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Everything posted by HateYouAndMyself

  1. Because some random bitch is throwing shade? Weird as hell to even take a shot at Simmons; doubt he even knew this was coming. The reports from USC are that they did not even get a deal done until literally last night. edit: And yes I know that is the mother. Clearly whatever drama she is supposedly referencing didn't do a damned thing to stop Simmons from lining up a killer group of '23 wideouts.
  2. It isn't even worth discussing because Coombs isn't coming here. He is a white whale like Karl Scott or Raymond. Nice to dream about but <.01% chance of happening. Purely theoretical? You would make Coombs Co-DC and pay him as much or even more than PK and dare the cunt to mention it twice. Offer Choate a token raise in exchange for losing the title and throw him some made up bullshit like 'run defense coordinator' or something like we did with Joseph. I stress again this is purely hypothetical because there is no fucking chance enough things go right for us to actually land someone like him.
  3. The only suitable reaction to that, for anyone not completely goddamn retarded, would be: Coombs would instantly flip Brookes and almost certainly guarantee Harris. Fucker has played a major role in bleeding talent from our state. Throwing a Co-DC tag on Coombs would be an automatic decision for 99.99% of the coaches out there. It is never going to happen though.
  4. If Williams follows Riley then I have to think Dart will hit the portal. No way he hangs around to compete with a guy his new HC is bringing with on the plane. Not sure we would factor into his potential landing spots but that kid has excellent upside and would be a good fit with Sark's system. /shrug
  5. Posted this in the coaching staff changes thread but it is relevant here also; Mickey Joseph (LSU WR coach and god tier recruiter) is bailing for Nebraska where he played college ball. Might put Shaz Preston back in play depending on the LSU hire. Haven't heard that name much since the collapse began but afaik we were still running second... just very far behind LSU.
  6. Sounds like Mickey Joseph is going to Nebraska. Sucks because he would have been the absolutely perfect replacement for Coleman.. but at least we won't have to recruit directly against his ass anymore. I get he played at Nebraska but still surprised he is joining that sinking ship. Obviously he would not have been an option if we are firing his brother (or cousin?) Terry but I will fucking believe that only when it actually happens. edit: On a recruiting related note... wonder what that potentially means for Shaz Preston. We haven't heard his name much the last ~month but that was mostly due to him being a considered an LSU lock afaik. Joseph was his primary there and he sure as fuck isn't following the guy to corn country. Hopefully Preston comes back into play depending on our hire.
  7. Stop being such a dipshit.. Harbaugh having patience is what almost cost him his fucking job. He spent years defending bad coaches on his staff and attempting to force an offensive philosophy that simply did not match his talent on campus. What happened? He had a gun put to his proverbial head and was told this was it; make the fucking changes that even the casual fans knew were needed... or else. And the cunt did it. The reason they are celebrating on that field right now is because he finally made a significant change on defense and brought in Macdonald, that fucking badass from the Ravens, to be his DC. The impact was clear and immediate. If anything this success by Michigan is an argument AGAINST having patience. Good assistant coaches do not need years to succeed. Their impact should be immediate and positive or they are shit. Not saying everything will or should work out perfectly like with Michigan right off the bat but when you see wholesale regression and incompetence there is no reason or need to keep jerking off the same corpse hoping it'll miraculously revive itself. Patience, and you, can go fuck itself.
  8. That... is one extremely underwhelming name to be thrown around. Not going to pretend to be an expert on TCU WR development but I catch a good portion of their games and that is not a unit that exactly jumps off the screen. Nor has Kelly been making much of a dent in recruitment. Texas should be able to do better than a guy with only three years experience and no notable achievements on the development front nor skins on the recruiting wall. Anyone know more about this guy that makes it sound less.. a massive reach?
  9. Stewart has ~300,000 guaranteed reasons to consider Aggy. He is also being directly told that Demas and other WRs at Aggy are just terrible low effort guys refusing to put in the work and that 'everything will change when we have our intended QBs!'. You combine all that crap together and route it through a world class snake oil salesman and you can start to see why he might bite despite common sense screaming "the fuck!?!?". Bama seems to be more of the threat currently anyway.
  10. Choate probably needs to go simply to free up the Co-DC tag. In the very least engage him about a title change; maybe he is fine with that so long as his pay remains the same. There are elite gettable DB coaches but you can't pussy around throwing out marginal raises and nothing titles like 'passing defense coordinator'. Raymond is probably staying at LSU no matter what we throw at him but just as an example he makes a whopping ~600K with his bonuses factored in. Offering him ~1M isn't going to cut it but ~2M and a Co-DC tag? Again just using Raymond as an example but there are other names out there. I'd already be on the phone with Karl Scott making sure he is enjoying the NFL (took a gig with the Vikings this year) and sweetly asking if he may not possibly want to return to the college ranks... I'm not sure there is a dollar amount Scott could ask for that I would not pay and while he probably is committed to making a go of NFL coaching you still have to kick those fucking tires. Money is the one fucking resource we have. Can't legally buy players like Harris, Brookes, Mathews, etc. but we sure as fuck can FINALLY buy a DB coach they would want to play for. Been what? Ten years since we had a difference maker in the secondary? Joseph has already shown enough in both recruiting and development to prove he is not the guy.
