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Everything posted by DonkeyCigars

  1. Also, what will be the money situation be like? Who will be funding them and will China/Russia or whomever want to wait a bit until all the hoopla dies out before secretly funneling money to them? I read this today:
  2. Your search results in 7 different publications/inputs, which is exactly the opposite of what I asked. Are you so blinded by my username that your limited critical thinking abilities get choked out by your haste to constantly try and dunk on me, even if you are at the 3 point line, as the message board equivalent of a Spud Webb? Here it is again, if you want to try again (of course you can just simply ignore and keep scrolling and let an adult give an answer): Lastly, where are you people hearing all this and getting this guidance from? Are there press conferences? Are there scheduled updates coming from the CDC or some other centrally governing body? What is the cadence or posting schedule, etc.? Surely we can't all just be word of mouth gossiping about all this and reading forums and having to collate and synthesize into a single understanding from dozens of inputs that vary wildly, right?
  3. But if a booster is coming, you can wait on that as your next shot. This not only seems like the best practice, but a more responsible route, versus just taking a repeated 2nd shot to hold you over. Unless you got fully vaxxed in like Feb or March (I think it was old and sick people who qualified then) whose 8 months will run up before the booster is available. Otherwise the best practice is to wait on the Booster. Do I have that all right? Lastly, where are you people hearing all this and getting this guidance from? Are there press conferences? Are there scheduled updates coming from the CDC or some other centrally governing body? What is the cadence or posting schedule, etc.? Surely we can't all just be word of mouth gossiping about all this and reading forums and having to collate and synthesize into a single understanding from dozens of inputs that vary wildly, right? Sorry for the barrage of questions!
  4. And does it stand to reason that the higher viral load and dose (1mL vs .6mL) is the reason the Moderna side effects were reportedly worse than Pfizer (and J&J, but we are all onboard with shaming J&J as not a real vaccine, right?)? Your body was sicker for the few days after due to getting more?
  5. Okay, so this just adds more questions and complexities to my pea brain. What the heck. Are you supposed to proactively get a 3rd shot because a unique booster isn't ready yet? Is a unique booster coming and we should just wait and that is better? What is the formal and published guidance on all this and where is it coming from and what is the cadence?
  6. All day. All day. All Day. ALL DAY! Who was that guy he was talking to, the russian guy or something, who was saying they were the only ones who didn't play in college?
  7. ^^ That was disgusting. You will get no defense from me on that. Lots of things this man did was disgusting, but that was one of the worst IMO.
  8. I think it's like anything else that matures. At some point there is a tougher barrier to entry. America back in the 1700 and 1800's wasn't 380mm people and more or less shared a national pride, ethic and value system that is irreparably broken by a fractured and disconnected populace. Why do we think that policies from the 1700 and 1800's are sacrosanct and shouldn't be iterated on and evolve based on the change in data, context, populations and general variables over time? Just like getting into UT now versus the 80's; the standards for admission have changed significantly because the supply and demand, resources and capital, have changed significantly over time.
  9. Let me preface: Please don't get mad, dumb question amnesty, as I'm not the smartest or most-informed guy in the world about this stuff and have honest questions. If I am fully vaxxed with Pfizer. Is a booster simply just getting a third shot of the Pfizer (a repeat of the 2nd shot) or is the third shot booster a uniquely composed payload that is different from the first two? I ask because I was hearing chatter about people going into cvs and lying about their vaccination history to get a booster (e.g. already have 2 shots but pretending to only have one to get their "second shot" which is in fact the third as a booster). Does it work that way or are people just being foolish? I ask because I'd be interested in getting a 3rd shot booster at my 8 month and 1 day.
  10. I get that and it's why I won't say anything while it's going on and it's happening in real time, but I think it's fair to discuss in the "Discuss the boards and how we can do better" board. And, you might have missed this sentence: I know most of you people were raised better than all this, but I also understand and need to make allowances for the fact that the internet has a different set of rules.
  11. I get why people are angry at him. And I understand that "hurt people then try and hurt other people" and that's why I don't bring it up in discussions on those topics or threads, but rather why it's a good place to call it out in this offshoot meta-thread focusing on the prevalent behavior and postings of a particular board.
  12. I think there is (and should be) plenty of criticism for things like making fun of disabilities, people's weight/body, developmental and mental disorders and syndromes and illnesses, and making fun of people solely on the basis of race, color, creed, ethnicity, etc. On both sides. That means that the Hilary obsession is horrible as is the objectifying AoC because she's attractive. It means making fun of both Trump and Biden for whatever their respective mental conditions may be (and the truth is, nobody really knows for either one), is distasteful. It means calling women (and men, really) whose politics you don't like and disagree with ugly names based on their appearances and weight is poor form. I personally think being perverted on here is disgusting as well, but I am self-aware enough to a) read the room that a bunch of men born in the 60's and 70's here are gonna be a bunch of men born in the 60's and 70's and DDDdad and people like that are gonna do their thing and b) recognize that compared to most, I am rather puritan. I know most of you people were raised better than all this, but I also understand and need to make allowances for the fact that the internet has a different set of rules.
  13. I liked watching the Brit coach and his interactions; he's compelling because he's a little known and scrappy, had to work hard to get here story too. Kamara stuff was cool. One thing I wasn't prepared for was a lot of cringe/second-hand embarrassment from some of the interactions. This team doesn't feel very gelled and doesn't have the chemistry from what I've seen "behind the scenes" on this show thus far.
  14. I agree 100% that it’s pathetic to constantly make fun of a disability. But that’s just me.
  15. Here is an interesting factoid for those criticizing Ghani for not having the stomach to fight for his country as he fled with money flying out of his briefcases-- he literally doesn't:"
  16. Bought the book finally; will get into it by early next week.
  17. Been thinking a lot about Death of a Salesman this week; it really was a powerhouse performance by Hoffman. I haven't seen a lot of Hoffman movies that are supposed to be really good like Tootsie or Rain Man, so I might do that, because I thought he gave one of the best performances I've ever seen here as it's marinated this week. Truly great stuff, if you ever get a chance to watch it (not sure how popular it is). Though I've never seen any of Hoffman's big movies, I guess In hindsight it shouldn't be weird because I loved Dustin Hoffman in all the Kung Fu Panda movies, I thought he was a bright spot in Dick Tracy (1990) and absolutely stole every scene he was in and portrayed the definitive and best Captain Hook ever in the eponymous Hook (1991). And Malkovich was just eh, okay. And I love Malkovich in almost everything I've seen as an older actor. Anyways, check out the movie. I hear the play hasn't been on Broadway in forever.
  18. Honestly, and this is not a defense just an excuse I guess, between the stop and starts with masks I haven’t paid attention to anything about it— at first it was masks don’t help and save them for professionals, then it was actually masks work, then it was don’t wear masks if you are fully backed because it sends a bad message to recovery, to now back to masks. I’ve just tried to keep it simple: get the vax, wear a mask where required in public, and stay out of the berth of strangers generally speaking. Anyways
  19. I don't know what that means, but I am sensing it's an insult...which is fair right now.
  20. If this is an attempt at an Ozymandias quote, I salute you, sir.
  21. I'll give you poorly informed in most areas, but I'll challenge you on unshakable confidence; that ain't me, CaptainAnt.
  22. well yea, but what I thought I heard was that truly asymptomatic was only happening in children and babies and teens/adults had symptoms that presented, from the extreme to the most basic that had people assured they were dealing with seasonal allergies or just a headache or whatever.
  23. That's crazy. I was today years old when this landed for me. My mind is blown. and yes, I'm ignorant beyond belief, apparently, I'll admit that!
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