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Posts posted by Brisketexan

  1. Just now, SmokeyTheBear said:

    Well this shit is fun to watch. GOP eating itself live on TV for all to see. They cant even agree on the most common success criteria. 


    I presume that success is measured in some combination of brown people beaten senseless, Fox News appearances by members of Congress, and dollars grifted from rubes.  I'm right, aren't I?

  2. 24 minutes ago, utee94 said:

    And brisket was never seen again, along with a bus and the 59.95 of three dozen mourning longhorn fans.

    Seriously, I'd be in just for the Don Williams, but I'll be road-tripping up myself taking the family.  We're leaving in the wee hours because we have to finish a Friday night high school football game here at home first.  

    Fair reason to leave late.  I've done this routine before (5 am start), it's been fun (did it back when we won 38-3, and again in 2005....that was a long, glorious day.  Buddy and I had to nap on a picnic table at the fair to sleep off the in-game whiskey so we could then drive home.  Made us get a MUCH later start home than planned.  Who cares, beat OU on the way to a national title).

    • Hook 'Em 2
  3. 2 minutes ago, The Dog said:

    aaaand here's someone trying to blame the DEMOCRATS for this crisis. that was fast:


    "This is a Democrat strategy to throw the Republican party into chaos"

    Yeah....so "getting out of the way as the GQP repeatedly shoots itself in the dick while yelling 'WINNING' over and over" is....well, I guess that IS a strategy.  It's a smart one.  The Dems literally need to do....nothing except get out of the way and watch the GQP do this to itself.

    • Hook 'Em 4
  4. 6 hours ago, YGIFS said:

    The fact that October 4th is also National Taco Day along with Mexicans taking our jabs/jobs and all of Texas turning into a zombie dystopia is just too perfect even for this simulation.  Serious question.  I know no actual October 4 conspiracy buff is going to out themselves on here, but statistically speaking-we have to have at least a couple dozen on here.  What do y'all tell yourselves when nothing happens?  Time and time again, your stupidity fails to deliver.  None of what you say ever happens.  Is it like how I feel after I make a vow to eat better or meditate more?  Like when some big milestone date passes, I just kinda "reset" my goals.  And move on like nothing happened.  Or do you get genuinely depressed or legit bummed out?  Do you hit your loved ones outta shame?  Do you buy more ammo?  How does the reset work?  And what's the next big landmark event?  How do you keep the ruse up?  More importantly, how can I make money off of it?  

    This nation has just seconds to live...

    This is so fucking stupid.

    EVERY day is "National Taco Day," because tacos are fucking awesome.  Declaring that it's one day would be like declaring "Today is the day that Sela Ward is hot day."  Fuck that.  She's a babe every day.  And if you don't think so.....man, I can't help ya.

    Tacos and Sela Ward.  That's my platform.  No idea what I'm running for, but that's my platform.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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    • Haha 1
  5. Just now, bernorange said:

    I'm watching the debate before the vote in the background and I'm fairly surprised to hear a lot of folks sounding thoughtful and rational.




    Their party hitched their wagon to Batshit Crazy.  They did so knowingly, cravenly, while telling the lie to themselves and their constituents that they could control the inherently uncontrollable.

    LET. THEM. FUCKING. CRASH. AND. DIE.  The country is going to take a massive hit because of this.  So be it.  It's been coming for a long, long time.  Time to start taking the brutal chemo.  It's the only fucking shot we have of killing the cancer.

    When all is said and done, a lot of people are going to experience a lot of pain and suffering.  Plenty of us have been warning against that for a long-ass time.  Nobody cares.  Well, here it comes.  What everyone always wanted -- the inevitable consequences of an insanely stupid course of action.  And this is but one act in what is going to be a marathon play of suffering and ghoulishness.

    • Hook 'Em 4
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  6. 2 minutes ago, Dbeasy said:

    You may be joking, but that’s the risk. It may work out great for the Democrats, and I get the calls for the Democrats to be much more aggressive than they’ve been. I’ve been banging that drum for awhile now too. 

