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Posts posted by Brisketexan

  1. Trump is so fucking easy to play it ain’t even funny.

    Israel plays him, on top of the “it was something Obama did, so you should undo it” card. It was inevitable.

    If you’re MOVING the chess pieces, you’re a leader. If you’re the chess piece being moved by someone else, you’re not.

    • Like 2
  2. Basically this post, Hugo.  There is an urgency and rhetoric to the anti-Trump movement that is grounded in conspiracy and sensationalism.


    I honestly think Brisket went loco because he feels his heritage is attacked.  He doesn't strike me as that type of personality, but maybe he is in that regard.


    1 - tell me what I said in that list that’s false.


    2 - you bet your ass that’s part of it. And you better watch your ass, because whatever “group” you’re a part of, Trump will demonize it and whip up a frenzy against it the instant he thinks it will earn him applause from his base.


    I grew up in a country and state that was steadily moving away from stigma and prejudice against Hispanics. So, yeah, when I see us throw things into reverse gear, and my kids and I have folks doubt our loyalty to this country because of our last name, I damned well perk up.


    Fucking Nazis are enabled by this fuckhole. Nazis, man. And he couldn’t even bring himself to condemn them. Come the fuck on, man. If Muslim terrorists had marched through our streets with torches, culminating in driving a car through the crowd, and Obama had said there were “good people on both sides,” you would be (justifiably) flipping your shit.

    • Like 2
  3. How are my actions different from Nancy Pelosi's?  Or Chuck Schumer's?  Or do you have the same criticism of them?

    You’re a card-carrying member of the party that controls the country across the board. You’re on the inside...and you’re a gutless coward.

    And yes, Pelosi and Schumer HAVE spoken up countless times to say this shit isn’t normal and it’s not ok.

    Here’s a hint - when you’re holding up the example of Nancy Pelosi to argue “see, I’m not so bad”....then you’re pretty fucking bad.
    • Like 1
  4. I used to worry about you.  I thought something bad had happened.  Now I think you're just trying out an act - testing a Trump-style anti-Trump populist shtick to see how it plays in Peoria.

    Nothing bad has happened to me.

    Just watching the world happily shoot itself in the dick repeatedly, and enablers like you pretending that it’s ok.

    I’m not a fucking populist. I’m ringing the alarm AGAINST indulging in and enabling populist idiocy. You, on the other hand, just sit back and let it happen because hey, you got a Judge you like somewhere.

    “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”

    And there you sit, on the sidelines, celebrating how firmly you can sit on your hands.
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  5. Brisket- that place wouldn't be called Tacos Chinampa would it?  I got a text the other day with a pic just like the one at the top of this page from a buddy that flies to El Paso all the time for work.  Place is famous for their pastor too.


    The pastor was top notch.
  6. I think the biggest difference (maybe) is that the wealthy have convinced themselves that they are in the right.  They honestly think that cutting off funding to welfare programs will somehow help the poor and that increasing their post-tax profits will improve the economy, which will benefit everybody.  Maybe that's always been the case, but there seems to be this desperate, religious fervor to their beliefs, which completely precludes any kind of scientific analysis.  Many of them are intelligent, kind people, who truly believe they can get something for nothing, despite all historical data to the contrary.  And since it defies any analysis, there is no balance.  There is no optimum point.  Less taxes on the riches is always good.  And if they need to build a Tahoe-coalition with racists and religious bigots to guarantee that something-for-nothing, then so be it.  The ends justify the means, even though the ends, by any reasonable analysis, is unsustainable and increases public misery. 

    We used to laugh at Judge Smayles’ quip about sending young boys to the electric chair - “I didn’t want to, but I felt I owed it to them.”

    Now, that ethic is our governing philosophy.
  7. That's the unfortunate crop that Trumpkins are sowing and don't even care. They are laughing their asses off, smug as can be over all them liberal tears. All the while, they are excusing any and all behavior, setting a national precedent that nothing matters. Wait until the socialist-leaning wing of the Democratic party is emboldened by all the pissed off young people finally getting old enough to care about voting. Everything the GOP lets Trump get away with now, establishes that precedent going forward and you aren't going to be laughing when the strap-on is worn by the other side. 


