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Posts posted by Brisketexan

  1. 38 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

    If the content wasn’t so hate filled, I’d have sympathy for these boards.  They are totally isolated rejects that have to suffer 1000 slights a day. I’m sure it feels good to have other folks to be able to commiserate with.   

    Sure...but they feed off each other.  Instead of hearing and digesting what they need to hear: bathe, shave, move out of the basement, and go out and practice some gotdamn social skills.

    Echo chambers are gonna be the death of this country.

    From NY liberals saying "how could George Bush have won, I don't know anyone who voted for him!" to the olds/Trumpkins/both getting all of their information from the feedback loop that is Hannity and Fox News, to these fucking losers telling each other "WE aren't the problem....chicks with standards, man...THEY'RE the problem."

    Every one of them needs an open-hand slap to the face and a rebuke to "get the fuck out of your bubble and go figure shit out."

    • Like 2
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  2. 6 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    What is it with the right and convicted felons?

    It's all part of the new "Suck it, LIBS!" program.

    The GOP is effectively the angry teenager who just moved out, telling his horrified parents "you can't control me! I bet this really pisses you off!" as he tattoos the name of his favorite band across his forehead.  They think "I'm really showing you guys!"  When in reality....they're just defacing and debasing themselves.

    These tattoos don't wash off, GOP.  Your full-throated embrace of depraved immoral narcissists, unapologetic criminals, and other dregs of society...well, you're gonna have to deal with those for a LONG time.  Good luck getting a future job anywhere but the loading dock, far away from the public eye.

    • Like 3
  3. 1 minute ago, TahoeHorn said:

    My wing is the power nationally and in some states.  It is not the power in the reddest states.


    Huh.  Maybe you missed who the President -- of the nation -- is.

    Tahoe and his ilk are like the deluded toddlers that we all once were on the carnival airplane ride:


    There they sit, pulling back on the yoke, THINKING  they are controlling the aircraft.  They have no control.  They will go EXACTLY as high and fast as the deranged carny at the controls wants them to go.

    You control jack shit, Tahoe.  But you need to FEEL like you control something.  So, spineless weakling that you are, you get in line with Trumpism, so you can claim "see, what I wanted to happen happened!  I'm good!"

    As the rest of us stand outside the barrier, watching your deluded fantasy unfold at the hands of this:


    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  4. They apply, but in the opposite way.  Lack of human decency is an asset in the current GOP.   I think it's because there is a large group of GOP voters who see themselves in these flawed candidates and resent how society (read: libs) makes them feel about their own similar flaws and impotence to do anything about it.  Guys like Trump and Blankenship give them a vicarious feeling of power over the lib bogeyman, even when it's ultimately at their own expense. 


    The more loathsome a toad that a candidate is, the better. Because SUCK IT, LIBS!

    The more appalled the rest of the world is (you fuckers came a hair away from sending a pedophile to the Senate), the better.

    Earth: “But you guys nominated a Nazi puppy-rapist with brain damage who openly promised to loot the treasury and flee to Brazil...”

    Current GOP base: “I know, ain’t it great! Fuck your PC bullshit! Suck it, Libs!”

  5. 90% of that 35% would hand in their guns and stand on the sidewalk waving Russian flags at the victory parade because pussies.


    Again, just like every accusation is a confession, Trumpkins are the textbook example of projection.

    They’re MAGA badasses...except they’re fucking petrified of EVERYTHING: Mexican rapists hiding right around the corner! ISIS training right here in Tulsa! And thugs (you know...”thugs”) with their pants worn low coming to carjack my Buick!

    Push comes to shove, those folks are pants-wetters. You’ve known plenty in your youth. Talks smack in the bar, but when the shit hits the fan, they’re covering under a corner booth, crying.

    We have govt of, by, and for the gutless cowards.
    • Like 1
  6. Most folks who do it right don't eat crawfish in a restaurant.


    No messing around with pricey restaurant crawfish. And I ain’t in books for the show. I’m there to eat. And I can damned well eat my fill. If y’all can’t, you suck at peeling.
  7. Maddow isn't a panel show. It's not an opinion show. If you had watched it Friday you would have seen video of a speech given that day by Rod Rosenstein that you probably didn't see anywhere else. That was news to me.
    You said you don't watch the show then went on to critique the show. It's not the nightly news covering the top stories of the day. It sounds like your screed is against  all cable news programs in general. Okay, fine. That makes Maddow more of a news show than any of the panel discussions. 
    I don't watch it all the time but I often check in to see if she's got a good topic. When she has a good story they do a great job. It's well researched and they provide excellent context. 
    Sometimes they they do original reporting. More often they aggregate from other news outlets and weave them together to tell the larger story. Sometimes they cover events live and in real time. It all depends. But you don't watch so you wouldn't know that.

