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Everything posted by HateYouAndMyself

  1. Wish Casey well. Hope his father trips on a rake and impales a yard gnome up his ass. I actually do hope Hudson sticks around one more year though. He isn't going to win the job but injuries happen. You never know.
  2. Clearly Texas needs to hire Hayes Fawcett in that role
  3. Plot twist: Sydney will only make about $8,000 in 2022 in his employment as CTJ's full time cat butler (as in butler for his cats; not a butler that happens to also be a cat). However, CTJ knows that Sark bribed Gia to bite the shit out of that kid and its going to hit the press soon. Sark will be fired for cause and make exactly $0 next year making his statement technically true.
  4. As has been posted multiple times before, Watts and Brooks did not overlap in HS. Brooks transferred in after Watts graduated or something like that. Some of these guys are so damn lazy. (Hummer, not you).
  5. Miami and Cristobal are doing exactly what you would expect to try and sway Skinner these final days. Texas is not under consideration there.
  6. OU is just going to take Casey Thompson in the portal instead. (please, god... for the lulz)
  7. That isn't a newb question. Don't feel bad for asking it. Some people on here know for exactly the reasons you would think. Not sure how definitive an answer I want to give you beyond that. I personally know in the case of Stewart because I know some of the people that were involved on our end. I know what was being thrown his way and I know his people took a higher offer from Aggy. So I can say, with extreme confidence, that it was at least above ~250-300K. Others on here who I have no relationship with, and who have their own connections, have said its probably above 350K. I have no idea with Harris beyond knowing, through my same connections, that he is 100% for sale and making a business decision and that we simply didn't successfully engage with him in the right way or with the right effort. Not saying more than this /shrug edit: just to be clear you never really know what someone gets if you lose that battle. Just how it goes. Obviously their people are not going to just tell you or admit to anything. So it could be a dollar more, it could be less money but with more promised ancillary benefits, or it could be fucking double. You just don't know. You can generally guess with some accuracy but that is about it.
  8. Probably because it is annoying to see post after post by some of you fucking smooth brained cuntwaffles that just refuse to understand PLAYERS ARE BEING BOUGHT BY FUCKING AGGY. BURN IT INTO YOUR GODDAMN BRAIN. THE REASON WE KNOW WE ARE NOT GETTING STEWART AND HARRIS IS BECAUSE WE KNOW HOW MUCH THEY ARE BEING PAID AND IT IS MORE THAN OUR GUYS WERE WILLING TO OFFER IN RETURN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT ISN'T FUCKING COMPLICATED!!! JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. Ahem. Sorry to be harsh but it isn't 'positivity' to pump sunshine and fill pages with wishcasting nonsense about players who we literally know the details of. You wanted to be hopeful about a guy like Neto? Go right fucking ahead. No one knew a damn thing about him. You want to be hopeful about Abor? Again; go right ahead. No one should shit on you for that. Ain't no one had a good read on him consistently throughout this process. Mathews got himself a bag by Aggy but I'm not convinced it will ultimately dictate his decision so you might even be able to have some hope there. But if you continue to make stupid fucking comments about Harris, Stewart or Perkins you deserve to be called a dipshit for doing so. If you think that is harsh so be it; I truly don't give a shit because it has gotten to the point where every time I see that fucking profile pic of yours I just know the comment there within is going to make my brain hurt. edit: and yes, at least half my username is EXTREMELY relevant in this particular case.
  9. We are just going to have a lot of very large and athletic towel boys that just happen to run drills with the team
  10. Quick someone tell Stewart he can make hiring our new RB coach a reality show for YT and star in it as host. BOOM. WR secured.
  11. LS is almost certainly going to be on scholarship from what we keep hearing. Not sure what happens with the kicker now that Dicker is planning to return. Sounds like a greyshirt to me.
  12. Gerry just doubled down that as of 45 minutes before Winfield announced he was still a take for us. Says we simply lost that one to Baylor. As hilarious as it would be to find out Sark called Winfield like 2 minutes before he went on stage to pull the offer I just can't see that happening.
  13. They haven't exactly been blowing minds over the past few years (he has only been there since '18) in terms of offensive recruitment and he was sharing the stage with some proven killers in recruiting. I imagine he is better than Drayton but he also doesn't have anything remotely close to the same track record. Beyond that... considering how our compliance cockblocked any chance of a Raymond hire I wonder if everyone in that LSU program the last handful of years is perhaps untouchable? Just something that could prove an obstacle even if we did want him. edit: wtf it randomly added photos? This system is so fucked right now hahaha
  14. Good. Roach has been consistently saying 55/45 Aggy for like a week now. Still seems most likely that Harris will just not sign until February. Has to make his decision by January since he is early enrollee but I highly doubt he comes to a clear decision in the next 72 hours.
  15. My blind guess is Luther Burden. Based on nothing other than his random ass appearance in that one IG live chat thing
  16. They have said they would take 'the right 7' if it came down to it. LT Banks, RT (and maybe some RG just to see the field earlier) Neto and Williams, C Hutson and Robertson, LG Agbo. Campbell would make 7 if we fight through whatever this last minute bullshit / invasion by Bama happens to be. I think we would happily take all 7 of those. More likely we might see someone like Williams break away due to the overlap with Neto... but the upside on Williams is so fucking monstrous, and he perfectly fits Flood's scheme, that you have to hope he is willing to come in and compete anyway and see how it goes.
  17. Forget about playing the bag game. If our boosters really wanted to help they would hire an impersonator to pretend to be Kerry Coombs wife and go house shopping at multiple campuses in need of a DC/DB coach. Just 'accidentally' keep speaking too loud on the phone about Ohio St firing your husband. Terrance Brooks here we come!
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