    I'm not joking.  When it comes to worst-case scenarios, I'm never joking -- you know this about me.

    This is the right play for the Dems.  It carries risk, but it's worth the risk.  You have to take risks to make any real gains and start to fix shit.  There are no safe plays.  Just know that the risk is literally making Trump the Speaker of the House. 

  7. 11 minutes ago, SydneyCarton said:

    I think Democrats are setting the table for concessions. McCarthy clearly wasn't willing to give any out now, for whatever reason, and the Democrats closed ranks. As they should. After another 15 failed speaker votes, democrats can come back to the table and say "Help us help you, while helping America. Here is what we want."

    This is horseshit. Classic pussy democratic behavior. "But guys, we need to be the responsible ones!" You make the Republicans sweat in the shit stew of their own creation, until the moderates in swing and biden districts tap the fuck out. Or when they can't get anyone else elected Speaker, you have your list of demands, AND maybe you pick a new Speaker not named McCarthy who is a moderate Republican as a cherry on top. 

    The notion that the MAGA fucks get more power from this is absurd, IMO. To get more power,  they'd have to elect their guy. And they can't. There is a faction of guys voting that are McCarthy or no one, as well. This is a standoff. You squeeze the guys in swing districts, or you offer McCarthy the lifeline after he agrees to your demands. Or you let this shit go on for 2 more months and see what happens come election time. 

    All of this.  Great post.  It's very likely correct.  And it's the right move by the Dems.

    Except....understand how pathetic and weak the GQP really is, including its supposed "principled" members.  There is at least a 25% chance that before this week is out, Donald Trump has been voted in as Speaker of the House.

    All norms and rules are dead.  Everything is Calvinball now.

    • Rage+1 2
  8. 4 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Actually, it seems that AZ and its institutions have done fairly well at standing up to the massive idiocy that seems to populate the state.  NCs idiocy seems more subtle but also more successful.

    AZ has been saved (narrowly) by its relatively large bloc of native american voters.  For real, seriously.

    We were heading into AZ on new year's eve, 2020, 1) while the local tribes were being absolutely devastated by COVID, and 2) right after they had helped save the Republic by helping tilt AZ to Biden.  Realized we hadn't made our year-end donations for tax purposes.  So, got input from the whole family.  There was zero dissent on the proposal to send $1,000 to the Navajo Nation's healthcare system.  AZ and the Republic owe our native citizens some serious thanks.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  9. 5 minutes ago, LCHorn said:

    Start up the protests again?

    The mullahs have proven themselves quite resilient.  Between this and Turkey I wonder if autocratic regimes are getting better at letting protests breathe a little, burn themselves out, and not have them crescendo into toppled governments.  

    Would love to read some realpolitik type commentary on if there’s an observable point in time in which outside pressure does show some chance of making regime change happen.  I think our hands off approach (if that’s the case, who knows what’s going on in the background) is we clearly don’t have any confidence that we could influence towards regime change and don’t like the risk/reward).  I also think the Persians expatriates aren’t lobbying the DOD and state department like the Iraqis before 9/11 and there’s not a presumptive government in wait to support and keep the transition from becoming chaotic.  

    I'm becoming convinced that there's some sort of greater global psychic energy in play (I mean, not all crystals and essential oils -- something deeper and human).  At this point in time and history, as has happened at other particular spots in history, humanity is just more susceptible to hardline authoritarian regimes.  Not only to we put up with them, there's waves of people in NON-authoritarian regimes clamoring for them (Hungary, Slovakia, the US, Turkey, etc.).  We're going to be in this phase.....until we aren't.  And I don't think there's any particular thing we can do about it.  It's just where humanity is right now, and it will take time for us to be in a different phase.  We can press all we want, the only thing that is going to change this phase is the passage of time and a new zeitgeist.

