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Posts posted by Brisketexan

  1. Just now, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

    Most Rs are in districts full of Rs.  Showing they pushed back against Trump would get them killed.  

    Then do the honorable thing, and die for your fucking country.

    I thought that's what patriots did.  Or at least, they used to.  Fantastic.  The GOP has managed to completely change the definition of "Patriot" to "someone who's too gutless a coward and too worried about their own cushy political position to do a single goddamn thing in the interest of the country."  Fascinating.

    • Like 1
  2. 5 minutes ago, TahoeHorn said:

    Dude, if Mueller's investigation is thwarted I'll be more angry than you.  And I'll be doing things where it really counts, not on some Internet board I use for entertainment.

    No you won't.  I'll bet you dollars to your delivered donuts that you'll be on here posting, nonchalantly, about how that means there was obviously nothing there, and thus we need to let Trump get along with the business of making America great again.  And you'll definitely be doing something outside of this board -- delivering donuts, supporting your local sycophants who successfully conspired to thwart the rule of law.

    You aren't even a good liar. 

  3. 10 minutes ago, Kyrie Eleison said:

    “First of all, if we had to defend this as not being a campaign contribution, I think we could do that.


    10 minutes ago, Kyrie Eleison said:

    “Imagine if that came out on Oct. 15, 2016, in the middle of the last debate with Hillary Clinton … Cohen didn't even ask. Cohen made it go away. He did his job.”

    Just two great back-to-back statements.


    But I gotta tell you guys, I THINK I've figured out Team Trump's strategy.........

    ....Give Mueller TOO MUCH evidence.  See, that way, there will be SO much evidence of criminal conduct, no jury or other finder of fact can sort out the EXACT crime committed.

    That's my working hypothesis.  I'm willing to consider other takes, though.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, TahoeHorn said:

    I do not believe that is happening.  I think there are some Germans who are guilty of your charge.  That is what Hitler is doing and he has some supporters.    I think Gernany as a whole is working to ensure that Hitler doesn't take us down a dark path.  And right now, no ovens have been built.  I'll bet the House that Hitler has been warned, politely and behind the scenes that if he tries to take Germany down a dark path that he will regret it.  I think that's the right position.  They're just going to have to live with Hitler yammering.

    With courageous patriots like you and your GOP pals standing in the breach, I don't see why any of us should lose a minute of sleep worrying.

    What you don't see is that the GOP is cementing its image for tens of millions of people as "the party of treason."  And I'm not just referring to hippie libruls -- I'm talking about folks I know who have been lifelong Republican voters.

    The GOP is NOT just being neutral -- they are both actively and tacitly engaged in and support an effort to derail and discredit the Mueller investigation.  And you see it.  But you're just fine with evil, so long as your tax bill goes down a few percentage points and some judges who will keep the uppity types in their place get appointed.

    • Like 4
  5. 3 minutes ago, TahoeHorn said:

    The important battle to fight at this time is to allow Mueller to continue to do his job.  The smart move is to ensure that happens and let the smaller stuff go.

    1 -- that battle is being fought.

    2 -- your party is fighting for the other side in that battle.

    3 -- you are a spineless hypocrite.

    • Like 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

    The list goes on and on.  All you want to talk about is why it's ok the GOP hasn't filed articles of impeachment.  Which is, not coincidentally, what nobody here is talking about.

    1000X this, Tahoe.

    You are defending the GOP taking a position of neutrality.

    Nobody is criticizing that....mostly because...that's NOT what the GOP is doing.  They are actively assisting Trump, actively working to derail, interfere with, and discredit Mueller's investigation.  Shit, if they were simply neutral, we probably would need to celebrate that.

    Stop defending GOP neutrality because (1) we're not criticizing that and (2) that's not what the GOP is actually doing.

    Discuss the coordinated, multi-pronged approach of GOP leadership and politicians to derail, interfere with, and discredit Mueller's investigation.  Discuss THAT, because that's, you know, what's actually happening.

  7. Just now, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

    It’s the one this GOP has been vocal about. I’ve seen  several say Mueller should be able to do his job.  Our own Cornyn tops on the list. 

    Cornyn has the testicular fortitude of a eunuch.  When the shit hits the fan, he'll get in line with the rest of 'em.

    Party over country. 100%, 100% of the time.  That's the guarantee.

  8. 34 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    Please STFU about things of which you have no idea what you're talking about, especially about my motives regarding anything.  

    You've been out on a building ledge for about year now, get help.

    I quoted your exact fucking words, you simpering sycophant.


    Why don't you tell US what they mean, as if the plain English wasn't enough?  It's rather clear, you have ZERO problem with any foreign power doing anything to us and our allies, so long as it serves your goals.  If not, please explain what "It's no myth we meddle in other nations elections as well.  Who's worse ?" means?


    • Like 1
  9. Just now, Dutchrudder said:

    That's really what everyone should be doing at this point, regardless of affiliation.

