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Herbie Hancock

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Posts posted by Herbie Hancock

  1. Some folks above disagreed about getting out of your vehicle. Glad your guy is OK. I think sometimes it can be good to get out of a vehicle.

    And I know a guy that survived a car wreck because he wasn’t wearing his seatbelt. Does that mean nobody should ever wear a seatbelt?
    • Hook 'Em 2
  2. Bought my wife the Denali last December and I had to take her out Wednesday morning so I could 1) see how it did on the ice, and 2) show her how to put it in 4wd. I found the most city-fied country girl in the damn state and decided to marry her. Smh

  3. The wife wanted chili last night.....but she's on a weight-loss kick, so she wanted lean turkey chili....with veggies.  Sigh.  I made it, and added a can of big diced tomatoes and a can of Ranch Style beans.
    It was actually fine -- I added a bunch of jalapeno slices to mine, topped with shredded cheddar, and liberal splashes of Crystal.  Then, I ate it using Frito scoops instead of a spoon.  I enjoyed it.  But dear God.....the smells I've produced this morning.....thank goodness my home office has a door.

    Do you add tallow to your deer? I do not and would guess that it is 97-98% lean when it comes back from Green’s. Zero guilt in eating it. Now the cornbread and jalapeño Fritos scoops.....eh not so much
  4. you said you wouldn't say anything about how we met.

    Well I’ve been drinking since 11 so I can’t be held responsible. And come to think of it, it was your idea that I start drinking at 9. I was going to do that anyways, but I’m still blaming you.
    • Hook 'Em 1
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  5. maybe i'm showing my age...but don't those big semis/trucks still have CB radios??
    if so...how is there not screaming across all channels 'SLOW DOWN BE PREPARED TO STOP MASSIVE PILEUP ON 35!!!' or whatever. 
    holy shit that's hard to watch. 

    As a fireman in the FWD area I feel well qualified to tell you that you are severely overestimating the amount of functioning brain cells the average citizen possesses. We had multiple fire apparatus struck by vehicles this morning. To the point that I don’t think we have enough reserves to compensate for the out of service rigs.
    • Hook 'Em 3
    • Rage+1 2
  6. Apparently there's an >100 car pileup on 35W going on that's now been categorized as a mass casualty event
    fucking black ice man. Scary shit.
    You surly Dallas-ites stay safe out there

    MCI (mass casualty incident) just means that there are more problems/patients than there are resources to deal said problems. At one point the initial arriving battalion chief told dispatch to “send me every truck company available”. That’s almost 30 ladder trucks. Fuck this noise
  7. When I think rural I think of my grandparents owning one of the only two grocery stores in all of Haskell county, and both of which were IGA’s. If you have the opportunity to stop at a grocery store during your normal daily routine, you’re probably not rural.

  8. Yeah that area is already flooded with bars. Not sure what concept they think will be enough of a draw to pay their rent but if I had to bet money on whether they would make it longer than 90 days I would bet everything I’ve got that they wouldn’t

  9. Starting tomorrow the high temp for the next 7 days will be tomorrow at 37. Bringing ten pounds of deer up to the house from the barn freezer. Going pepper hunting this afternoon at the michoacana in town.

    Probably need to stock up on shit tickets too.

  10. Those are pretty similar in value.  I made that trade this fall.  

    Correct they are similar in secondary value, but one is miles ahead of the other in taste and overall quality. Same with ETL and RHF. Similar in secondary price and that’s about it.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  11. It will be unpopular here, but why is it bad customer service for a merchant to sell his inventory at fair market value?

    There’s a standard markup of about 30% on just about every whiskey out there. Most fair market value as you put it, is anywhere from 230-330%.

    If I know what you payed for a bottle of whiskey, and I know that everything else in your store gets the standard 30% markup except for the one item that I want, I’m going to resent the ever loving fuck out of you. Better yet, I’m probably going to light a candle and pray to Jobu that some horrible sneezing fit hits you whilst you’re shaving your genitals.
    • Haha 1
  12. Disagree about 1.  It’s pretty f’n good and worth the 20 minute detour if you are headed west on 20 and need to grab something to eat.

    You’re entitled to your wrong opinion. I bet you think Applebee’s has killer chips and salsa too! Kidding lol

    If you think Mary’s is something special then The Cafe in Graford will make you change your religion. If you don’t have the time to venture up there the next best option is the Smokestack in Mingus. Clear your schedule beforehand because the CFS is the size of an entire plate. Your sides come on a separate plate
    • Hook 'Em 1
  13. Holy shit three straight swings and misses

    1. Mary’s is about the most overrated place on earth. They are at best the third best option in Palo Pinto County and that’s being generous.

    2. Perini’s is as much a diner as the Pope is Jewish

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