    This. New norms that suck are bad. Because ANYONE can use them to their advantage - and our disadvantage.



    That's a really good observation because it describes me more closely than I've ever been able to when asked ("you a dem/ liberal?"). I just want a government that takes only what it needs and does the most good with it. The free market is great, but just like the government it needs checks and balances. People's personal lives are just fucking that, personal. Worship how you please but leave me out of it.  

    I think that's about it.


    Pretty solid. I generally agree.



    This is why I think the NRA refusing any rules is stupid in the longterm.  The NRA of the 70s was about responsible ownership and was not a cheerleader for gun sales that they are now.


    The zero compromise, all-out-war approach on multiples fronts is a long-term TERRIBLE idea.


    I think of it like a political fault line. If you move periodically, in reasonable increments, you relieve pressure, and keep some measure of control.


    If you resist with all your might, the fault line doesn’t move at all...until it does. And then you end up with an 8.0 earthquake, you have no control, and you’re totally fucked.



    I don't think of it as liberal or conservative.  It's Trumpkins vs. everyone else. I'm definitely not a liberal but, fuck, Trump and his ilk are fucking insufferable.  Right now, I can stand libs more than what's left of the GOP.  The enemy of my enemy is my friend shit.  

    Personally, I'd like to kick the shit out of many posters on both sides of the spectrum. 



    All I want is a sane center-right party. I don’t think that’s too much to ask, but apparently, it is.



    I'd like my administration not to be openly corrupt, if possible.  I don't think that's a Left/Right issue and fuck anyone who tries to make it that.


    And this. When did utter corruption and self-dealing become A-OK? What the fuck? I mean, I heard incessant bitching about obama golfing, and 1) he didn’t even do it as often as Trump has, and 2) he sure as shit wasn’t funneling public dollars to his own pockets when he did so.


    For fuck’s sake, point 2) should piss EVERYONE off.



    It a collective action problem, but not in the way you are thinking. The board in general has lost a lot of it's rationality going back a few years.  There used to be people willing to rebuff both sides for their shittery.  I think the moderates mostly bailed out in the later days of Cloak Room (especially leading up to the election).  And there used to be a strong libertarian contingency that served the same purpose.  If anything, the board was too libertarian.

    Yet, few have returned like had happened in previous election cycles.  What happened to Euro, Washpark, Huck, Wulaw, etc?  And for some reason Brisket has gone off the deep end.




    I haven’t gone off any deep end. I’m just clearly and loudly noting that we’re in deep shit.


    We are governed by a man and movement that is stridently anti-facts, lies at a rate that massively eclipses any political behavior in modern times, that enjoys being cruel and vindictive and publicly celebrates it, that acts without considering facts, evidence, or consequences, that happily demeans the most vulnerable among us, that courts racism and xenophobia, that is part of a global movement venomously rejecting the (small “l”) liberal world order of the past 75 years that has brought unprecedented peace and prosperity, and come the fuck on, do I need to go on?


    The only insanity is to NOT be alarmed by this turn of events.


    I’m not a lib or a leftist - I’m the same guy who ends up agreeing with about 90% of what he reads in The Economist. Which hasn’t changed, by the way - its take has been consistent my whole life. When I started reading it, it was generally characterized as a generally conservative-aligned publication. Now - without it changing a thing, and mostly because it raises the EXACT same alarm I raise - it’s attacked as a liberal rag.


    That’s some fucked up shit.



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  8. You all seem to be missing the point:  The war is getting uglier and uglier.

    You can't argue that either side is behaving well.  Both sides believe in blocking well qualified opponents.  This will not end well.

    “This will not end well.”


