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Everything posted by Pdawg88

  1. He sent me a message the other day. Hope he is doing well.
  2. Think about it @The Duke this guy is a OSU fan, so it can always get worse. Keep your head up bud, if you need someone to talk to send me a message.
  3. It’s never as bad as it seems.
  4. That is being generous if I being honest. Y’all were such a better team than us last year, and I don’t hold out much hope for this year as well. Y’all will be better, we will be worse. But the good news is we will be one year closer to getting rid of Skeletor, he is not the guy.
  5. I can sure you he is not going there. I’ve heard UCLA, Auburn, and Florida
  6. My son took an unofficial visit to Nebraska last weekend. What they are building and doing there is very impressive. I think they hired the right coach. He was very pleasant to be around and seems to have them pointed in the right direction. Curious to see what happens there.
  7. The only problem I have is mold. Besides that fuck it
  8. We are good at softball. Maybe Patty can coach the football team
  9. Show of dominance with her in the back. He must be a cuck
  10. Beatles most overrated band of all time. The doors most underrated
  11. https://www.labaguettebistro.com It’s actually pretty good
  12. You gotta live somewhere. Grew up here and love it.
  13. Not Texas, but Oklahoma. Place called Edgecraft. All of the guys who work here are from Texas, and that’s how the advertise it. It’s by far the best bbq in OKC. Last time I tried here I got the moist brisket and it had a bit too much fat so I tried the lean today and it is amazing.
  14. We can’t be any worse than we were this year. Fuck it get some new blood in there.
  15. The correct answer is 92, anything else is just wrong. Have a great Sunday.
  16. Pdawg88


    I will be going there for sure. That menu looks amazing. Thank you gentlemen for the suggestions.
  17. I thought I was your favorite Sooner😥
  18. Pdawg88


    This is perfect. We have a Rudys here in Oklahoma City so I wanted to try somewhere different. Lunch would be fine for the BBQ places. Thank you for the suggestions
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