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Bert Orange

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Everything posted by Bert Orange

  1. I’m ashamed to admit that I am thoroughly enjoying this matchup of homo erectus and an erect homo.
  2. Butterfingers all over the place.
  3. I guess I never appreciated the cannon that fucker had at OU. Has some zip.
  4. A soon to be ex-friend scheduled his daughter’s bat mitzvah that weekend and i can’t go. Believe they are in Section 11 or 12. Need to check tonight. Lowest on Stub is $200 each. Asking $725 for all four (and no bullshit fees). PM if interested. In Houston
  5. I’m guessing this was already proffered (did not read every page), but let’s flip this on its head a bit and imagine a scenario where the tenant killed the female cop instead. I’m assuming she’d be a martyr? Some fabricated story where she was lawfully responding to a complaint and was mowed down in cold blood? Because based on internet facts, I almost wish she was the one who was shot on entry.
  6. You have small hands or big hands? Slowly please.
  7. Astros have scored more runs than all but three teams and have given up fewer runs than anyone. By a pretty significant margin. Feels historically low. All on outstanding pitching. Thats how how you win championships.
  8. When you consider Machado leads our team in average, HR and RBI, despite having been traded long ago, there is little hope.
  9. As a Birds fan first and Stros fan second (sure was a lot easier when my teams were in different leagues), I want to say the one positive to this season is our ability to contribute 4 losses to the Stros to finish the stretch. For the optimists (me), what is your dream WS? Gotta feel like it’s 1a) Cubs and 1b) Cardinals Both would be so much fun.
  10. I may still have some pucker given its only been a year, but why does Isaac look so fucking familiar?
  11. Jamie Dimon trolling Trump... JPM CEO Jamie Dimon says he could beat Trump "because I'm as tough as he is, I'm smarter than he is." He also said: "And by the way this wealthy New Yorker actually earned his money. It wasn't a gift from Daddy."
  12. What was the 8th most populous city of North Carolina? Stay safe Wilmington.
  13. If it does a loopty loop, look the fuck out.
  14. Best pickup I’ve had for a single week. 31 points. Looks like the jury may be deliberating a while longer.
  15. BoB could drop dead of a heart attack on the sidelines, call timeout and challenge the death, and lose.
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