    The GOP should be protecting the process though. Ken Starr's investigation went on for years, and hit a wide range of subjects well beyond the Whitewater deal. It really shouldn't be such a crazy notion that the people with so much power need to be checked by an independent investigator. 

    But...see....this is the thing....not only is the GOP not in favor of due process and the rule of law....they actually see it as an impediment.

    What we are seeing is the ultimate end-game of when the pursuit and maintenance of power trumps literally all other values and goals.  They want to have and hold power in order to mold the Republic the way they see fit.  And if, to have and hold that power, they have to kill the Republic, then so be it.

    "We had to destroy the village in order to save it."  Except there's not even the illusion or effort to lie about trying to save the village.  They just want power, to line their pockets and their pals' pockets, and who gives a fuck about the village and everyone in it.

  10. 4 minutes ago, ChickenSandwich said:

    more rich people live in the most beautiful part of the country, shocker

    and yes, writing off all of your state and property taxes on your federal return is passing the buck to the rest of the country.  Their federal rate was effectively lower than the rest of the country from high local taxes.  California constantly raising these rates year to year to pay for their pet projects is shifting part of that burden to other states.

    Your argument of "they pay more" is quite funny and incredibly hypocritical.   The most recent tax reform bill was blasted for giving "tax breaks to the rich", their response was that they deserve it because they pay the majority of all the taxes anyway.  Funny how phony the CA representatives are, as they blast the Trump tax plan on one end and then threaten law suits to protect their 1% from the SALT tax cap on the other - Why?  Because they pay more.  Are we to assume you approved of the Trump tax plan then?  Good for the goose, good for the gander?

    Why is the argument ok for California (we pay more!) but it is not for the top earners who received a tax break (we pay more!).  When they can't keep their bullshit straight for five minuets, it casts shade on all of their arguments and complaints. 


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  11. 13 hours ago, Biff Tannen said:

    That's how all lawyer speak reads to me.  That last thing you said, that sounds reasonable to me.

    Indeed.  Pax Romana.  E Pluribus Unum.  Kilroy was here.

  12. 1 hour ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    It's no myth we meddle in other nations elections as well.  Who's worse ?

    That line of reasoning is the most insane fucking thing out there, and I see it over and over again.

    By your reasoning, we should not have been upset by or taken any action in response to 9/11.  Because -- and this is an undeniable fact -- we have killed thousands of civilians in the middle east.

    So we have no cause or right to hold anyone over there accountable when they do the same to us.



    Jesus fucking Christ, you morons are siding with our enemies all so "your team" can grab momentary political power.  If AQ had blown up the offices of the DNC instead on 9/11, killling 3,000 Democrat leaders, you'd be here telling us "hey, we kill middle eastern civilians as well."

    • Like 5
  13. 21 minutes ago, High Plains Drifter said:

    Correct answer is Jan 1, 1991 Cottonbowl.


    20 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    That motherfucker was cold.

    SONOFA....I was there.  Freezing.  And on crutches.

    That was in the early stages of my relationship with my now-wife.  My, umm, unhappy/belligerent behavior at that game almost made that the final stage of our relationship.

    Thanks for bringing it up, asshole.

  14. 36 minutes ago, TahoeHorn said:

    You have a naive, simple-minded idea about how power works.  There is a time and place to fight battles.  People with significant authority can't and won't fight every battle.  They also don't fight the bog battles prematurely.

    Regarding the German analogy the US waited 1.8 to 4.75 years (depending on how you want to count) before we invaded Europe and took on Hitler.  We didn't go till we were ready.

    See the responses below.

    28 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

    The German analogy wasn't about Americans.  It was about German citizens. 


    16 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

    Except the GOP isn't just wisely biding its time for the right moment.  It's actively helping Trump avoid impeachment, with things like the sham Nunes committee report, or McConnell's refusal to put the bill protecting Mueller on the floor. 

    IF the GOP was just hunkering down, and waiting to see what the evidence is/when the time is right, that'd be one thing.

    But -- to go with our German people during WWII metaphor -- when they are actively feeding information to the Nazi leadership, they are actively interfering with all efforts to hold Nazi leadership accountable, and they are assisting the Nazi leadership in fulfilling its mission....then they aren't "smart people who know about power dynamics who are waiting till the time is right" to dispose of shitty Nazi leaders.  They're...fucking Nazis.

    • Like 1
  15. 19 minutes ago, Sawbonz said:

    I don’t agree with your analogy so I guess there is no point in continuing to interact. Enjoy your outrage and alarm, and try not to show too much disappointment when trump is gone not with a bang but a whimper

    Fair enough.  You truly don't see the level of consequences that we're playing with here?  I have to admit -- and I say this in all serious -- that completely baffles me.  I truly don't get how you don't see that we're playing the most dangerous fire here.  And playing with fire is really, really dumb, and really, really bad.  Honestly, I don't get it.  Maybe that's on me, but the end point is that I genuinely cannot understand your take.

