quick and painless about this.
  17. We are the Joneses. Jerry Jones.
  18. Cancelling practice for "covid precautions" sounds like trying to set up reason to cancel the Kansas game. Hope I'm reading things correctly.
  19. Was honestly hoping for a loss as the last nail in the coffin to leave absolutely no doubt about Herman being canned. But wondering if by playing so well and Bijan having the day he did might make Urban more likely to actually come coach. Seeing that the cake just needs to be baked and all...
  20. Bought a new car and Heim was doing a BBQ class at the dealership a few days later, so I got to attend. He either really didn't want to share what his secrets are, or doesn't have an F-ing clue. His tips were like BBQ 101. In about 3 hours, I maybe learned 1 new thing. But there was free beer too, so I was ok. Also learned about Meat Church rubs, which if you haven't tried, you need to. He gave samples of his BBQ and it wasn't good. Give me Pecan Lodge over Heim's all day, every day.
  21. Yes, And it'll go down tomorrow. And the next day, and the next.
  22. Well according to 247 (and I know these ratings can be flawed with who gets credit for landing the guy blah blah blah,) his average rating of all time signings that he's credited for is higher than all but 3 of Traylor's signings ever. And one of those 3 for Traylor was JP Urquidez who picked us 2nd after Baylor got into trouble. So yeah, I'd say he has more history to say he's a good recruiter than Traylor does at this point in his career. Not great, but certainly a more accurate statement than the assumption that Traylor is a good, proven recruiter.
  23. He hasn't even been in charge of an offense since Gilmer. He's been a position coach in college, not a coordinator. Now Herman should have definitely kept him instead of bringing in his "aligned" team from Houston plus Meh..... but he's 7-4 lifetime as a college head coach in Conference USA. I like him as a coach, but underwhelming doesn't even begin to describe that hire if he's the pick. Chad Morris was a pretty good recruiter and offensive mind as well. Maybe Traylor will be the next hire after Urban's health suffers again in 5 years. I might be on board with it then.
  24. Holy Smurf. Not enough skins on the wall. If people are supposedly not willing to consider Campbell, that hire would be a major smurfing reach and let down.
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