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Herbie Hancock

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Posts posted by Herbie Hancock

  1. What can I say about that little bitch that hasn’t already been said? I won’t repeat everything BigD said, I’ll just say he’s spot on about everything. But to add to it, that little fuck has a bad case of little man syndrome. He tried to talk to me a certain way and I let him know that where I’m from you get your ass kicked for talking that way to another man. He proceeded to continue running his mouth until a mutual friend informed him of who I am and what I look like. He then put me on ignore lol.

    If y’all haven’t figured it out yet, I’m a bit of an abrasive and dry personality whereas BigD is one of the most easygoing and laid back dudes you’ll ever meet. He’s not a nihilist, but he’s pretty damn close. When you make his shit list you’re officially a dirtbag.

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  2. Its not about the businesses with this message
    saying that you dont have to wear a mask and opening things up 100% is telling the public that the pandemic is over and people can let their guard down. Nothing could be further from the truth. The reason we only have 50k cases a day and 2k dead a day now is because of fucking masks and limitations. 

    Hold the phone here fuckknob. You’re saying we have averaged 2k deaths per day in the state of Texas since this started 12 months ago?
  3. I truly believe Russ was a tortured soul. Dude was a train wreck off the air, but when it came to his job he was incredible. I can’t tell you how many times I laughed to the point of tears while driving home from work to that show. When he stepped out a couple years ago it wasn’t the same.

    Over $500k in checks written to the widows/family of fallen DFW area first responders.

    Fundraisers for sick kids? He was there.

    Non-profit animal shelter struggling for funds? Russ was on it.

    His good “friend”, personal physician and constant guest on the show Dr. Carlos Venegas was arrested and charged with a number of federal felonies related to prescription drugs, and almost immediately is when Russ began his hiatus from the show. I don’t think those two are unrelated.

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  4. Y’all remember that time he put his alma mater on blast and said he got paid for big plays, then crawfished and said he didn’t have any knowledge or proof that it actually happened?

    Yeah, fuck him with rusty barbed wire.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  5. My friend, the one I’ve chronicled here over the last two years, is about to lose the battle with his demons. Yesterday would have been 10 weeks sober for him, but he relapsed on Monday. He’s out of sick time at work, and last relapse at the beginning of December the powers above us said this was the last time they would be able to let this go unaddressed. This isn’t going to end well.

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  6. The people bitching about how they spent X amount of dollars at TW and didn’t win shit or didn’t win something highly allocated make me cringe and my local groups are full of them. Lotteries, how do they work?

    • Hook 'Em 1

  7. 15 is out-fucking-standing. I don’t do backup bottles often but that’s one I’d backup if the opportunity presented itself.

    I have to have a backup before I can open a bottle. Yes I’m well aware that I’m strange
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  8. The Elmer in the middle with the foil still on the cap makes me think. Do you guys pull the tab on the foil and leave the rest of it intact? My ocd gets the best of me. I have to remove all of the foil, from the cap itself and the entirety of the foil on the neck.

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  9. That price is about $20 too high but it’s a pretty damn good bottle.

    I’m sorry but after all of the 13&14 year KC picks myself and BigD grabbed for $45 from 2017-2019 no way in hell I’m paying $79 for that. Or $59. Maybe $39. Maybe.
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  10. Is that the case for all fire stations? I’m extremely fortunate over here in Dallas with power while a lot of my hood is out. I’m 4 blocks either way between fire stations, can’t imagine any other reason besides that (and luck)

    Yes with probably the only exception being your one fire station town in podunkville. We can’t operate without power. Three of our stations generators suffered catastrophic failures and those stations were closed and the crews moved to the next closest station.
  11. Who here has leased their own land out to hunters? Grandma is on 2900 acres in Milam county and it would be nice to make her a little extra scratch if it weren’t much trouble. My concern, and it was echoed by our neighbor Game Warden, is that unless you’re a high fence operation promising multiple massive trophy bucks it won’t be worth the hassle.

    We are not high fence but we have an absolute boatload of doe and regularly harvest 7-10 eight point and higher bucks, with a couple documented 12 and over in the last few years. Shit ton of pigs as well.

    I have no idea what going rate for a setup like that would be nor do I know the insurance and other costs.

  12. Fire trucks can push a plow too

    Yeah you can fuck right the fuck off with that shit. Come do my job for 8 of my 24 hour shift and then tell me we should also be pushing snow plows around the city/county as well.
  13. I mean as long as we’re telling shitty lease stories, we had our place in palo pinto for 8 years. Made lots of improvements that benefitted us and the landowner. It had about 20 or so red stag cows and 3 massive bulls that had escaped a high fence place several years years earlier during a wildfire and settled there. We had a geneltmans agreement that once the herd got above 40 cows and 4 bulls he would allow us to take a few. Absolutely beautiful 5500 acre spread on the Brazos. Week after deer season started in 2019 we were sent a letter certified mail that read the land had been sold and the new owner was giving us 30 days to vacate the property. Never got to take a red stag and never heard a peep from the landowner. I still have a key to the gate and know the combination to the oilfield operations lock....

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