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Herbie Hancock

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Everything posted by Herbie Hancock

  1. I don’t care who was right or wrong. It was simply an observation that Gay can play that hold me back bro nonsense but if Charles decides he wants to rip his head off and shit down his throat there’s not gonna be a whole lot lil’ Willie can do about it.
  2. Willie Gay better calm his ass down. Trying to get rowdy with Charles O when you’re giving up 4” and 50 pounds to him ain’t a healthy decision.
  3. Price has gotten stupid on both. That said, under $115 for Shenk’s and under $140 for Bomberger’s and I’d probably grab them both. I’ve never had a bad release of either one
  4. You’re old, but you’re not wrong. I always preferred, and in this order: Higher than pterodactyl tits Higher than giraffe pussy Higher than a cats’ ass
  5. That sounds a lot more reasonable for the price you listed.
  6. Not retail on the pistol. Academy has that Glock for $398 right now.
  7. Don’t you know it’s a bitch getting a size 68 extra fat?
  8. Thomas Handy is good. I’ve had some releases that were just good, but I’ve had a few that were holy shit this is sex in a bottle good. Unless you’ve got someone wanting to trade you a WLW 1 for 1 I would say crack the Handy.
  9. Yes let it dry. I can’t promise it will work, but I had a lot of success with it over the years. Salvaged many a nice boot with rubber cement, lexol and watered down rubbing alcohol. Good luck. Not many things more aggravating than losing a good pair of boots
  10. Elmer’s rubber cement. Lightly coat the affected area and work it around. It will ball up pretty quickly. Work the ball around for a good few minutes. Repeat 2-3 times if necessary. If that doesn’t work I would then try the Lexol leather cleaner in the orange container. Do not use the brown one that is conditioner and will seal in whatever oils are in the skin. If neither of those work, then get some mink oil and coat both pairs evenly and enjoy the new darker shade of birds because nothing else will work.
  11. Why do you have a budget? Aren't you a cardiologist?? In all seriousness, I have the Ruger Precision and Savage Model 10 BA Stealth. They're both right at 10 pounds, but the Savage has a 3" longer barrel. I like them both but typically reach for the Savage. If you're just wanting something for popping pork, have you looked at Ruger American line? That one would leave you enough money in the budget to snag a can like a Hybrid46.
  12. I wouldn't pay more than $60 after tax for one, but that's partly because I don't think it's that great. Some people pay $100+ and are happy to do so.
  13. I sweatergawd I'll pistol whip the next person that says Evan Stewart, E-Stew, E-steezy or any other iteration of the name of that fuckface twat from collie station that we absolutely DO NOT WANT. Fuck
  14. Yeah, you're the only one that thinks that.
  15. Do us all a favor and never disrespect The Ghost ever again by mentioning anyone in the same breath as him, let alone a fucking Stoops.
  16. Hope this kid gets himself sorted out. On a possibly related note, around the age of 18 is when serious mental issues such as bipolar/schizophrenia disorder begin to really manifest themselves and become distinguishable from just bad behavior.
  17. Jerrick Gibson is in Michael Kern is in Also, what part of official announcements only do you chucklefucks not understand?
  18. I've got a great idea: find somewhere east of Loop 12 and call it a day.
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