    That's all I can come up with.  Because it's irrational and makes no real sense to me.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  10. I posted in the overall pre-game thread, but wanted to make it its own post so maybe someone would check it out.  I have a single (will be sitting with people already up in Dallas), and plan on driving up and back to Dallas on Saturday.  Depart Austin around 5:00 am, coffee and klobasnek on the road.  Corn dog and beer for second breakfast at the fair.  Game.  Hopefully wave a victory corn dog around after.  Then drive back to Austin.

    I have Don Williams' entire catalog on my phone, ready to cue up in the car.  I also have other music options.  Or we can shoot the shit about Texas football, pretty brunettes, the state of the war in Ukraine, or what have you - I'm a damned good road tripper.

    I am planning on driving, and have space for passengers.  OR, if you're itching to drive, I am happy to chip in for gas and buy you your first klobasnek on the road.  If you're up for road-tripping, lemme know.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  11. 38 minutes ago, crash_davis said:

    This time, with Texas connection. 

    Why the fuck would anyone think it's a good idea to fire a gun, even with blanks, at a wedding? Was he trying to show how badass he was? 



    LINCOLN, Neb. (KLKN) – A Texas man accidentally shot a child while officiating a wedding in Lancaster County on Saturday, the sheriff’s office says.

    Chief Deputy Ben Houchin said deputies were sent to a wedding at Hillside Events near Denton on a report of a gunshot wound.

    Deputies learned that 62-year-old Michael Gardner, the wedding’s officiant, fired a gun to get everyone’s attention.

    “He was going to fire in the air, and as he did that, it slipped and went off,” Houchin said.

    The gun was loaded with a blank that Gardner made with gunpowder and glue.

    Houchin said Gardner accidentally shot a child in the shoulder.  They were taken to a hospital with injuries that were not life-threatening.

    On Monday, Gardner turned himself in.  He was arrested on suspicion of felony child abuse.

    “It’s just kind of neglectful to take a gun out that has blanks and fire amongst people,” Houchin said.



    I'm sorry, I thought this was America!

    • Drool 1
  12. 10 hours ago, BamaATL said:

    When I mentioned societal cascade failure earlier, it's not just in reference to simply pulling manpower out of society and converting it to military manpower, I am referring to everything else that I society must do in order to not collapse.  Things like power line maintenance, food production and procurement, general upkeep and maintenance, etc. 

    See, here's the thing that makes me disagree with you optimists: Russia, and the Russian people, are more alien than Glorpon from Zelkar-5.

    "Social collapse" involves an INSANELY lower floor than we have here.  Power out, no plumbing, no clean water?  No problem.  No decent food?  No problem.  This is a population that can and will survive on one rotting potato per person per day indefinitely.  Suffering and discomfort to Russians is an ordinary state of being.  It doesn't become a problem until they die....and by then, it don't make a shit, they're dead.

    They will throw stacks and stacks of available meat sacks at the war.  All they have to do is be 1) human 2) and ambulatory.  That's it.  Those are the sole military standards.  Their strategy is "we have more meat than you have bullets," and when you realize how little value meat sacks have in Russia (zero.  They have zero value), you can see that maybe the calculus isn't off base.

    All the shit that civilized, western countries care about?  The well-being and training of troops in the field?  Medical care?  Electricity?  Plumbing?  THEY DON'T FUCKING MATTER IN RUSSIA.  

    Ukraine's goal can't be to make conditions intolerable for Russia - I don't think the bar can be lowered enough to get there.

    Ukraine's sole goal has to be making Russia run out of meat sacks that it can throw into the fray.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  13. All this is based on this Harvard Russian Demographics Study, data published 1/22022 (so a bit out of date, but not greatly)
    Essentially, if you limit it to males of fighting age 18 to 45 it would represent 17% of their total population of 145 million, or 24.5 million.  
    You can deduct 1 million dodgers gone from the country, plus approximately 1 million kia/wia.  
    Further, you can deduct 10.3 million from Moscow and St. Pete, because mobilizing these folks gets Putin killed.  
    So total manpower remaining is somewhere around 12 million, with probably a million currently serving.
    So the question is, of those 11 million or so, how many of those left can be brought in to fight without having a cascade societal failure?  Mind you, this would be non Moscow/St. Pete.  In theory, I suppose you could send every last one of them, but reality, I would guess no more than a million or so more.  If that is the case, my guess would be 2 years, at current rates, if the Ukrainian ability to kill increases, that could speed things up.  This sort of tracks with their equipment capability (assuming the can continue to pull old stock and get it to the front).  
    Ultimately, there is a tipping point, even for them as to what their real capability is.  Killing/seriously wounding about a million for them probably does the trick for Ukraine.  Also the demographic news gets worse for Russia thereafter.  

