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Posts posted by IDIOTsavant

  1. 7 minutes ago, ImGolfn said:

    98 is a strong number to take the over, missing a catcher and couple starting pitchers.  I think 90+ but i dont think they get the over.

    You can also make the argument that the Mariners will take a large step back next year. The Astros went 9-10 against them last year. They're also probably factoring in some regression by the A's. It's a big number, but I still think they get there.

  2. I think Bru is a lot like OJ McClintock...at least that one play from OJ's highlights on the old Recruits in Review VHS. Y'all remember the one. The defense (EJ et al) are chasing him grasping at anything they can get their hands on. One of them grabs a thread on his Jock strap and pulls. OJ weaves in and out if traffic for 60 yards while everyone is left holding a few threads that keep unraveling until he scores. Everyone then realizes they've been looking at his ass the whole time.

  3. 6 minutes ago, Lat22 said:

    Lol at the roof being closed on a day like today. What a giant middle finger to taxpayers that paid for that expensive retractable roof. 

    Why in the hell would you open the roof when you worked all season for home field advantage? The difference in volume is quite noticeable. Also, this line of discussion has reminded me: fuck Bud Selig.

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  4. 4 minutes ago, Hiphopopotamos said:



    Not sure who - but one of the guys here mentioned we’ve been in contact with that CamRon kid. 3 star - committed to Tech I think.



    Cam'Ron Johnson isn't committed as far as I can tell. Tech does have the CB edge, but we haven't offered as far as I know.

  5. 21 minutes ago, LTtxfan said:

    Seems like a good labor attorney could make sure a player like LJH gets a clean slate when they start in NFL... Don't have to start in "The Program"

    This take is VERY VERY wrong. See my 2 posts at the bottom of the last page. You don't even have to fail a test to be placed in the program. No person or law will stop Mooby's PR campaign 

  6. 8 minutes ago, IDIOTsavant said:

    Failing school tests that aren't disclosed due to privacy issues won't get you into the program as a rookie. A failed combine test will get you into the program upon admittance to the union. Behavior can get you into the program as well, i.e. if a player is cited for possession without failing a test, they can be placed into the program. For LJH, a public disclosure of suspension for failed drug tests could possibly be considered under the behavior clause.

    Just looked it up. Any behavioral trigger within 2 years prior to a player's combine can be considered.

  7. 9 minutes ago, Gene Parmesan said:

    Is that true?  I know a positive combine test will get you in the NFL program early, but I can't imagine tests from college get you in the program. 

    Failing school tests that aren't disclosed due to privacy issues won't get you into the program as a rookie. A failed combine test will get you into the program upon admittance to the union. Behavior can get you into the program as well, i.e. if a player is cited for possession without failing a test, they can be placed into the program. For LJH, a public disclosure of suspension for failed drug tests could possibly be considered under the behavior clause.

  8. 8 hours ago, TexMexBuddha said:

    Didn't we hire him as d line coach?

    I wasn't sure which coach he was referencing specifically (sounds like you're implying Bo Davis which is probably the case). I was just  alluding to Lupoi's reputation as a bagman. I know he didn't get to Bama until after this time period. When talking about Bama's bagmen, it can all get a little convoluted.

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  9. 7 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    I don't get this at all.

    The Sugar Bowl was January 1 (Tuesday night) and ended almost 11pm CT.  Did anyone complain about that? Not everyone had off Wednesday.

    As for the bolded part, they've played 2 epic championship games already.  Highly entertaining.  People will watch.

    As for the italicized part, you're such a liar.  No one who cares about college football stopped watching.  You'll have nothing else until the Spring Game, which barely counts as football, until August.  People will watch.

    On this board or in Georgia? No. Ask fans of other schools if they liked the late start midweek for the Sugar Bowl. Better yet, how many people were watching the beginning of the game versus the end? People emotionally invested in the game will watch without issue, but good luck keeping the casual fan for the whole thing. I'm a diehard (as are a large portion of this board), so I'll watch it...but I'll be pissed I stayed up come 5:45 a.m. the next day.

  10. 8 minutes ago, utexas8 said:


    What does remove the governor mean? The actual governor?


    That’s what I never understood, Texas makes so much money but refuses to outbid like sanders.

    I assume it's as in, I took the restrictor plate off the red dragon, but keep it on the down low. It's not exactly street legal.

    • Like 2
  11. 9 minutes ago, Butch Had Not said:

    It's been a while and probably not this awesome but I think I remember ced benson going crazy in the playoffs. Anyone with a better memory?

    I want to say that he had around 225 yards & 5 TDs in the state title game 3 years in a row, and Huston Street tackled him about 20 times at DKR in the last one.

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