    I don’t WATCH her show (I don’t watch much of any cable news), but I’ve seen it from time to time. Enough to know her style - which I complained about (she often takes forever to get to the point).

    And you are a bit defensive - I opened by observing that hers is a fact-heavy program. But it still comes around to analysis and opinion. Which is fine, but it’s not an objective NEWS show. It’s an analysis show. And should be treated as such. Look, I WISH Fox and Friends spent 1/10the time on facts that Maddow does. But that comparison still doesn’t make her program a straight news program.
    • Like 1
  8. The Community Reinvestment Act was the #1 cause of the housing crisis allowing Fanny & Freddie to take asinine mortgages from the banks that were now forced to make bad financial loans based on SJ not financials. 
    Dems ran both Fanny & Freddie...and Dodd and other Democrats did everything in their power to stop oversight of them before the crisis.  
    NOW...I'll agree the banks & insurance companies like AIG made a bigger mess out of things with the CBO's & they're just as much to blame.   But none of it's possible without Franny & Freddie there to take any shit paper they produce & slapping an implied US Government gurantee on them.  
    The biggest mistake in the end was consolidating these already too large banks into bigger ones.  IF we were going to gift billions and trillions to the banking / insurance industry it should have been to finance new smaller banks and create more competition and reduce risk. 
    But that was never the plan.  The plan is to consolidate as much power as they can in as few hands as possible...and I'd say that's both sides.  But make no mistake, Democrats are perfectly happy doing it as well.  Which is one of the major issues I have with the left...you're cutting your own throats with more Gov power.  There is no freedom with powerful Gov.  And the idea that powerful Gov holds large biz in check is also a misnomer as large biz loves regulations and a powerful Gov can eliminate competition through those regulations.   
    Economic & personal freedoms are the answer.  
    Financial decisions need to be made on financial calculations only.  Be it home mortgages, car loans, or educational lending...if the numbers don't work...don't do it.  When Gov gets involved all types of stupidity gets mixed into the equation.  And I understand your dream is to have a degree in Underwater Women's Studies or own a home...and I'm sure you're a neglected minority & victim of unlimited social justice atrocities.  But if the numbers don't add up for you to pay for that degree or house...why should we subsidize it as a Gov?  Knowing that Gov money will be irresponsibly spent with zero accountability...  
    There are endless unprofitable, financially irresponsible, zero return projects I'd love to invest OPM into...because I'm not willing to spend my money on them due to ROI..should the Gov also help in those endeavors?    Why not?  Don't you think the world would be a better place if I had a race track or machine shop to tinker in?  Who knows what I might develop?  I might change the world for the better!   Let's gamble on old XR everyone!   It's only a few million dollars...a year...until an unknown future date...maybe a few hundred million...nothing compared to the US Fed budget.  In San Antonio...I've got minority status.  

    So...we can eliminate ag subsidies? And tariffs? Because remember, economic freedom good, govt bad.
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    65 outrageous lies by obama. Also known as “a slow WEEK for Trump.”


    I criticized obama plenty back in the day. I even voted against him. I thought his ineptitude mattered. Guys like you said the same. Then, we elected Trump, and you no longer give a shit about those things, even when they’re turned up to 11. You have no fucking credibility. None.

    • Like 1
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  10. Trump is going to be pissed when this judge doesn’t rule his way.



    I was explaining this to my wife the other day; generally (not always, but generally), you shouldn’t predict how a judge is going to rule based on the subject or tone of the questions asked. I have had judges who raked me over the coals write a great opinion for me, and judges who tossed me softball questions pour me out.


    The tough questions are often intended to force a lawyer to give a judge his best arguments in response to a likely attack from the other side. Other times, they indicate that the judge is genuinely hostile to your position and wants to make sure there’s no risk to him pouring you out. And it’s hard to tell the difference between those two scenarios.


