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Herbie Hancock

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Everything posted by Herbie Hancock

  1. What RPM are y'all running your pool at during the night? My average water temp last week was 90 with the pump running 8a-9p at 3250. Reset the schedule on Sunday from 8a-8p at 3250 and then set a second schedule from 9p-6a at 2200 rpm and the average temp has been 87. I would like to trim it back under 2k rpm I just don't have a clue if that would be too low or not
  2. Fuck AirBnB and their bullshit ass "cleaning fee" that is typically no less than 50% of the cost of the entire stay. Don't get me wrong I hate the stupid tourism fee, occupancy tax, resort fee, and the other 7 line item "fees" of hotels, they're usually somewhere around 25-30% of the total price. I've never seen an AirBnB fee structure that was close to that. Fuckers
  3. Goddammit Gil went old school full tilt Derka last night.
  4. Holy fuck I haven't thought about that deranged idiot Swam in a minute. Whatever happened to his idiot sidekick Numbers?
  5. Ahh, hot ice! Heat up the ice cubes! It's the best of both worlds!
  6. I guess Bochy is the only one that didn't know that was going to happen
  7. Cole about to go full Bumgarner and lose his shit on everyone
  8. Good grief does Jung need spectacles or is his confidence shot? Dude has watched some prime fucking pitches go by for strike 3 quite often in the last couple weeks
  9. Already equaled yesterdays total. Only up from here boys
  10. This isn't his fault at all, but if we make it to the ASB and Bud Black still has a job I'll be shocked.
  11. Jesus fucking fuck. Go from base hit giving us the lead if we bunt to DP is still in play and ends the game. What. The. Fuck.
  12. I think Boone has surpassed Cito Gaston for second most punchable manager. Showalter still in the lead by a lot.
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