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Posts posted by Brisketexan

  1. 4 minutes ago, hobbes2702 said:

    True. Smart people see through the bullshit. Which is all this article is

    Well, when it says things like:


    This is a sweeping and intrusive inquiry that isn’t just about about official acts, but about the president’s state of mind. 

    Ummm, that's effectively an element of "obstruction of justice" in cases like these.


    It is doubtful that a president can be guilty of obstruction of justice in exercising his official duties, precisely because passing judgment on the lawful acts of a president is not a matter for prosecutors or the courts, but for the political process (i.e., for the impeachment process if the acts are deemed abuses of power). 

    1 -- There's substantial authority that disagree with the opening phrase.

    2 -- NO SHIT it can be used for impeachment.  If the crimes are committed in office, that is absolutely one of the avenues of prosecution -- impeachment by the house and trial by the senate.  His argument amounts to the conclusion that (1) because the president arguably can't be prosecuted in the courts, then (2) there can be NO special counsel investigation of him.  


    We now have an extensive obstruction investigation carried out by investigators who, as a material matter, haven’t been obstructed. 

    Huh.  I must have missed the part of the definition of the crime that requires that the obstruction has to have actually WORKED for it to be a crime.

    When  your premises are that shitty, your argument is just the runny shit that trails behind it.

  2. We didn't have World Book -- we had Encyclopedia Britannica.  My folks wrestled long and hard with the purchase decision, and then did so -- had to do it on a payment plan over months (years)?  It was a real-deal sacrifice.

    I was such a fucking nerd that I'd just pull out a volume and start reading stuff.  But I really loved the "Book of the Year" that you got every year; it covered big events the past year, things that materially changed previous entries, that sort of thing.  I'd read it cover-to-cover.   And now, 35 years later, we get the Economist...and at the end of each year, they have a "look back at the last year" edition.  And yep, I read it...cover to cover.

  3. 27 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    Compared to Fox it's a very important point. Of course she "leans left." She's a liberal doing a news show about subjects of interest to liberal viewers. She's not a propaganda outlet for the Democratic Party. Fox knowingly tells lies. They also like to point their cameras at other people and let them tell lies. that's a huge difference. The two aren't remotely the same. 

    Look, I don't watch Maddow, I don't watch Hannity.  I've seen both, but I don't watch them.  Hannity is a complete lying nutbar.  Maddow is clearly quite smart, and digs down deep into actual facts -- but Jesus Christ she can drag shit out for an hour to make a 5 minute point, which often isn't nearly as big a deal as she wants to make it out to be.

    But the real problem is the text I bolded above.  Whether or not they are based on facts, neither what she nor Hannity does are "NEWS SHOWS."  They are analysis and opinion shows.  Which mis-labeling is a big part of our problem as a country.

    NEWS: Today, the DOJ revealed documents about the Trump campaign that represent X and Y, and were signed by Trump.  President Trump responded "wasn't me, I didn't sign anything, Hillary sold uranium, you're a poopyhead."

    ANALYSIS: Let's talk for 4 hours about what these documents mean and either (1) how fucking nuts Trump is for saying that word salad [Maddow] or (2) why all news media except me is indeed poopyheads [Hannity].

    News provides facts, and just the necessary context.  As for cable news....about 5% of that they provide is news.  The remaining 95% is talking head analysis and opinion bullshit, which dumb viewers TREAT like news.

    • Like 3
  4. 3 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    Silence in the face of hate is not a virtue. If you know how to refute a racist in front of an audience and you are positioning yourself as a bold truth-teller in the face of unreason, then why avoid addressing it? Why is Jordan Peterson more likely to virulently engage a feminist or trans-activist than a Nazi?

    Cuz you don't shit where you eat.

    Anyone with a lick of sense has that figured out.

    Same reason Trump said there were good people on both sides.

  5. 3 hours ago, drewcifer said:

    He doesn't actually say that line in 2001, though, right? They play the recording in 2010 (and I have read that it's in the book).


    My memory had mixed them, but I re-watched 2001 recently, and nope, he doesn't say it.

  6. Just now, Pancho Negro said:

    He just said he doubled his Black poll numbers in 1 week thanks to Kanye. 

    What poll is he even talking about? 

    The poll of Kanye and Ben Carson.

  7. Just now, David Dennison said:

    Maybe it's just me, but I don't think any of these lies are working well at all.

    1 -- they are plenty good for the base.  The base is rock-solid loyal to Trump.

    2 -- that base controls the GOP primary in most GOP districts/states.