  11. And here I thought size was the only similarity between Dewberry and South Austin's mom.
  12. Maybe the 'eye' emoji thing just always meant we were 'watching another player pick someone else'. In that context all those moronic fucking tweets make sense.
  13. Compliance has a guideline that prevents the hiring of anyone involved in an active investigation. It is fucking stupid that this was applied to Raymond, as he was not directly implicated and ultimately never came up in the LSU rape scandal, but that is what blocked him last time. Wouldn't be an issue moving forward. Unfortunately I've heard we kind of burned that bridge and Raymond is likely to stick at LSU and give the new coach a chance. I believe others on here have heard the same.
  14. Any DC who wanted to keep Joseph on staff should be disqualified from fucking consideration. So no
  15. For context: This was last season where many felt Florida could make the playoff even if they lost to Bama in a close game in the SEC title match. They then shit the bed against LSU the week before and lost in part because of the above legendary play. Since then Florida has been a fucking dumpster fire with just staggeringly inconsistent play leading up to the Mullen firing today.
  16. Waive Sark's buyout and dangle him in front of their AD by a crane on a comically oversized fishing hook. Then hire Aranda. Easy.
  17. I just hope our administration shows some goddamn spine for once and goes on the attack. Not directly, of course, but the identity of this player needs to be leaked as soon the season is over. Then you can have the pundits and analysts go through and post all the many reasons for which the roster changes made sense and were clearly not 'based on race'. If its Casey Thompson, for example, anyone with a sliver of rationality can understand the need to give Card one last final chance to seize the job late in the season before he inevitably entered the portal. As far as starting in the first place you have hundreds of reports out there about scrimmages and practices in which Thompson fucking blew to back up the original decision as well. You can't do the usual "we need to stay above it all" strategy with something this damning and toxic. It has to be directly addressed, at least through proxies, and attacked. edit: or if god forbid it is true then obviously you need to use this situation to expose the BMDs once and for all and blacklist them. I know CDC will balk at anything that damages the money faucet but either way you have to show action on this. Can't let it be yet another ghost story about the big bad powerful racists looming in the dark behind our program. Only so much of that you can overcome and we are fucking drowning in it already.
  18. Jones is an attention seeking fuckwit and this behavior by him is despicable. "I don't want to be a detriment to the program"... but instead of waiting just one more fucking week till the season is over I'm going to lob this grenade into the coach's laps. When they are trying to keep the trust and focus of these kids? Not to mention doing it just a few weeks before early signing period. You already have a fuck ton of recruits, including some of our biggest targets, a bit wary of the EOT and other bullshit chatter. Now you validate those concerns with this vague accusation and give every rival coach their neg recruitment wetdream. It is just pure idiocy. I've seen some of you suggest that perhaps this was being done at the behest of coaches or others within the program who've tried to get things to change but failed.. that doesn't make any sense. It is the timing. There is just no fucking way anyone whose career actually is staked on Texas succeeding would ever want it to come out in this haphazard a way or to come out now. If this had been leaked to The Athletic or some other credible journalists in late February, along with a call to action and demands being made of our university leadership to excise those involved... then yeah. Sure. But the way this was handled? Hell no. In the very least you take it up the ladder to CDC, Hartzell and others first and force them to take a stance. If they then handle the situation and remove all access from the BMDs involved... great. No need for a scandal. If not then you can put them on blast also and remove obstacles to supposedly needed change. This was an orchestrated hit by someone manipulating the fact that Jones is too fucking stupid to keep his mouth shut nor capable of releasing information like this in a way or at a time that would not simply immolate the program. What an absolute dipshit.
  19. Nahlin said in that On3 podcast earlier that he didn't think Jaylon was a take for Texas. He skipped over him pretty quick but basically said despite his visiting this weekend he still felt the kid would end up at Tcu or Baylor because he felt Texas would prefer to use that potential spot on a transfer S instead. Maybe Hyphen let them know he is heading elsewhere and that opened a spot or maybe IT was just wrong /shrug
  20. Based on the level of competency I've seen from Sark so far I fully expect Drayton and Davis to be the only coaches let go.
  21. 1 QB 9 OL and just pray that by sheer fucking luck at least a few of those guys can actually play at a non-shit level. Real answer is probably 1 QB, 1 WR, 4 OL, 1 edge (if you can get someone established; otherwise 3 OL and 2 edge), 2 LB, 1 S. If we land Stewart, as increasingly unlikely as that might be, I still think we need at least one more WR considering how injury prone Jwhit is. I really like Thompson and Winfield but neither is going to probably make a huge difference their FR year.
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