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Everything posted by Pdawg88

  1. Jesus Christ the comments in that tweet are the best.
  2. We have a winner! Great tune, it’s me and my wife’s song. You won first sorry
  3. Swears like sailor when she shaves her legs. Anyone remover that song?
  4. Crabs and egg rolls for me, that one was pretty easy.
  5. How do you explain to people that you got your ass kicked by a statue?
  6. Yes sir it was with a bow. And yes, I knew the shot was a bit low and back. My arrow came out the other side and didn’t have a bunch of good blood on it. Blood was good at times and back at times when we tracked him. Just didn’t have a good feeling. I will say my broadhead made the biggest hole I’ve ever seen on a deer. I just didn’t want to post the picture. But it is impressive!
  7. I’m no scorer by any means but I guessed 162. But I’d love to get someone who scores opinion.
  8. Shot this guy here in Oklahoma. Wife and I bought 15 acres to build a house on. It’s northwest of downtown OKC by about 15 miles. Shot him last night and waited till this morning to go find him.
  9. We look confused so it’s working
  10. He fucking barked at it. Can’t believe that didn’t work
  11. Haha, I live about 15 minutes from there
  12. This guy gets it. Nothing better than a swirl before a home game. My wife and I park right by there for every home game and have one on the way in. You can get pretty fucked up on them. Never tried the queso, too much of a boozer. I’ll be in Norman tomorrow, might try it at lunch.
  13. He was my first choice and I stand by it.
  14. Great game guys, I will never come here to talk shit. I thought you boys would throttle us. Y’all are a hell of a football team. See you at Jerry’s world.
  15. It kills me to bet against my Sooners, but I did a parlay this morning with Texas -5 and Ole Piss -11. There is just no way OU will be able to keep up, our running game sucks balls. I will make more bets later this week on Texas, it’s free money at this point.
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