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Everything posted by Modessit

  1. The ball crossed the line before his arm went back and threw it. Shouldn't matter where the body is. If the ball crosses the line, then it can't be thrown again.
  2. They're going to say his arm was still behind the line, but the ball crossed the line then went back.
  3. The RB or TE just to Penix' right moved when Penix barked. Should have been a false start.
  4. Someone figure out where AD is and throw the ball his direction if you have to throw the ball.
  5. Put a safety 40 yards downfield and tell him if he lets anything over 30 yards get caught then he walks home.
  6. Ref: 'Personal Foul - Texas - for making a positive play. 15 yards from the previous spot and loss of down. Also - Go Huskies!"
  7. Does the defense communicate? Shouldn't someone be letting the DB know the ball is coming toward him so he can get his hands up or try to make a play on it?
  8. It's our own damn fault for not running the ball on early downs.
  9. Hate when they run the script like they never practiced it.
  10. 1st play - penalty. Glad we got that out of the way.
  11. I was thinking the same thing. Must've felt his wife in the background looking daggers at the blonde.
  12. Bama needs to throw a screen against the blitz
  13. There's a version where he says something like "Whaaaatttt????" at the end. I'm guessing he was near the set that day and they asked him to sit in.
  14. I'm also right handed and left eye dominant. Never bothered me shooting a gun (right-handed). I shot competitive pool for a while (even playing in Vegas a few times) and learned early how to aim with my left eye while shooting right-handed. Most people will adjust fairly easily. Might take him a bit to adjust to a scope, but I'd think just using the sights would work without much effort.
  15. Texas 48 Washington 20 Most important stat of the game? 3rd down conversions. Texas - 6-11 Washington 2-10
  16. If any team ever had motivation to go out and prove it on the field, it was them. The fact that so many players opted out means one of three things: 1 - they knew they couldn't win without their hurt QB. Or even with him. 2 - they didn't give a shit to prove the committee was wrong to leave them out. 3 - both of the above and they're a team of bleeding pussies. What was all the soapboxing about "if we're the last undefeated, we should be the champs" if most of the starters weren't even going to try? They would have been better off just rejecting the bowl bid and ending the season undefeated. Then they could at least (wrongly) proclaim they should have a share of the title - and probably would have gotten some votes.
  17. So basically.... Dallas. First time I was in Dallas (1990s) above 21 with a gf visiting her aunt and was going out to pick up food before coming back to watch the Cowboys game. She told me, "Pick up some beer, too." This was before cell phones. I didn't know it was a dry county. I thought it was weird that Kroger didn't have beer, but thought maybe the crappy neighborhood had something to do with it. Then the next grocery store didn't have beer either. Then several gas stations without beer. Eventually it became a mission to find beer no matter what. I got on 35 and got off every exit and looked around and then went to the next exit. The only reason I saw the liquor store was because cops were surrounding a car in the parking lot. Went in and got beer. That's when I was told it was a dry county and you can only get beer at liquor stores. Finally made it back to the aunt's house almost 2 hours later. Gf had been getting worried but was trying not to alarm elderly aunt. She knew it was a dry county but forgot to tell me I had to go to a liquor store. /csb
  18. It's better than those dumbasses who answer every question with "100%..." before answering.
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