    You support a party and platform of “this will not end well.” Don’t fucking complain about the poison that you’re happily dumping into the water supply by the gallon. Just don’t. You’re already a pathetic spineless hypocrite, no need to turn it up to 11.

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    • Fuck You 1
  9. the white poor adopt it because it makes them feel like they are part of the club even to their own detriment. it makes them feel superior to vote like a rich guy and it will help stick it to the brown and black people, ya know the REAL poor people. if they were to vote democrat, to their advantage, it would be admitting they are poor AND it would be agreeing to help those brown and black people, ya know the REAL poor people who are too lazy to help themselves!

    Spot on.

    For an analogy we can all understand, the white poor are the aggies joining the SEC. They walk into a room with the REAL big boys, and say “hey guys, ain’t it great to be one of the SEC cool kids like us? Sucks to be one of those other losers, like the Big XII or the Big 10! Hurr durr!” Meanwhile, to the rest of the successful SEC...the Aggies are just useful idiots.

    We are governed by the aggy ethos now. Seriously, it’s the dominant political philosophy in our country.
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  10. So was Merrick Garland's. Stop pretending that whole thing wasn't a gigantic act of political douchebaggery.

    Political douchebaggery is the GOP brand.

    The problem for the rest of us: there are enough fucking douche bags in this country that it’s a reasonably effective brand.
  11. There was a time that the GOP espoused policies that were contrary to public largesse, etc. But the rationale and support was always based on a different take on what truly benefited the greater good. Remember Marvin Olasky and Compassionate Conservatism? (And yes, I know there were strong counterarguments).

    Now, the rationale is “fuck you, suck it libs!” Full stop. There is open contempt for vast swaths of our population. There is naked “I got mine - and I’m getting more through shameless corruption and self dealing - tough shit! You shoulda figured out how to rip off the system!” It revels in cruelty and causing suffering. It takes pleasure in it.

    Bill Maher said several months ago that the current GOP process seems to consist of just one question - “what would a dick do?” Then do that.

    Naked corruption. Cruelty and contempt for everyone who doesn’t follow their mold/party line. Celebrating ignorance and demonizing knowledge and objective truth. What a platform.

    • Like 3
  12. The solution isn't to hide from women.  It's to not rape or beat them.  This scandal isn't about false accusations that could have been avoided by always having Mother in the room.  


    I was freewheeling enough before I got married. Some women ended up liking me, some didn’t. Sometimes, we even fought/argued.

    But know what I didn’t do? I never beat or raped any of them. It was really easy. I just chose not to strike or rape a woman, and then, I followed through, and never did those things.

    That’s really my biggest piece of advice: in order to avoid being a woman-beating rapist, don’t beat or rape women.
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  13. The baked potato is a new one for me.
    Then again I haven't been to El Paso since 1988

    Yeah...I skipped the potatoes.

    And in West and south Texas, you find a lot of hybrid touches - gringo with the Mexican. See Chico’s tacos - great crispy tacos and a hot dog stand.
  14. Leaders like me are in charge of deciding whether the phone bank volunteers show up at 2 or at 3, whether Susie should bring soft drinks and whether the candidate's campaign  will supply them.  We  do not give instructions to Congressmen.  Now maybe I can be one of 2,000 that talk to the Congressman this month but he doesn't take orders from me, or even Trump.
    You are confused about how this works.
    Now I agree that Trump can energize the crazies.  It's like when Obama got elected and people were telling police that they couldn't arrest them because Obama ...  Trump can even get the Senate to introduce different bills.
    Trump brought some new people to the GOP.   These people didn't show up and take over the Alabama State Legislature or the Madison County GOP. 
    I don't even know what a Trumpist is.  It's more of a cult following than any coherent policy position.  Trumpism is about noise and theater not a change in governance.
    I was looking at brochures for the GOP primary.  For my curiosity I wondered if I could find any position that an opponent would not support.  So if a candidate says he supports family values and his opponent says he does too he gets no credit.  If he says he supports higher tariffs on steel and his opponent says he wants lower tariffs I give credit.  Nobody got any credit.  There is no Trumpist platform.
    Can you identify any positions that legislators have that they didn't have before Trump?  I can't.  Trump is like a new cult leader, not like a new religion.  I have no idea what his positions really are.  It's just today's reality TV episode.  It doesn't even make sense.  It is NOT the basis for a new GOP. 
    The GOP is the same people with the same positions.  What you are seeing is the shiny coin the magician has you watching.  You are seeing Billy Bob and the reality TV show that Trump is directing.  That is neither governance nor the GOP.  It is just TV.