    3 -- any betrayal of the GodKing Trump will be punished by the base, meaning loss of primary etc.

    4 -- GOP Congress knows this.


    Conclusion: so long as Team Trump keeps their base on their side, they are bulletproof, because GOP leadership will never buck the Trumpkin base.  The base is the only audience that matters.  And that base has proven time and time again that they'll happily lap up whatever lies Team Trump feeds them, so long as those lies validate their position of worship of Trump.  

    Trump's winning with the only group that matters.

    Which means that he'll win the whole fucking thing.

    That's what happens when you turn over control of your country to the 30-40% who are morons/psychopaths, and a spineless GOP leadership who gave them that control.  It's our destiny.  Drink it up.

    • Like 1
  8. Just now, phdhorn said:

    Thx all, again.

    Ma wasn't actually a big drinker (now Dad, well shit he could hold more beer than a Fort Worth distribution center, ex-weighlifter, couldn't fuck widdim, but he was generally a nice guy, actually 20 years ago almost exactly he existed this plane... will be in the same church, same suit.. which if you've been following the weight loss thread at all, I was too fat to get into from about a year after (1999) up to last year.  Now I can get back into it again, holla!)... I have a funny story about the last time I sassed with my dad, I was 17, basically told him to fuggoff (not that lingo, even I wasn't stupid enough to use that)... dad never lost his temper.. much... but when he did... 1) he got quiet and shuddered, face turning red as a Valley Tomato, then 2) fucking run for the hills, you're fucking dead... anyway he silently took a step toward me, grabbed my 200 lb. body with one beefy arm, then kind of just chucked me against the wall, I hit and sagged down like someone splatting a tomato on the wall... no abuse or shit, I was fine and he didn't toss hard, but one fucking arm lifted me up like Mike Myers hanging a soon-to-be-victim on the wall, then said simply, "Don't you ever smart mouth me again."  I didn't.  Last time I think he ever "spanked" me (which most of the time as kids, we just got a "lickin", 1-2 splats on the ass, he was never an abuser or anything, just strong as shit)...

    Anyway, ma wasn't a big drinker, but once she drank a glass or two of wine, she fucking became hysterical, had people in stitches.  She was funny as shit.  And she could work a room like a politician.  But yeah we tried to get her overserved a few times just for the comedy.  But she really didn't drink all that much.

    Well, I'll pick up her slack tonight.

    We're at a pretty tough stage in life -- a lot of us are dealing with this (parents nearing the end).  It's a whole 'nother journey, it's hard as shit, and it's REALLY hard when you're the grown-up in the room having to make the right decisions.  It's not easy stuff, but it's what life is serving right now.  Sorry you've got a plate full, but respect for your attitude and that of the rest of your family.

    Wishing you peace, some good stories and laughs, and tears when you need 'em.

  9. 7 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    They just cancelled all after-school activities at my son's middle school.  Not just outdoor, but indoor, too -- like the annual talent show, at which he was supposed to perform.

    Must be worried about ice accumulation.

    Fucking AISD.

    If he's at the middle school I think....it's because they flooded.  the interior courtyard, and thus a lot of the rooms and hallways that connect to it, underwater.

  10. 39 minutes ago, Pig Bellmont said:

    How in the fuck does the VA Secretary have to resign over lying to investigators regarding Wimbledon tickets and Scott Pruitt still has a senate approved cabinet job?  I guarantee there has never been a more corrupt secretary in US history. It’s utterly baffling 

    Be careful there.  "US History" is a LONG stretch.  And we've had some crooked mofos over the years.

    But this is admin is certainly unprecedented in its crookery in the modern era.

  11. 11 minutes ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

    It's a semi-automatic rifle, not a "machine gun", Ted. 

    Yeah, when this came out, that cracked my ass up.

    Well, that and the fact that a prissy pantywaist like Ted has clearly never spent much time around firearms until he decided to suck up to the gun nuts.  Real man of the people, that Ted Cruz.

  12. 6 minutes ago, Chad Fuck said:

    Wasn't there a story a while back about $129k payment from the campaign to Cohen right around the time of his payment to Stormy?  

    I'm sure I saw it here.  If that's the case, then why are we bickering about $35k/mo retainers?  I mean, aside from the fact that $35k/mo is absolutely ludicrous unless you're paying off many, many porn stars?

    Because it's the 3-card Monte/shell-game technique that money launderers use.  Have SO much money flowing around in SO many transactions among SO many persons and entities that it's difficult to determine which payment is for what.