    This weeks Bill Maher show on HBO was highly relevant.  His main guest was Jon Meacham, who analogizes this to the Civil War or other periods of unrest and seems to think we'll come out better for it.  His "panel" guests were Mike Hayden (ex-CIA/NSA director), Sally Kohn, and Matt Welch.  I thought Hayden's comments were astute and he tended to agree with Meacham.


    I have never read Meacham, but have heard good things, and his new book sounds highly relevant. 


    Joe Bob sez twist n shout, check it out.


    I guess I need to read this. I mean, you already know my take: the war’s over. Our soul lost.


    I’d like to read something more optimistic.

  11. This was law that extended to his personal life, not company policy. This is not a hard concept.

    Start using racial slurs on your personal FB page.

    See how many private employers terminate you when it comes to their attention that you regularly drop the N bomb. It happens. Frequently.

    Most companies have a policy - written or not - that employees should not be loathsome racist shitbags, even on their personal time.

    And they enforce it.
  12. Where is speech compelled? 

    From the mundane - “all workers should ask ‘do you want fries with that’ - upwelling is important.” To the serious: “it is company policy to refer to all customers by the name or pronoun they put on their order. If someone submits an order as ‘zey,’ refer to that person as ‘zey.’” To even more serious - “every person is seen as a representative of the firm. When you travel to job sites in your personal vehicle, you can’t have political bumper stickers.” (A restriction, not a compulsion, but quite serious and political).

    It happens all the time.
  13. Yep...you give him Obama press and Trumps in the 70%'s & they don't even bother to have 2018 midterms.  

    As President Trump approaches the end of his first 100 days in office, he has received by far the most hostile press treatment of any incoming American president, with the broadcast networks punishing him with coverage that has been 89% negative.

    Obama on the other hand received 60% plus positive stories during his first 100 days. 

    Eight years ago, the networks’ treatment of President Obama’s first 100 days was very different. Back then, the networks delivered most of their coverage to Obama’s key policy priorities, topped by the nearly $1 trillion “stimulus” package (150 stories, or 15% of the total). The network spin for that legislation: 58% positive, vs. 42% negative.

    As MRC analysts calculated at the time, the networks also doled mostly positive coverage for Obama’s intervention in the housing market (59% positive), his decision to use taxpayer money to fund embryo-destroying stem cell research (82% positive), as well as his push for more government action on global warming (78% positive).

    “The President’s first seven weeks have been a whirlwind, with often dramatic movement in all directions, on all fronts: the economy, health care, two wars and today education reform,” then-anchor Brian Williams marveled on the March 10, 2009 NBC Nightly News.

    On World News, March 1, 2009, ABC’s medical editor, Dr. Tim Johnson, gushed after a forum on health care: “I was blown away by President Obama’s grasp of the subject, how he connected the dots, how he answered the questions without any script.”

    obama2009.jpg?itok=oDXRJihxThe networks also broadcast dozens of stories that treated Obama and his family as pop culture celebrities. “From the moment the Obamas landed in Britain, hand in hand, many here were already star-struck,” NBC’s Dawna Friesen enthused on the April 1, 2009 Nightly News. Covering a European leaders summit a few days later, ABC’s David Muir warmly referred to Obama as “the cool kid in the class.”


    We had multiple Comedy Central shows in his first 6 months mocking Trump.  Frankly, it's remarkable he's not at 10% approval given the flood of attacks against him.  

    This should concern leftists...a solid economy and obvious backlash against their treatment of Trump (You don't think people can't see the contempt for Trump isn't also contempt for THEM?) is going to leave a lot of leftists scratching their heads in the future as they try to understand why they're failing so badly.   I'd feel bad for telling you...but just like other mental illness, leftists can't stop their behavior.  

    So keep on keeping on!  :  ) 



    Or...you know...those numbers COULD be tied to the fact that Trump is unlikeable, would NOT be greeted warmly on a visit to the UK, lies in pathetically obvious ways 9 times a day, etc.


    Cause and effect, man. Trump gets most of his bad press because he’s a lying, stumbling, narcissist buffoon.


    You sound like someone complaining that the Browns aren’t getting the same share of pre-season hype that the Patriots are! The press hates the Browns!


    No, dude. The Browns suck.


    So does Trump.

  14. How insane that republicans are so inherently racist and are self aware of their racism to the point they will actually pay off black people to sell out their own people just so republicans can feel better about themselves. Rationalization becomes easier if you rig up situations to pay minorities to tell you that you aren't racist. 
    What a country 

    It’s the high-level version of “I can’t be racist! I have a black friend...this guy I talk to sometimes at work!”