    Your last para couldn’t be more wrong. I’m not talking about folks on TV - I’m taking about real leaders in real places, getting no press whatsoever. It’s not about positions (the Trumpist platform is mostly about shitting on immigrants and your political opponents) - it’s about behavior, and how leaders treat their fellow human beings.

    And you don’t get your role in this. Wait...you do...you just don’t want to face it.

    I remember making a smart-ass comment as a teen when we were guests at someone’s house. One of my dad’s co-workers - an older man I respected - said “brisket, we don’t talk to people that way when we’re a guest in their home.” It was a one-sentence rebuke. It resonated like hell. And it stuck.

    You have the opportunity and responsibility to speak up and speak out to tell people that this sort of behavior is not ok.

    But you’ve abdicated your responsibility and authority. Because you’re like most all of the GOP leadership I’ve seen in action lately - you’re a coward.
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  15. The GOP is 65MM voters and a gazillion elected officials.  It is not the President.
    The Legislative Branch is the most powerful branch.  The election of Trump doesn't change, say, Cornyn and Cruz that much.  They are who they are.  So is the GOP Dogcatcher in Bugtussle.  He doesn't adopt new Trump dogcatching policies.
    The Judicial Branch didn't become Trumpists.  Alito will still be Alito.  Even Gorsuch is not a Trumpist.
    In the Executive Branch most appointees are not Trumpists.  When Trump appoints the US Attorney for the Northern District of Alabama or the Director of the US Mint he a a GOP guy, not a Trumpist.  Trump couldn't tell you who it is and hasn't met them.  Trump has very little impact on how they do their job.
    A lot of you have very little clue how little power one person has and how much power the collective force of the people have.  And how much power a long history of culture has.  Put a new Police Commissioner in charge of the NYPD and 40K policemen and see what happens.  Or put a new CEO in charge of Sears.  It's like pushing on a string.  The CEO says move and nothing happens.  It doesn't work like a new football coach or a new sergeant.

    Here’s a simple rebuttal: you’re wrong.

    I have seen and continue to see Trumpism filter down to positions that yes, are on par with dogcatcher.

    It’s an infectious approach to dealing with the world, and it is indeed spreading through our leadership on every level. I see it, I have to deal with it. Little rinky dink offices, with folks acting almost EXACTLY like Trump. They are enabled, encouraged, and empowered to do so.

    Before, they had the restraint to at least nod to common decency. Now, they don’t even try. They don’t have to.

    And what feeds it is the local leaders (like you) saying it’s ok, or at least turning a blind eye.

    You’re just flat wrong on this one. I’m out there among them. You’re lying to yourself to try to exculpate yourself. It’s not working.
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  16. Also, I think the fact that his investigation/prosecution was flipped to the SDNY means there's evidence of  pretty significant criminal activity unrelated to the Mueller investigation.  Still may make him a cooperation "target," but it's not like Mueller is going to "gin up" serious charges and then forget about them in return for an obstruction or perjury plea.

    That’s my thinking as well.

    Mueller went looking for Russia related payments and account activity...maybe he found some, maybe not. But once he got into Cohen’s finances...it was a buffet of shenanigans. He served it up to the SDNY.
  17. I’m still looking for a peach sauce explanation. Looks like ass my dude.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

    It was some sorta light red chile sauce - may have had a bit of cream in it. It was ok. The real red chile was better.
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