    Team Trump does so many of the things that classic Organized Crime groups do, it's not even funny.  Truly, it's amazing to watch.  It's just basic Mob-101 shit.

  13. Very sorry to hear it.

    But it sounds like she and your family handled things very well at the end.  That's a gift for everyone, and it's a gift that takes real love and strength to deliver.  Good on y'all and a toast to mama PhD...I mean, she liked to take a nip every now and then, right?

  14. There has been accumulated pollen all over my house, yard, driveway, deck, etc.   For months.  This scouring rain oughta finally take care of that shit. 

    Bout goddamned time.

  15. I worked at Wendy's when I was in high school.  There was a couple who would come in every Sunday with the newspaper and eat lunch at the all-you-can-eat salad bar.  They'd refill their iced teas over the course of the afternoon and then pop down another round of salads for an early dinner.
    I may be cheap, but that was pathetic.

    I used to do that at Gattis in college during finals. Lunch buffet. Tea and study. Then dinner, because I never left.
  16. It seems it's not that these psychos just want to have sex, they have a sense of entitlement to have sex with woman out of their league.


    “I’m a socially incompetent fat guy with B.O., with no marketable skills and living in my mom’s basement...why won’t Charlize Theron fuck me?”

    Bathe. Eat better. Develop some skills. You still won’t get Charlize (hint: NOBODY DOES). But you can get a pretty cute suburban mom type.
  17. 5 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

    Read the Tribunes thing on it. He doesn’t really make the case for it.  It’s the opinion of a guy with a lot of insight, so it carries weight, but it is really only that.  


    But come on.  Anyone with a lick of sense knew it was complete and utter bullshit.  And our super-patriot america-loving governor.....asked the State Guard to keep an eye on the operation so “Texans know their safety, constitutional rights, private property rights and civil liberties will not be infringed.”  He asked the State Guard to keep an eye on those shifty bastards - OUR OWN MILITARY, WHICH ALREADY HAS A HUGE PRESENCE IN OUR STATE, SOME OF IT AT THE FUCKING GOVERNOR'S INVITATION - so they didn't put us in underground Wal-Mart jails.

    It's one thing for your deranged Uncle Elmer to fall for such insane bullshit on his FB feed.  For the FUCKING GOVERNOR TO LEGITIMIZE IT.  We're toast.  We are a state of the morons, led by the morons, for the morons.

    • Like 3
  18. Hey, man....y'all remember Jade Helm, when the United States military came THIS close to, ummm, occupying the United States?  Yeah, thank God we dodged THAT bullet.

    Except, you know, the bullet was Russian bullshit, and our governor put the gun in our mouth and pulled the trigger...


    Good job, Governor Feckless.

  19. Just now, Chooky said:

    Just because we have a donkey for a president doesn't mean that every institution should start braying like a jackass.  Tap the brakes and get it right.  If anything, truth is at an even higher premium because of these degenerates.

    I certainly agree.  I actually think it's more important than ever -- if we want to hold up "objective truth" as a fundamental value, then we need to demonstrate it as well as possible.

    That said, the fact that the same people attacking an outlet for making a mistake (and correcting it) are the same people who enable and CELEBRATE a pathological liar.  The cognitive dissonance...it's deafening....

    • Like 3
  20. 10 minutes ago, TxEx99 said:

    I loved Prague.  I also loved Krakow for very different reasons.  Everyone should see Auschwitz/Birkenau if you can handle it and the downtown square is a fun place to spend an evening.

    If you're going to head north Riga, Latvia was unexpected.  The Occupation Museum is definitely worth a visit.

    Going south Venice and Croatia are each amazing in their own way.  

    Subscribed.  We have friends with the State Dept who will be stationed in Riga soon.  Thinking of visiting next summer.  Info is appreciated.

  21. Look the reality is, we live in a world where the administration can lie 9 times a day, and it doesn't matter.

    But if a media outlet gets ONE ELEMENT of a story wrong (and they fucking got this one wrong), then that proves that they "are fake news and can't be trusted."

    It's beyond a double-standard, but there we are.

    I expect both the administration and the media to be truthful and honest.  AND, on the occasion when it's shown that they weren't - whether on purpose or by mistake - I expect them both to immediately come clean.  Only one of those does that.  I wish NBC hadn't fucked up.  But when they determined the correct information, they clearly and openly corrected their earlier story.

    I'm still waiting on this administration to correct/apologize for any one of its THOUSANDS of lies.

    But I live in a world where, between the two, NBC is the bad guy.  SMDH.

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