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Everything posted by Modessit

  1. What a stupid chance to take. They know they're fucked.
  2. I did. Also saw he goes down at first contact. Needs to work on keeping his balance and getting YAC.
  3. Don't talk shit until the game is over.
  4. Fuck it. Hail Mary. Show off the arm.
  5. Great pass! Great catch! Put it on the scoreboard.
  6. Technically his hand touched it on the 1st down pass attempt.
  7. They should make a Wendy's commercial where they take that burger away from Reggie and give it to Vince.
  8. Worthy's fingers tried to give it away. Great catch Bijan!
  9. White beat red in pig race. Stormtroopers killing gooners confirmed.
  10. So beautiful. Quinn just flicks his wrist and it's 15 yards downfield. Great drive. Hope that defense knows they only have to cover Stoops. Everything else is runs.
  11. I knew it was going to be a fake
  12. Gotta play contain on all runs. They aren't beating us with the pass.
  13. 2nd half is going to be nice with all the red shirts gone from the stands.
  14. Though that was going to be a double pass
  15. Gotta put some zip on it. That floated too long.
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