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Posts posted by Brisketexan

  1. 1 hour ago, FirstTimeCaller said:

    I can feel all the shit in my teeth from eating that just looking at the picture. 

    That's why you have the whiskey.  Great for a good rinse.  Still got some butterfinger in your teeth?  Pour another glass.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 12 minutes ago, Native Horn said:

    I served on a Travis Co DWI jury trial last week.  Defendant found not guilty due to lack of evidence (didn't collect breath or blood, even though defendant said he would offer them - field sobriety tests seemed OK according to video).  After trial was over, I did some research on the defendant.  It appears that 18 days after his DWI stop in Austin (this was in 2021), he had another incident in his hometown (not near Austin) where he was driving drunk and two of his passengers died.  Furk.  Hated to see that, but the jury I was on still made the right call in his Travis Co case.

    That's one of the under-considered pieces of fallout from police work that has contempt for the law, evidence, and due process: they do shitty policing when it comes to guilty people as well as innocent people, so guilty people end up going free.

    When the cops' approach to matters is "fuck it, he's guilty because we SAY he's guilty," that's a recipe for any jury worth its salt saying "I mean....maybe not?"

    Bad policing hurts EVERYONE.  It hurts the "law and order!" types as much as it hurts the hardcore civil libertarians.

    • Hook 'Em 3
    • Like 1
  3. 1 minute ago, tx ind said:

    we're getting closer to OnlyFans once she loses her seat


    But what is a certainty is that her career path as a $5k+ per night escort is coming along nicely.  It's a sales pitch that writes itself: "Fuck a former congresswoman for $5k."  Her calendar will be full the moment she starts accepting bookings.

  4. 4 minutes ago, ztejas said:

    Since when has APD ever been heavy-handed? I've never gotten the sense that police brutality or abuse of power was a big issue within Travis County. 

    They enforced the shit out of some DWIs back in the day - I'll give them that. 

    Since always.  Many of us didn't experience much of it because we were college types....not the types being targeted.  That said, when you got in their crosshairs, they were HAPPY to bodyslam you, lie on the arrest affidavit, all that shit.  I've seen it both first and secondhand.

    And the DWI enforcement was one of their worst things -- if they pulled you over for DWI, you were going to get charged, even if you were sober as a judge.  And if you dared question them, you were going to get ANOTHER charge (for contempt of cop).  If you were NEARBY and questioned what they were doing, you'd get charged with something.  They've been heavy-handed as shit, for a long damned time.  Comfy white Austin didn't experience it as much, so assumed it wasn't a problem.  They were wrong.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  5. 20 minutes ago, PvilleStang said:

    There's the other side of the coin.  The Karen / Cancel culture where they blame cops for anything and everything.  Again, doing your job correctly leads to an internal investigation for police brutality because some dumbass thinks they shouldn't have been pulled over for doing 20 over in a school zone.  The inherent lack of respect for authority paired with the customer's always right mindset leads to crap like this. 


    I know there are lazy / corrupt / bad cops, but I don't believe the entire APD force is conspiring to defraud the city of Austin for political carte blanche to bring about Marshall Law.


    Clearly what minorities have been telling society as a whole for decades, and that we can see in incident after incident after incident (camera phones are a cop's worst enemy)....well, those were lies.  And cops don't abuse citizens.  Bullshit.  I'm a pretty model citizen, from a pretty model family -- honest, hardworking parents, the whole deal.  But I've had a family member get the shit beaten out of him and tossed in jail (and not allowed to contact anyone...he literally had to bribe a jailer to make a call), and I've had a cop flat-out LIE on a citation to me, so GTFO with that bullshit.

    Sure, there are citizens who bitch when it's their own damned fault, but decades upon decades of letting cops get away with whatever the fuck they want leads to a culture that sees itself as completely above the law and accountable to nobody.  You don't have to believe that, that doesn't make it any less true.

    Cops in this country have made it clear that they want three things: 1) high pay (I don't fault them for that), 2) lots of military toys and tech, and 3) zero accountability or consequences for anything they do.  

    Nobody is saying it's not a hard job.  Lots of jobs are hard.  And a lot of jobs are way more dangerous. 

    You seem to subscribe to the "there's just a couple of bad apples in law enforcement" theory, and not the "the culture of law enforcement is broken" truth.  It's broken.  It's utterly and completely broken.  That doesn't mean that bad guys are also shitty, and that people complain about cops doing stuff that shouldn't be complained about.  Both things are true.  What the cops are doing in Austin is an open secret.  They're proud of it.

    • Hook 'Em 3
    • Fuck You 1
  6. 31 minutes ago, PvilleStang said:

    I think a huge part of the problem is the cops are afraid to do their jobs. 