    They’re only fooling themselves, but hey, that’s what matters.
  15. Bull shit.  I explained very clearly that I used the same standard for the Democrats (people like Lois Lerner) and heads of Mafia families.  I use it in life. 
    There are some decisions we should make with partial information and judgement. There are other decisions which require getting the real facts.  Removing a President from office requires the facts.  We'll have them when Mueller reports.  I doubt if we will before then.  Trump's inappropriate behavior is not impeachable. 
    His bizarre behavior will be impeachable if it is proven to be corrupt. There is no or scant evidence that it is corrupt.  Only strong suspicion.  (e.g. "He must have some deal with Putin" or "He The Russians must be blackmailing him".)
    Again I challenge you to list an impeachable offense and your evidence.  For example if you think firing Comey was obstruction of justice tell me your evidence that it is corrupt.  Show me a deal with Russia or how he was protecting himself.  Suppose he had pardoned Flynn.  Would that have been an impeachable offense?  Show me something that isn't legal executive discretion, even if inappropriate unwise or sleazy.

    You and yours use those EXACT criteria to determine that folks like “crooked Hillary” are 100% unfit for office, and nobody should vote for them. And then those SAME criteria....they don’t matter at all for GOP candidates.

    It’s that the GOP fanboys have shouted from the highest mountaintop for years about how character, ethics, and respect for the Office and the rule of law matter, and then, posed with a test of those principles...they abandon every. Single. One. Without even pausing to take a breath.

    Let’s talk about what has been proven: what has been proven is that when the GOP says it has principles, it is lying. Completely, and totally. It HAS no principles, other that “fuck you, suck it!”

    If I were to create a party from scratch, founded on having zero ethics and principles, and pushing just one thing - cruelty and punishment of those who oppose them - it would look a LOT like the modern GOP.

    Don’t worry, it would also have a supporting cast of sycophantic spineless enablers. There’s always room for Tahoe.
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  16. The problems the country is facing are more complicated than that.  I get tired of Briskets gloom and doom but the fact is, we could put ALL of them under indictment and because of the lies and bullshit he (trump)has spewed, and because of Fox News, a shit ton of people would just scream WITCH HUNT FAKENEWS and not believe he did anything wrong.  It’s disgusting.  It’s also a bit frightening. 

    It’s ok, hombre. I have a scotch glass for you, too.
  17. It's becoming clear that people continue to support this president purely out of spite.

    That really is something that just blows me away. Why do you support this guy? “BECAUSE FUCK YOU, THAT’S WHY!” That’s it. End of reasoning. Sure, they try to cloak it with an issue or two from time to time, but for the bulk of Trumpkins...that’s it.

    Everything awful about our human nature, distilled and personified.
  18. 11 minutes ago, Pods said:

    Which just further illustrates the utter depravity of the GOP. An utterly amoral, hypocritical, serially philandering, serially sexual assaulting, traitorous, narcissistic monster leads your party and you stand by idly and watch him destroy.

    You've got one hell of a selectively strong stomach Tahoe. 

    But in fairness, mustard and 57 states.

    You understand.

  19. 5 minutes ago, Hellraiser97 said:

    The only way the city council will get its head out of its ass is if things get so bad with prices and traffic they have no other viable choice.  And even then, they still might not, but at least, unlike now, there will be a chance.

    Bring on Amazon!

    They'll appoint a blue-ribbon commission, spend millions on it, and give it a charge that includes determining how we can install hovering bike lanes, create green space on top of every citizen's head, appoint a Head Art Critic to vet all decisions of the Fire Department, and oh yeah, maybe look at some traffic shit.

  20. 54 minutes ago, WBT said:

    I'm sorry Dave.  I'm afraid I can't do that.

    Such a creepy scene.


    48 minutes ago, pokeNbeans said:

    Look Dave, I can see you're really upset about this. I honestly think you ought to sit down calmly, take a stress pill, and think things over.

    Watching those sequences now, in an era of actual AI and when even more powerful AI is right over the horizon....it's chilling.  Seriously, it's some troubling shit.

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  21. 3 minutes ago, DDD Dad said:

    I've been told he once wore a tan suit.

    Just...stop...will you please stop reminding us of those, the darkest days in American history, which we were all lucky to survive?  Some horrors...we don't need to re-live.

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