  16. Just now, Mojo Hand said:

    No kidding.  The lengths Good Germans will go to keep willfully blind gives real insight into the dark side of human nature. 


    It only takes a handful of bad actors, so long as you have tens of millions of sycophants and enablers.  

    We read the history books about various horrors, and ask over and over "how could that happen?"  Now, we don't have to read the books.  All we have to do is look around us.  

    • Like 2
  17. 42 minutes ago, Chuckie Finster said:

    Just saw on Twitter...

    "Rudy Giuliani had one good day, and that was the worst day in American history."


    40 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:


    Well...MODERN American History.

    I'll go with Gettysburg and Antietam as being a shittier day(s).

    But....that's a damned good zinger.

  18. 10 hours ago, Sawbonz said:

    Man you really are something. “Unacceptable increased possibilities “ of the republic ending because of trump. 

    So you’re saying there’s a chance! /Lloyd Christmas 

    I’m glad we have patriots like you keeping watch and sounding alarms. 


    Also Hugo has it right in the OP. Fucking Hugo is now the voice of reason around here people. 

    Excellent.  So I presume that you drive drunk, and happily hop in a car with a drunk driver?  I mean, your chances of being hurt or killed in a wreck actually only go up slightly compared to having a sober driver.

    You aren't very good at risk analysis.  There are two components -- likelihood (percentage chance of it occurring), and consequence (that is, how great is potential harm?)

    When the consequence is "death or serious injury," we are -- rightly -- not tolerant of even moderate increases in risk.  If I have a .001% chance of dying while driving sober, I have a .003 chance of dying while driving drunk.  Sure, it's 3X the risk, but as far as "likelihood" goes, it's still pretty minimal.  Yet, every sane and rational person agrees that driving drunk is an unacceptable risk and we shouldn't do it.

    The percentage risks -- the likelihood portion of our score -- with respect to Trump are orders of magnitude greater than they were with other presidents.  But, you're correct -- they are still small.  The consequences, however -- when we're dealing with literally the most powerful position in the world, with incredible influence over the global economy, the most powerful military in the world by a large margin, the power and precedents of the office of president itself going forward, incredible influence over our national character (and the list goes on for a long damned time) -- well, the consequences are pretty damned big.

    I don't get in a car with a drunk driver.

    And I don't appreciate being taken on a ride by a deranged, narcissist, shitbag president.  

    My response to both is the same -- pull the fuck over and give me the goddamned keys before you get us all killed.

    And you think that makes me an alarmist.

    I think that NOT doing that makes you unreasonably irresponsible.

  19. 22 hours ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

    “This is case law.   It’s clear and present case law.”  What on earth.  

    WTF does that even mean?  It's just word fucking salad.

    "It''s clear and present case law!  This is very serious habeas corpus, and the Rome Statute has been violated in contravention of the Geneva Conventions, ipso facto."

  20. 18 minutes ago, TahoeHorn said:

    I'm not following why some of you think it matters so much about things like the details of the Comey firing.  As I see it he didn't want Comey investigating and prosecuting Flynn.  We know that.  What we (I) don't know is whether (1)Trump and Flynn were in on some crime together, (2) Flynn knew of some crime by Trump or (3) Trump knew of some crime by Flynn that reflected badly on Trump.  Said another way, was he trying to protect himself or did he just not like the idea of the government going after a "good guy"?

    Firing Comey to protect a "good guy" is not going anywhere.  You can create a perjury trap, you can expose some ominous details, and you can illustrate that it was even more inappropriate than we knew.  But that dog won't hunt in Congress and I don't see it possible to indict the Prez over that (but what do I know about that).  The thing that would play is if Flynn was working with Trump on something nefarious and Trump wanted to keep his own role secret.  One way the obstruction is a bunch of nothing; the other way it gets Trump bounced from office.  So tell me about what Trump and Flynn were doing, and I don't need any more info on the Comey firing.

    All the issues are the same.  Tell me about the underlying crime, not the mechanics of obstruction.

    Wait....you think that "obstruction of justice" is only a crime if it's to hide a crime committed by the obstructor?


    If you commit a crime, are on the run, hide out on my property -- and look, I like you, you're a good guy...you bring me donuts -- and I tell the FBI "nope, haven't seen Tahoe, don't know where he is, in fact, I'd go look for him in Alaska"....I'm gonna be in heap big trouble.  And that wasn't to cover up JACK SHIT that I did wrong.  I just did it because...wait for it....I think you're a "good guy."

  21. 17 hours ago, mulletpelini said:

    Iron Eagle when he plays the cassette tape

    You go to hell.  You go to hell and you die.

    5 hours ago, Macanudo said:

    Yeah, because up to that point the whole movie was believable, right?

    Fuckin' A, man.  Fuckin' A.

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