    That's absolutely their story.  Let me translate it for you: "we used to be able to beat the shit out of anybody we wanted.  Now we're being held accountable.  We can't do our jobs under such draconian conditions!"  That's not unique to APD.  American policing culture is pushing back, and pushing back hard because they don't like things like "being subject to the law," and "being accountable to the communities they serve."  Instead, we should just give them badges, guns, and clubs, and give them a license to do whatever they want.  And if we don't like it?  Well then, we'll just leave, and you can secure your community yourself!

    • Rage+1 1
  7. At this point, the complete lack of enforcement action by APD (what ARE they doing with their time, exactly?) is purposeful.  And the reason for it is simple, but it's not what some of you might think it is.  It's not because the City Council has directed them not to arrest people for violent crimes.  It's not because we have a shitty DA (and we do have a shitty DA).  It's the strategy of an abuser.

    The police are pissed off about being called out on their bullshit -- abuse of citizens and such.  So, they are functionally going on a strike: they are simply refusing to take action against violent crime.  The goal is to get the population to be frightened and desperate enough to BEG the cops to do their job, and say "we'll give you whatever you want!  Be cops however you want!  Just protect us!"  

    It's contemptible and frankly fucking evil.  I don't see a fix.  They are making the choice pretty clear.  You can have bad cops with no limits on their behavior, or you can have no cops at all.  Pretty shitty choices.

    • Hook 'Em 6
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    • Rage+1 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, Rimbo said:

    Super important caveat here.

    Nearly everyone believes that they allow the evidence to inform their opinions.

    Almost no one ever does.

    The only time we allow evidence to possibly inform our opinions is when we are switching our tribal association, or when there is a conflict within the tribe. (For example, people generally came around on gay marriage because nearly everyone knows, and cares about, someone who is gay.)

    That's what makes what's going on in the GOP now so interesting to watch. The conflict within the tribe is going to cause people to review their beliefs.

    True.  But the bolded is depressing.  Because what do you think is more likely: 1) the review of said beliefs causes them to take a more rational, empathetic view of things, or 2) the review of said beliefs leads them to conclude that they don't hate ENOUGH/have ENOUGH anger at everyone who isn't like them?

    I know where I'm putting my money.

    1) There is no bottom.

    2) It only gets worse.

  9. Just now, immamac said:

    How early are you arriving? You are likely going to have to pre-buy a parking pass if you get there too late and just park in the gates. I wouldn't park anywhere outside fenced areas/gates anymore unless you are in a beater you don't give a shit about with nothing inside. Stuff's gotten much worse around the cotton bowl.

    Probably arriving around 8:00 am.  From what outfits can I pre-buy a parking pass, and where would those parking sites be?

  10. 3 minutes ago, The Dog said:

    you know "Trump as Speaker" is DOA when a guy from an R+19 district says "hell naw."

    .....because Trump isn't MAGA-crazy enough.  That part is really, really important.

    So, as many people hoped, the GQP is moving on from Trump.....by leaving him behind to head to even more psychotic destinations.

    Remember Brisket's Rules of the GQP:

    1) There is no bottom.

    2) It only gets worse.

    • Like 1
  11. 15 minutes ago, Francisco 2.0 said:




    And.....now we're fully in the phase of the cycle where "the Great Spiritual Leader has strayed from the vision of the Great Spiritual Leader, and must be cast out."  When we're at a point where Trump isn't Trumpy enough....that's interesting.  Also, entirely predictable, as it is a common phase of all political cult movements.  

    We're getting closer to the "everything falls apart and is set on fire" chapter of the Republic.  Swell.

    • Rage+1 1
    • Drool 1
  12. So, for real....it's been a long time since I've attended the game.  I usually hop over to I-45, so I'm approaching the fair from the Southeast, through that neighborhood.  Used to park on the field behind James Madison High school, I understand that's not in play any longer.  So...where to park over there that's reasonably safe/won't get my car windows busted in?

  13. Instead of this, a service the gov't needs to provide, that would be of real social benefit, would be to periodically and randomly send every phone pics of hot naked women.   That way, when your phone buzzes with pic of your mistress sending you a preview of the weekend's menu, and your wife sees it, you can gripe loudly "Goddammit, another one of those stupid government tests!  I wish we could just opt out!"

    I have lots of good ideas.

    Another one is "feed tuna fish mayonnaise." 

    • Haha 2
  14. This is weird

    Very. But I’ll take it.

    LIGHT crowd. Hell, we ate two of our tickets tonight. Couldn’t give ‘em away, put them on seat geek for $20, no takers.
    • Hook 'Em 1
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