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Everything posted by Modessit

  1. Is it DO's fault that he's taller than the QB?
  2. I'm looking this 2-back formation with BR and RJ on either side of Card. Defense doesn't know who is going to burn them. Nice pas to Whitt
  3. She's good with play-action but doesn't seem to have much use for a tight end.
  4. Is that what the kids are calling a clock now?
  5. What's with the aggy commercial during our game?
  6. RoJo is going to be the difference in this game. TD!
  7. Card definitely not 100%. Didn't even try to block for the Bijan turnaround.
  8. Kind of fitting that lady bitching about not being able to find the Bud Light is wearing a Browns jersey.
  9. Going for it on 4th in your territory early - tells the offense you believe in them, but also tells the defense you believe in their ability to stop if it doesn't work.
  10. They need to watch that front line drifting back before the ball is kicked. Wouldn't be surprised to see a surprise onside kick at some point if it continues.
  11. If you don't have the dofusports app yet, get it. That's where your stream will be. Links posted here tend to get pulled down quickly.
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