    Russia will expand those brackets from 16-60 years. And they’ll absolutely draw on people in Moscow and St Pete….from families and crews who aren’t sufficiently loyal to the regime. A 60 yr old with a shovel is still a meat sack. That’s all they need. More meat sacks.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  14. You're gonna drive around with a flag and have some scotch?  Wow, you are a mad-man.  All these years on the ledge and there's talk of you possibly sharing champagne with pedestrians?  So bold my friend.  So bold.
    I am going to detonate an abandoned building.  Make an organic pomade out of sculpting cream and heroin with which to stye my hair.  I am going to shit in Dan Patrick's office (I have a key card).  I am going to going to have that mutual real estate guru from Mexico we know who is friends with Eric and Don Jr. invite them down to "hunt and relax" in the wake of their father's death.  And since I know how much blow they like to do, I am going to make sure it's 99% fentanyl.  I am going to jerk off into a high powered fan onto Ivanka's face.  I am going to steal animals from the Zoo and set them free at the airport.  I will eat one of everything from Waffle House's menu while I slam tepid Busch Lights off the oldest waitress' tits.  Then, and only then, we are driving to Oklahoma to face-fuck the cutest Trumper in the Sooner State while I make her mom slice up pineapple to shove into her own rectum as I force her to chant, "Mike Pence is the Holy Spirit.  Mike Pence is the Holy Spirit."  Then I burn the whole fucking south to the fucking ground using Wermacht ordnance because you always leave things better than you found them.  

    Sure…but what will you WEAR?
  15. 3 minutes ago, YGIFS said:

    At this point, save your money.  $100 is barely a dent in the budget I have for ammo, drugs, fireworks, hookers, more drugs, and premium bourbon.  He dies in October of 2024 and I probably tap out shortly thereafter given what I have planned to imbibe.  Whiskey infused crystal meth up the butthole is not as cheap as it sounds.  

    I know we joke, but I'm dead serious.....the day he dies will probably be one of the most celebrated days of my life.  I pray that nothing important is happening with work that day or the next, because I am going to go absolutely apeshit.  I will be handing out glasses of champagne to strangers.  I will be driving around with an American flag waving from my truck.  Shit, I really can't even conceive of all that I'll do in celebration.  Hell, I may just collapse into a chair and drink an entire bottle of scotch with a shit-eating grin stuck to my face.

    • Hook 'Em 6
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  16. 58 minutes ago, CooterBrown said:

    They shouldn’t get shit.

    School taxes are for the benefit of the community as a whole. The childless pay in. The elderly pay in. Property owning businesses pay in. Everyone benefits from what strong schools create…lower crime rates, better employment opportunities, better civic engagement, etc. A benefit of this community investment is that you get to attend schools for free. Whether you take advantage of that or not is your own personal decision but don’t think that you get to siphon off money from that community investment for your decision.

    Because we've spent decades, and have now succeeded, on killing the concept of the common good.  There's zero "we," only "me."  Why should I pay taxes, MY kids aren't n public school??  We don't just ignore the massive benefit to society as a whole that comes from having an educated population, we attack and denigrate that concept as communist libtard socialism Soros woke Antifa Let's Go Brandon.

    We're undermining the very floor beneath us all, it's so fucking stupid, and all we do is double and triple down on the strategy.  As a society, we're all-in on "Fuck Around."  The "Find Out" is going to be fucking horrible.

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